Peerless Doctor

Chapter 150 Vixen

Chapter 150 Vixen
It has to be said that Chen Yang has picked up a treasure when he got Chen Wu and his group. Although they are not cultivators, they are elites who are one in a thousand in the army. It's amazing.

In time, he will be the most important force around Chen Yang, protecting the safety of his girlfriend and relatives.

Just as he was about to leave, Chen Yang's cell phone rang, and as soon as he connected it came Zhao Dabao's exclamation: "Chen Yang, come quickly, Li Yan has gone crazy, rushed to the top of the building and clamored to jump off the building."

"Aren't her family members accompanying her?" Chen Yang was surprised.

"It is said that something happened to her mother just a few minutes after she went to buy breakfast." Zhao Dabao said nervously.

Unable to speak clearly on the phone, Chen Yang said goodbye to Liang Xiangqi while making the phone call, and ran to the door.Chen Wu followed closely, and said calmly: "You may be able to help by investigating the matter of Building No. [-]."

"Okay, come with me." Chen Yang nodded.Chen Wu mentioned what happened last night when he was asked to investigate the Qinglong Gang before, and Chen Wu knew about Building No. [-].

Ten minutes later, Chen Yang drove to the hospital. At this time, he had been taken down and carried into the ward, but there were still many people discussing in the yard. The police also came, and it was the branch chief Wang Hucheng who led the team.Seeing Chen Yang coming over, he was overjoyed and came over to say hello, "Mr. Chen came just in time. The director told me to work closely with you."

Everyone walked to the treatment room on the first floor, and there were many people around the door of the treatment room. There were fierce noises and women screaming inside, which was very chaotic.Two little nurses came out from inside, their faces were flushed and their eyes were full of tears, obviously they had been wronged a lot.

Wang Hucheng separated the crowd, and Chen Yang approached the treatment room, and saw that Li Yan had been tied to the hospital bed with a restraint belt, struggling and screaming non-stop.The two doctors were standing next to them, looking at a loss, while a woman was dragging the nurse and cursing, and there was an obese child running around beside her.

"My daughter had an accident just a few minutes after I left. It must be your fault. You gave her the wrong treatment. You have to bear all the consequences. If you can't cure her and go crazy, you will pay her for the rest of her life."

"Only these two idiots are useless. The half-day treatment is useless. Hurry up and find the best experts."

"There is no one million yuan in this matter that can't solve the problem..."

Chen Yang frowned when he heard this, what kind of virtue is this woman, her daughter just recovered her life, she didn't actively cooperate with the treatment, instead she threatened the medical staff, asking for compensation.

"You're still unreasonable. It's normal for patients to repeat themselves. Why is it our responsibility?" The nurse said angrily. It turned out to be Qin Linmei. Now.

Unexpectedly, not only did he not get the gratitude from the family members, but he was also slandered by this woman's harsh words, no matter how good his temper was, he couldn't stand it.

"Who doesn't know that the hospital is the darkest place, and black-hearted medical treatment with sky-high prices for medicines is nothing but a waste of money. Now if something happens, it will only shirk responsibility. My daughter's accident in the hospital is not your responsibility, but whose responsibility is it?" The woman is arrogant said.

"We have been treating with heart, is it because you don't cooperate?" The doctor retorted angrily.

"Bah! It's been a long time since my daughter hasn't improved at all, and I'm ashamed to say that the treatment is nothing more than cheating money." The woman cursed, and then pointed the finger at the doctor and warned: "Hurry up and let you lead me here. My daughter has been seriously traumatized. For the best treatment, you have to pay for damages, both mental and physical damages."

"Madam, please be quiet. If there is any problem in the hospital, I will go to the police station for mediation. This will not only harm your daughter's treatment, but also affect other people." Wang Hucheng stepped forward to stop the woman and said solemnly.

"The police came just in time. I want to sue them for misdiagnosis, which caused my daughter to become like this, and I have to pay for it." The woman screamed louder when she saw the police approaching, like a mad dog biting anyone she saw.

" can you say that? We didn't misdiagnose him. Don't slander." Qin Linmei trembled with anger. She had never seen such a vicious family member.

"I will investigate the specific situation and what problems the quarrel can solve. What the patient needs most now is quiet treatment." Wang Hucheng's face became more serious.

"How can I treat it? I don't trust the doctors here anymore. I have to hire better experts. These quack doctors will only harm people. How can you be calm if you don't agree to my conditions?" The woman continued to slap her.

Chen Yang couldn't stand it anymore, stepped forward and separated Qin Linmei's hand, and said coldly: "Speak and pay for the silence, are you going to save your daughter, or use her to blackmail you? If you want to save her, shut up immediately."

"You dare to scold me... Oh, you were there last night, so you can't get rid of it. I suspect that you are responsible for my daughter's madness now." The woman did not show any weakness at all, and also cursed at Chen Yang.

"We rescued four girls last night, and they are all doing well now, only your daughter had an accident, have you ever thought about the reason?" Chen Yang snorted coldly.

"What's the reason? Didn't you frame it on purpose?" the woman said arrogantly.

"I gave each of you a jade pendant last night. Where did the jade pendant around Li Yan's neck go?" Chen Yang pointed at the patient.

" do I know, a broken jade pendant was probably lost when I pulled it just now." The woman defended with a flustered expression.

"How can you open your eyes and talk nonsense, woman? It is a consecrated Hetian jade worth tens of thousands. Chen Yang asked you to keep it safe. I think you hid it privately because of the money." Zhao Dabao said angrily. Unrelated people gave jade pendants but he didn't have one, so he felt upset. Now that this woman is deliberately making excuses, he feels so uncomfortable.

"Fatty, don't spitting blood, I just don't know if I don't know." The woman became even more flustered.

"Mom... Mom... Is this what you are talking about? You took it off my sister's neck and put it on for me in the morning. I don't like it at all." The fat boy ran over and said showing off.

"...Don't interrupt children when adults are doing things, go and play." The woman's expression changed, and she quickly grabbed the boy's mouth.

"No, I'm going to say it, I'm going to say it." The boy was not afraid of her being violent at all.

"Hey, I'll buy you some ice cream later." The woman had a very good attitude at this time, patiently comforting her, and didn't care if the boy punched her indiscriminately.

"No, I want to eat ice cream now, give me the money." The boy threatened.

"Okay, I'll give you money, but you can only buy it in the hospital." The woman hurriedly took out the money, and the boy became happy when he got the money.

Zhao Dabao stopped him and said, "The jade pendant is here again, it's not yours, and it's still used to help your sister heal her illness."

"Go away! The stinky girl will die as soon as she dies, what do I care about?" The boy yelled arrogantly, and punched Zhao Dabao in the crotch. The pain made Zhao Dabao's face turn green. I didn't expect this kid to be so ignorant of the severity of his attack. , is simply lawless.

(End of this chapter)

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