Chapter 28

Who asked him to play with Ziran with her?
"Stop pretending!" Ziran raised his hand to push away Ling Xiaoruo's hand covering his lips, frowned and said in her ear completely speechless: "How can there be a woman like you in this world?"

After living to such an age, he has seen it!This Ziqing is truly unprecedented, and can be called No. 1 in the past!

After hearing Ziran's words, Ling Xiaoruo taunted him with crooked eyebrows and laughed, his expression seemed to say: "If the water is clear, there will be no fish, and if people are cheap, they will be invincible. If you don't let me go, I will be bored." Die you, see what you will do with me?
"Don't force me to beat women!"

When Ziran saw Ziqing's provocative eyes, he raised his big palm in an instant, wanting to slap her unconscious.

Seeing this, Ziqing raised her head high, still staring at Ziran defiantly.

Ziran's lungs were almost exploding with anger, and when he was hesitating whether to knock Ziqing unconscious, he suddenly heard a beautiful sound of a piano coming from outside the boat, like the sound of heaven from the sky.

The sound came from another boat, and the boat was full of Yingying and Yanyan, which was the boat of the ladies of the family. At this moment, the boat was gradually moving in, trying to keep pace with the boats of the nobles.

After Ziran heard the sound of the piano, he gradually lowered his raised hand, and a thin layer of mist seemed to gather in his deep phoenix eyes, making people a little puzzled as to what he was thinking.

"This is the piano sound of the number one beauty! It really is her who will perform at the beginning!"

"She's still here this year, it's not in vain for me to spend a lot of money to get through this!"

"Let's go out to the side of the boat."

As soon as the melodious sound of the zither came, the inside of the painting boat seemed to be exploding, and the sons of the noble family who had just returned to Vince's meditation had rushed to the painting boat, all to witness the graceful demeanor of the most beautiful woman in the world.

After a while, the inside of the painting boat was completely empty, and everyone stood on the side of the boat.The mighty long wind blowing from the river swept up countless clothes, flying like cotton wool.

It was only when everyone got out of the boat that they realized that the boat had already left the gorge, and the river in front of them was boundless, and further ahead was the venue for the dragon boat race.

People looked sideways, but they saw a red gauze curtain blowing faintly on the right side of the painting boat. On the bow of the painting boat sat a woman in white gauze. She was wearing a moon chasing bun and wearing a fresh The elegant hairpin carved with white jade sits against the wind. The wind blowing from the river blows her long black hair, covering her beautiful and elegant face. There is a guzheng in front of her. She is dressed in pure white with wide sleeves. Swinging, ten fingers slender, like chopped green onions, are swinging the strings in front of him.

"As expected, she deserves to be the number one beauty. Such a situation should only exist in the sky!"

"I just said, she was originally a fairy from the Nine Heavens!"

The praises on the side of the boat kept coming and going, however, after the praises, someone sighed sadly: "It's a pity, such a woman is going to marry Yindong far away, it's really sad and deplorable!"

"Yes!" Everyone sighed after hearing the words.

The slow sound of the piano lingered on the river, and everyone listened to the beautiful sound of the piano.Due to the superb piano skills and the few high-level tunes, many children of the gentry did not dare to harmonize with it.

Just when people thought that the first beauty would end the music by herself, they heard the sound of the flute in the wind.

The melody was completely integrated with the piano sound played by the first beauty. Sometimes it was melodious and melodious like a long stream, sometimes it hit violently like a mountain torrent, sometimes it was high-pitched and whirled like an eagle hitting the sky, and sometimes it was soft and low like a woman whimpering.

One flute and one qin, it can be said that they cooperated to the extreme.

"The harmony of the qin and flute, I am afraid that only those who are connected with each other can achieve it." Occasionally, a gentleman from the noble family sighed with regret.

Ling Xiaoruo knew from the moment Ziran picked up the hole flute in his hand that he would sing a song with the first beauty. Although she doesn't know these ancient instruments, she can still tell the good from the bad. It fits seamlessly.

It's just that she was depressed as if she didn't want to enjoy the fun, because she was the quilt just now, and she was screwed to the side of the boat like a chicken.

What benefit did Zi Zhan give him?Make him so loyal?
Thinking of this, Fei couldn't help but give Ziran a supercilious look.

On the beautiful woman's painting boat, after hearing the sound of the zither, Shangguan Rou, the number one beauty who played the zither, turned slowly and looked towards the talented scholar's painting boat. When she saw the white shadow on the side of the boat, there were doubts and surprises in her beautiful eyes , but the fluttering black hair completely blocked her face, so no one noticed her true expression at all.

Who is this man?She was able to play a tune that matched her piano sound.

Looking at the flying white corners of the clothes, the hand holding the strings involuntarily froze a little.

Suddenly, there was a strong wave on the river, and the boat tilted accordingly. Because of the daze, she unsteadily leaned sideways involuntarily.

"Oh my god, the number one beauty is about to fall into the river!" Suddenly someone roared loudly.

Shangguanrou's beautiful eyes widened in shock, and her face was completely drained of blood. She cried out in shock: "Help!"

Ziran followed the sound, but saw that the figure who was sitting on the bow of the boat and playing the piano slanted towards the bottom of the painting boat. He stared with his phoenix eyes, and immediately threw away the hole flute in his hand, and twisted Ling Ling with one hand. Xiao Ruo flew towards the falling white shadow at the back of his clothes.

"Hmm..." Ling Xiaoruo, who was suddenly twisted up, widened her eyes, completely unprepared, she witnessed her body soaring into the air and leaving the ship's side in horror.

The blue sky swayed up and down above her head, and after she was forced to fly up for a certain distance, she suddenly felt a downward pull, which led her to dive towards the river.

"Hmm..." Because the force of the fall was too exciting, Ling Xiaoruo stared at the approaching river with his mouth wide open and let out a shriek, a hot current went straight to Baihui acupoint.

His grandma, why did this brat hero have to bring her along to save the beauty?He really stared at her to death!
Staring at the turbulent river, Ling Xiaoruo, who was annoyed that he could not escape, suddenly had a flash of light in his mind, quick wits, and a clever plan to escape appeared in front of him.

She glanced at the first beauty who was falling down, and then at the river water that was getting closer. Immediately, she raised her legs with all her strength, and circled her arms like an octopus with [-] claws, encircling her. However, both legs hugged his body firmly at the same time.

But her hands were placed on Ziran's chest by coincidence.

"Oh my god, what is this singing about?" The gentry sons on the boat asked with their folding fans widening their eyes in shock when they saw such an entanglement scene.

(End of this chapter)

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