Peerless Doctor

Chapter 1596 Fish Swimming in Trees

Chapter 1596 Fish Swimming in Trees
What made Chen Yang even more depressed was the shaking of the ground. Apparently the tree demon was being disturbed, and the other spirit beasts around were also being disturbed, running over here to grab water.

If you don't immediately enter the tree body, you will die.

Chen Yang didn't want to be caught in a fierce battle with spirit beasts, let alone provoke the tree demon's revenge.

Fortunately, Chen Yang kept poking open the trunk of the tree, and the spirit beasts around his body had water to drink, so the surrounding was much looser, and Chen Yang had a chance to move inside.Of course, it is impossible to go out at this time. The spirit beasts are very cunning, and they are all preventing Chen Yang from running out, completely blocking his retreat.

In their eyes, Chen Yang is a free water digger, and they have water to drink if they guard Chen Yang.

Puff puff puff puff puff...

Chen Yang quickly poked holes while running.The tree became more fragile as it went inward, and it was easier to poke the hole, but Chen Yang did not expand the hole, and kept it at two meters wide, so that the dryad could repair it in a minute or two.

The tree demon has already felt the continuous poking holes. The tree body vibrates more and more violently, and paper strips grow from it, entangled like tentacles.

Chen Yang was restricted, and the spirit beasts were even more restricted. Their huge bodies were more affected by the note, and they roared in anger, biting the note frantically, quickly destroying the note, and continued to drink with Chen Yang water.

However, more and more notes grew from the tree, faster and faster, and it became more and more difficult to drink water.

"Ah..." Suddenly Chen Yang let out a scream, and was caught by the note, and was lifted up into the air.

At this time, the cave was still 3000 meters high, and the tallest spirit beast was only more than 500 meters high. Chen Yang couldn't be captured even if he stretched out his hand.

This made them anxious, and they jumped into a rage one by one, jumped into the air to chase Chen Yang, and slammed at the note in the air.

At this time, they became Chen Yang's protectors instead.

But there are too many branches, they interrupt this one, and the next one wraps around Chen Yang, pulling Chen Yang up quickly, and the strangling ability of the branches is very strong, if the spirit beast is entangled, it will be entangled There were bloodstains all over her, and if she didn't break free immediately, her life would be threatened.

At the same time, there is evil energy in this branch, which has a huge impact on Chen Yang and the spirit beast.

Finally, the spirit beast couldn't stand it anymore, Chen Yang was rolled up to the top of the cave by a branch, and smashed down hard, not only entangled but also hugged and fell.

The spirit beasts were beating their chests and stamping their feet, there was really nothing they could do. They had been parasitic on the tree demon, so they naturally knew how powerful the branches were.

The sap from the tree is very nourishing to them, but they must be able to drink it.Chen Yang poked holes one by one before, and let them enjoy the delicious food very happily.

But finally unable to withstand the attack of the tree demon, they had no choice but to give up, otherwise their own lives would be in danger.

They looked disappointed as they watched Chen Yang hit the ceiling of the cave.Of course it's just disappointment.

Disappointment at not being able to drink delicious juice is not sympathy for Chen Yang's life and death, Chen Yang is just a tool for them.

But at this moment, Chen Yang moved, and slashed the iron sword three times in a row, then cut off the branches wrapped around his body, and the last sword pierced the tree on the top of the cave.The attack power suddenly doubled.

With a muffled pop, a large hole with a radius of more than ten meters was opened in the tree.There was juice gushing out, but it was not as turbulent as the fountain before.

The opening of the hole was too large, and more than [-]% of it was made of tough tree trunks. Only two pipes more than one meter thick were cut off.

The rest of the branches entangled, but it was too late to entangle Chen Yang. Chen Yang used his inertia to walk and plunge into the broken tree hole.

Quickly hop inside and dove into one of the broken pipes.Countless branches rolled over like snakes behind him, but they were all a bit slow, and they didn't catch Chen Yang.

Several branches were not reconciled, and chased deeply along the pipe.

But Chen Yang who entered the pipeline has become a fish swimming in the water, moving extremely fast, and at the same time, the wooden meteor on his chest is also shining brightly, quickly spitting out and devouring the special energy in the juice.

Originally, the squeezing effect of the juice on Chen Yang was greatly reduced, which made Chen Yang move forward faster. At this time, Chen Yang did not choose to go down, but went up along the water flow, naturally running several times faster.

After 5000 meters, the branches that penetrated in finally exhausted, and retreated to the surface of the tree helplessly.

And the hole broken by Chen Yang was quickly repaired.Under the pressure of countless branches, the spirit beast gradually calmed down.Pidadong regained its tranquility.

After all, this tree demon has no experience in fighting Chen Yang, so he thought that Chen Yang would be dead if he ran into the tree body. Everything alien.

The dryad was secreting toxins around Chen Yang at this moment, trying to digest Chen Yang internally. At this time, the phagocytosis ability of the wood meteor was very small for it, and it could hardly sense it. All the dryads didn't take it seriously.

When everything calmed down, the tree demon gradually forgot about chasing Chen Yang. After all, the induction inside the tree body was much weaker than that outside, and it didn't have the inner vision ability of human beings.The habitual secretion of toxins can kill Chen Yang.

Whoops, Chen Yang is already going down.He avoided the note attack and climbed 3 meters. After getting rid of the pursuit, he blocked the harassment of tree poison.

At the same time, it suppressed the engulfment of energy by the wood meteor, and successfully hid itself. After he quietly moved tens of thousands of meters, the dryad didn't know where he was, so he turned around and went down.

At this time, Chen Yang quickly dived towards the roots of the tree along a return pipe, and at the same time his consciousness spread out to observe everything along the way. The ability to penetrate the tree body was limited, and it could only cover 30 miles. At first, it could sense the entire Cross section of tree trunk.

The trunk became thicker as it went down, Chen Yang could only sense a part of the cross-section, but that was about the same, for him to sneak into the root of the tree as soon as possible was the key.

Now that there were no other threats, Chen Yang observed the surroundings more carefully and specifically.

This tree demon is much stronger than the previous one. That one is an ant, and this one is a deep-sea blue whale.The further down it went, the more Chen Yang felt its vastness.

Fortunately, I have seen its base from the outside before, and it has a radius of hundreds of millions of miles. Even if the outside is surrounded by fairy stones, the inner tree has a range of hundreds of millions of miles.

Chen Yang didn't look around, and focused on going down, and he had already descended a million meters, but it was still far away from the depths of the tree roots. At this time, he had already gone deep into the ground. At that time, Chen Yang climbed up to only a million meters.

Of course, the top is so huge, and the depth below the ground is not hundreds of thousands of meters, Chen Yang feels that it is abnormal.

But when he continued to go down, he realized that this was far more than hundreds of thousands of meters, and he descended another million meters without seeing any sign of the tap root diameter becoming thinner.

On the contrary, it began to fork when it was 20 meters below the ground. At this time, there were already five main roots going deep into the ground, and Chen Yang took the middle one.

Descending another million meters, it finally came to an end.

It's not the usual kind of tap root that ends in thinner and thinner, but the thick one that has been cut off suddenly, and looking forward, it's a gray area. This gray area is full of fairy stones, unlike the ones outside that have pieces of fairy stones. Stacked, but a whole page, I don't know how huge it is.

At the same time, the dense and substantive immortal energy poured in here, sucked into the roots of the tree like a whirlpool, and the immortal energy surged so violently that the detection distance of Chen Yang's spiritual sense dropped significantly.Fortunately, it has already left the tree here, and the gray area over there can cover hundreds of thousands of miles.

What is in the depths of the fairy stone?
(End of this chapter)

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