Chapter 688
"Auntie, I usually cook at home. Today just so happens, let your elders try my cooking. I'm sure you will be satisfied."

In the end, under Jun Qian's insistence, He's mother compromised, leaving He Yueyue inside as a symbolic help.

After Mother He left the kitchen, she sat on the sofa, winked at Father He who was drinking tea calmly, motioned him to look at the kitchen, and then lowered her voice.

"I think this kid is not bad, and Yueyue won't suffer anything from him."

"Oh, I always feel that my heart is not at ease." Father He looked at the busy back inside, feeling a little disappointed.

"You, you, I just want to marry my daughter, and I feel reluctant. This Junqian, although he is a bit older, is okay, he doesn't look old, and besides, he can take care of others when he is older."

Mother He patted his arm to comfort him, she thought Jun Qian was pretty good.

"No, I can't tell you what it feels like, I just feel that he is too good to be true."

Father He frowned and tried his best to organize his words, but he couldn't express what he wanted to say, so he could only sigh in the end.

"You, you are so nice that you have become a flaw? We can find such a person every month, because she is good enough."

Mother He looked at the two harmonious figures inside, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she became.

"Okay, stop talking, let's observe and observe."

Father He took another sip of his tea, and began to look at Jun Qian out of the corner of his eye again. Maybe it was just like what Mother He said, because he was thinking about marrying his daughter soon, so he was reluctant.

Jun Qian cooks quickly, and he arranges the dishes in a timely manner. The dishes bought by He's mother are properly matched by him. After a while, a whole table of exquisite dishes is placed on the dining table.

"Uncle and aunt, it's time to eat."

"Hey, here we come."

Mother He responded first, with a smile on her face that she couldn't hide no matter what.

At the dining table, Jun Qian came by car and would have to go back later, so he couldn't drink. He stood up and poured some drinks into the glass.

"Uncles and aunts, I'll give you a drink instead of wine. Thank you for raising such an excellent daughter. Please rest assured that you will give her to me. I will definitely treat her well.

Yueyue has known me for many years and has helped me a lot. From now on, I will give Yueyue everything she wants and do my best to make her the happiest person. "

Jun Qian's words were touching and sincere. He Yueyue was listening beside her, her eyes felt hot and she almost shed tears.

"I hope you do what you say."

Father He was very indifferent, and clinked glasses with him.

At this moment, Mother He is looking at him like a mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, and the more she looks at him, the more she likes him.

The dining room was full of laughter and excitement. After the meal, it was still Jun Qian who rushed to clean up the dishes. He Yueyue had a dishwasher at home, so Jun Qian didn't need to touch the water.

After everything was cleaned up, Jun Qian was about to go back, and Father He spoke.

"Yueyue, you can stay at home tonight, your mother has seen you for a long time."

"Yeah, just stay tonight."

Mother He spoke on the sidelines.

"Yueyue, then you can accompany your uncle and aunt tonight, and I will go back by myself."

Jun Qian smiled at her. He wanted to leave his daughter alone to talk. He thought that his performance today was impeccable, so he was not afraid at all.

"Okay then, you drive and pay attention to safety."

He Yueyue thought for a while, nodded, and sent him out, and the family of three sat down on the sofa.

"Mom and Dad, what do you think of Jun Qian? Is he your ideal son-in-law?"

He Yueyue couldn't wait to ask, her eyes were full of broken, shining little stars, Jun Qian was the person she recognized, and naturally hoped to be recognized by her parents.

"I'm quite satisfied. I can make money, I can cook, I'm good to you, and I'm handsome."

Mother He smiled kindly, and after a series of events, Jun Qian's evaluation was very high.

"Dad, what about you?"

He Yueyue asked her father again, feeling a little uneasy.

"Overall, it's pretty good, but in my heart, I'm always not at ease."

Although Father He was smiling, his words were not very relaxed, with a hint of melancholy.

"Your father just thought that you were going to get married, and he couldn't bear it. When a father is married, his daughter will always feel sad for a few days."

Mother He laughed beside her, she knew very well what her husband looked like, she thought back then, when Yueyue was in high school, sometimes she would come back late, or go out on weekends, and she would fall asleep tired after returning.

He was whispering in his ear, wondering if his daughter had fallen in love early.

For this matter, he secretly followed him a few times, but probably his eyesight was not good, so after following him a few times, he lost track of him.

"Dad, even if I'm married, I'm still your daughter. Besides, Junqian's home is also in the imperial capital. If you want to see me, I can come back anytime. They are all in the same place. That's not counting. What are you marrying away?"

He Yueyue sat next to her father, resting her head on his shoulder, with a sore nose.

"That's for sure, even if you marry eight hundred times, she's still my daughter."

Father He was in a much better mood after being told by the mother and daughter, and he attributed the inexplicable uneasiness to the melancholy of his reluctant daughter getting married.

After Jun Qian drove home, he sent her a message.

Junqian: I'm home.

He Yueyue: Well, that's good.

He Yueyue responded to the news very quickly, especially in this kind of love that was sweeter than honey, she devoted 100% of her enthusiasm and patience.

Before going to bed at night, He Yueyue sent Jun Qian a WeChat message with her mobile phone in her hand.

He Yueyue: I'm not here, you should go to bed early and don't stay up late.

Jun Qian: Follow orders, my wife.

Jun Qian: Wife, what is your parents' impression of me?Am I doing well today?

He Yueyue: Your performance is very good. The second elder is very satisfied with you. It is you, a flower thief, who stole the flowers of the flower farmers. Now the flower farmers are a little sad and depressed.

Jun Qian: Oh, then I have to be nicer to that potted flower, and try to water and fertilize her constantly, so that her branches and leaves will flourish, so that the flower grower can feel better.

He Yueyue: Of course [tsundere face]
The two held their mobile phones and sent text messages for more than half an hour without feeling sleepy at all.

In the end, it was He Yueyue who looked at the time and felt that she had to go to bed, so she sent the word good night.

Putting down the phone, looking at the ceiling, I feel beautiful.

To be honest, she didn't expect that Jun Qian and Jun Qian would be able to get to where they are today. Five or six years ago, it was said that you and Jun Qian were in love with each other and were going to get married.

She designated to scold that person as crazy, how could she fall in love with a devil like Jun Qian?
But the world is impermanent, and people's hearts will always change.

But now thinking about those difficult days in the past, it seems like what happened in the previous life.

Sure enough, the best ones are always left at the end, and you have to go through some hardships before you can eat sweet candies.

(End of this chapter)

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