The exquisite little monk of the school flower

Chapter 396 Reality Is Always So Cruel

Chapter 396 Reality Is Always So Cruel
The old researcher couldn't believe what he saw.Human eyes, how is this possible? !
That's right, these eyeballs are absolutely unmistakable.The pure vitreous body, cornea, iris, lens, lens nucleus, macula, fovea, sclera, retina...

Especially the pupils that symbolize intelligent creatures!The aura revealed in it!
His intuition is as if he saw an intelligent creature opening its eyes to observe the world. From its eyeball rolling, its visual information has been captured and sent back to its brain as a signal. Start to function and think about everything in the world in front of you!

Suddenly, the shell-shaped multi-arthropod creature in front of him narrowed its eyes, showing a creepy excited gesture.Its eight limbs slammed and slid in the incubator liquid!
The body of this monster suddenly hit the inner wall of the glass forcefully. This glass is a special tempered glass, which is extremely strong. It is definitely not so easy to break. There was a click on the outside, and a long crack appeared.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" The young researcher suddenly saw the values ​​on the screen skyrocketing, and his physical signs reached a hundred times that of when it was quiet. Then he heard a loud noise, and when he looked up, he saw Ran The beast came to life and hit the inner wall of the glass.

" good! This is a kind of intelligent creature! Its IQ is higher than that of humans! Call the guards!"

The young researcher didn't realize it for a while, and the Ran Yi beast inside slid down the water again!It hit the inner wall of the glass again.

Now the tempered glass could no longer withstand its violent impact, and cracked into fine lines, and the liquid inside also seeped out.

Beep, beep, as soon as the surrounding electrical appliances came into contact with the liquid, bursts of sparks immediately burst out, and the whole room was immediately enveloped by the sound of alarms, and the sprinkler of the fire hydrant was sprayed from the top of the head.

Appliances caught fire and the building security system mistook it for a fire, causing chaos and blurring their vision.There was a lot of people outside, various safety strategies had already been arranged, and the firefighting was proceeding in an orderly manner, but inside, at the moment when the vision was blurred, the two researchers, one old and one young, were terrified to the extreme.

They never expected that this newly cultivated crab shell beast would suddenly smash through the tempered glass and rush out!None of them could have imagined how this large insect-like creature could have such enormous power.Just as they were about to fight their way out, the black shadow suddenly flashed in the air, moving very fast, far exceeding the speed of these two inactive scientists, and directly stuck to the old researcher's belly.


"Ahhhhhh!...Xiao Wu, run!"

"What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?!"

"Don't worry about me running!" The old researcher shouted hoarsely. He only felt his waist and abdomen being entangled by eight iron hooks. I was thinking, so their function is like this...

In the next second, a needle-like thing pierced his stomach, and he felt numb all over his body.There was a sound of sucking.Then it was as if his soul had been sucked out, and he lost even his thoughts. His face was distorted suddenly. The needle was sucked clean.

"Old Fang!When he cleared the fog and saw the mummy-like old Fang in front of him, he was so frightened that he almost fainted, but the reality didn't allow him to fantasize, the minions of death had locked him completely.

Lao Fang, whose flesh and blood had been sucked up by this man-made beast, rushed towards him expressionlessly. The old researcher's movements became extremely fast, like a master of martial arts. He threw himself on Xiao Wu, not knowing where to go The coming force began to press him tightly, and then tore his body like a wolf.

Chi Chi!
Xiao Wu had already been torn apart by Lao Fang's sudden violence, and his body was missing a lot of parts. In less than five seconds, the eight pliers of the Ran Yi Beast had already dug into his body.After absorbing old Fang's flesh and blood, the body of this Ran Yi beast more than doubled in size, and its eight limbs were even thicker.

Bubbles began to pop out of the abandoned old Fang's body, as if his stomach had been splashed with strong acid, rolling and rolling, it was laying eggs!

His body has become a lair for Ran's beast eggs!
That Xiao Fang is no longer Xiao Fang at this moment, he had died five seconds ago, and now he is the zombie controlled by the Ranyi Beast.

He stood up and opened the door with the remaining hand, and the firefighters outside rushed towards them immediately. He walked towards them slowly with his deformed steps, and no one realized the extreme panic. Danger is hanging over the entire experimental base.


Colonel Ren received a call from Shi Xinxin an hour ago, but he didn't make it clear on the phone, even if he said he couldn't figure out what danger would happen.The base is heavily guarded, with a whole division of troops stationed on the periphery, armed from head to toe, with main battle tanks on the ground, Wuzhi in the air, anti-aircraft missile positions, and artillery positions. I am afraid that even an armored group from a certain country will not be able to charge. What would be a threat to the lab?
But since Shi Xiaoxin said so, he still decided that it would be better to go to the base to see for himself.

Then he took the car to the base, not in a hurry along the way, but also slowly thinking about what Shi Xiaoxiao was talking about.They have only been here for a week or so. In fact, Colonel Ren did not expect them to produce results in such a short period of time.

He is not in a hurry either. Science always takes time, and haste makes waste. Maybe three to five years are normal things. The most important thing he wants to do is to keep Shi Xin's team so that they can really contribute to country effect.After all, Ye Qingqing blew him into the sky, and the miraculous thing Shi Xin took out didn't look like a fake.And he could feel that Shi Xiaoxin could still be trusted, he was a young man with a sense of responsibility.Seeing his full confidence, he will definitely make a breakthrough in the super soldier plan.

Once this plan has made real progress, he will be able to go one step further, and he will become the youngest general in a few years.Of course, this is just a beautiful fantasy. Everyone has fantasies, and Colonel Ren has them too.

But reality is always so cruel.

He never expected that he would receive an emergency call as soon as he arrived halfway.

(End of this chapter)

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