The little sweetie of the black-bellied king

Chapter 745 Can You Tell Me About It?

Chapter 745 Can You Tell Me About It?

"Why is it the most important time for my baby, what's wrong with Dad?"

Song Weiling said coolly beside her, "Aren't you going to Sweden tomorrow?"

"..." An Jingwei's expression was slightly embarrassed, he glanced at An Ran, and said generously, "I'm not going."

Song Weiling sneered beside her.

An Jingwei stared, "I just want to accompany Susu to check the results."

"I'll take care of you." Song Weiling said disdainfully.

An Jingwei looked at An Ran, as if I was the biggest decision-maker in the family, "Father will accompany you, ah, on a business trip, I will go on a business trip after your grades come out."

"After checking the grades, it's time to fill in the volunteers. Volunteers are more important than grades. If you fill in the wrong volunteers, you will regret it for the rest of your life. You don't know. Why don't you fill in your child's volunteers before leaving."

"...Eh, I say you." An Jingwei was very unhappy that Song Weiling kept tearing him down, but when she saw the expression on your face that she wanted to say something, he became cowardly again, "Wife, would you like some soup? "

Song Weiling laughed and said, "The results should be out at ten o'clock in the morning tomorrow."

An Ran looked over, "How do you know?"

Song Weiling gave An Ran a meaningful look, An Ran didn't ask any more, her mother is very powerful, very powerful.

When going to bed at night, An Ran tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. She also knew the reason why she couldn't sleep, and it was because of the grade check tomorrow.

In fact, she is not nervous about her grades, but after checking her grades, she has to apply for a volunteer...

An Ran stared at the night light in the distance, the night light was slightly bright, revealing a sense of loneliness, she turned over, looked at the big white bear lying next to her, kept staring, as if she wanted to see through the bear, Indignantly, he put the big white bear's wrist on himself, and roared: "Sleep."

Great Pyrenees was aggrieved.

The next day An Ran woke up very early, and none of the family members woke up. She looked at the time, and at this point, it was less than six o'clock. She woke up suddenly. After waking up, she didn't feel sleepy at all. She couldn't fall asleep with her eyes open. , She couldn't sleep even if she wanted to sleep, and some unspeakable things were suppressed in her heart, which made her uncomfortable.

She lay like this for a while, feeling uncomfortable, and got up.

Coke, who had found a new nest in the living room, heard the sound, and immediately pricked up his ears, and saw An Ran coming out of it, it meowed, as if asking why it didn't sleep again.

An Ran ignored it, drank a glass of water, sat on the balcony, and looked at the world that was not yet fully awake.

Coke looked up several times and saw that person sitting outside, it meowed, as if it felt that this slave was not worrying at all, got up and ran to jump on An Ran.

An Ran hugged it, one person and one cat opened their eyes and looked outside.

The dawn of this season is very early, but it does not surprise people who are still asleep.

When Song Weiling got up, she was surprised, "Are you nervous? Do you think you didn't do well in the exam? When did you wake up so early?"

"Where's Dad?"

"Still, I said that I must accompany you to check the grades before leaving."

Holding the Coke in her arms, An Ran tilted her head to look at Song Weiling, "Mom, do you have a school I want to apply for?"

Song Weiling was silent for a while, quietly looked at An Ran for a while, and sat beside her.

It's been a while since the mother and daughter had such a quiet conversation, and the last time they talked was probably before high school.

The morning breeze is cool,

Song Weiling looked at her, reached out and rubbed the broken hair on her forehead, "Can you tell me about it? Your thoughts."

(End of this chapter)

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