
Chapter 192 Touhou Remake

Chapter 192 Touhou Remake

"Oriental Seal of Demons" is an old game in 97. The painting style is definitely very rough now, so if Wang Hao really made it according to the original work, then he is basically in a state of waiting to die. .

First of all, let’s talk about why it will become black history when it is made?

Some people will definitely say that even if the painting style is rough, some people will like to play it, and indeed some people will like it, but that is only a part of it, and the problem is not limited to the painting style, and it can even be said to be full of loopholes.

There is no doubt about this, even ZUN in his previous life hoped that the world would forget the first five works of the Touhou series, because this is completely dark history.

For example, take the Hakurei Reimu in the "Oriental Demon Records" that Wang Hao is currently producing. The Hakurei Reimu in this work and the next series of Hakurei Reimu are completely different. For the time being It can be divided into old work and new work.

The old work is the first five works in the Touhou series. The Reimu in Touhou Fengmolu has an oval face with a purple single ponytail and a super-large bow tie behind it. It is similar to the bun face of the new work, with black hair and red hair. The bow version is completely two looks.

So he alone plans to make major changes, such as character settings and scripts, all of which must be modified.

After the old work is remade, it becomes the first work of the Oriental series in the true sense of the world, without any black history, which naturally has great significance.

To put it simply, Wang Hao intends to create a remake of Dongfang Fengmolu, because the [-] version will be eliminated in this era no matter what aspect it is.

The characters are created according to the new work, the script will also be modified, and some characters will be deleted at the same time, such as the turtle Xuanye who appeared in Dongfang Fengmolu.

This character is the mount of Hakurei Reimu, but there is absolutely no need for it to exist, because the character of the turtle Xuanye has never appeared in the following new works.

And in the current series, the tortoise Xuanye is only used as a flying tool, so Wang Hao decided to delete this character first, and changed the setting of Hakurei Reimu to be able to fly in the sky because he learned a certain spell. flight.

Because in the setting of the old work, Hakurei Reimu can't fly, so I can only take the yin and yang jade together with the turtle Xuanye to investigate the reason why the monsters appear, and rush to the Hakurei Shrine to eliminate the monsters.

If you have to say why, it is that the time left for him is not enough. Although the production of Dongfang Fengmolu is quite simple, it is not easy for Wang Hao to make it before the summer comic exhibition. thing.

"The script needs to be changed, the tortoise can be deleted, and the characters can be created according to the new work, but the main characters can't be moved, and the painting style and plot can't be bad..."

Wang Hao frowned and muttered to himself, he needs to change the script, which is no problem, and there is no big problem with the character image.

However, in the next step, the setting of the plot should be more full, and the production of the screen and handwritten MAD should also be improved. These changes are essential.

It is equivalent to continuing to make some optimization adjustments in the case of the remake of the previous life.

"Working overtime to create, it should be fine, right?"

Wang Hao estimated the time by himself. With his current strong physical fitness and bug-like skills, he can make it before the summer comic exhibition by himself.

Of course, the game screen production must not be rough, because in the game industry, appearance is already one of the indispensable and important components!

Among the excellent works in the game industry, at least nine out of ten are exquisite in style, and the remaining one is not much different in style, but compared to other excellent works, it is slightly inferior That's all.

"The second is the characters. You can let Marisa Kirisame act as the boss of the game, and the only character that the player can choose is Hakurei Reimu. Touhou Fengmolu first let these two important characters appear on the stage."

Dongfang Fengmolu, which he is currently creating, is completely two versions from the old work, considering the lack of time and the need to work more on other aspects.

Wang Hao can only regard Kirisame Marisa as a boos, and the character can only choose Hakurei Reimu, so that it can be produced perfectly and strive for excellence.

Although the effect of more characters appearing on the stage may be better, but each additional character appears, he has to do more things.

For example, the skills of the character and the test for causing damage, character image, script, plot integration, programming, etc...

All of these require a lot of time investment, but it is impossible for him to only make games during this period, and the progress of manga and light novels cannot be left behind, as well as some miscellaneous trivial matters.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao couldn't help laughing bitterly again, it seems that he will have to work overtime again, he is really a hardworking little bee.

But despite this, time must be controlled, even if the work cannot be done continuously every day, the law of life must be firmly controlled.

Wang Hao decided that from now on, at most 12 o'clock every night, he must take a rest on time, and everything should not be rushed, and the school also allowed him to ask for leave, and he will follow the steps step by step, so that there will be no problem.

"Is it better to expand the community?"

At present, the members of the "Modern Dimension Research Institute" are busy making "CLANNAD", and there is a possibility that it cannot be made before the Winter Comic Exhibition, so Wang Hao can only work on "Oriental Demon Record" at the same time creation.

He is now considering whether to continue to expand the current club, recruit additional members, or look for temporary members, so that he doesn't have to be so busy.

Moreover, in Wang Hao's eyes, the expansion of the community is only a matter of time, but his attitude towards this is that it is better to use the current community as the core, and continue to develop externally, but the core must be strictly screened.

While thinking about it, Wang Hao started to make Dongfang Fengmolu again. The reason why he was confident that he could make it by himself in such a short period of time was because he was almost familiar with the structure of the entire game, and only needed to make some optimizations and adjustments.

As for the dubbing required by the characters in the handwritten MAD, this is not a problem. He can find Muse or Qingshan Qihai to do the dubbing.

There are no problems with the above. At this stage, Wang Hao only needs to create these slowly by himself, and sit silently by the computer and force programming...


(End of this chapter)

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