
Chapter 188 Defense

Chapter 188 Defense (1)
Mr. Wu regretted it shortly after getting off the plane.When he learned that the search warrant was signed by Long Huamin, he knew that a person who could be the captain of the Criminal Police Corps would never be so impulsive.At that moment, Mr. Wu felt that there was a strong aura of intentional deliberation by the police in this incident.

"Why do I have to do something to that Shen surname at this time? Fortunately, I didn't really want his life, otherwise if the police take the opportunity to start a thunderbolt..." The more he thought about it, the more frightened he was, and he quickly picked up the Call the person in charge of the relevant parties in Beijing.

The person in charge in Beijing was shocked when he heard about this incident, and immediately questioned the person in charge of the province what was going on.Since the police haven't got any evidence of Mr. Wu's crime so far, the person in charge of the province can't explain the matter too much, so he can only put all the responsibility on Long Huamin and inform the relevant parties in Beijing The person in charge is currently dealing with Longhuamin in the province.

The responsible person in Beijing repeatedly emphasized Mr. Wu's lofty status in the international academic circles, severely criticized the inappropriate behavior of the local police, and then made some instructions to appease Mr. Wu, and this matter was able to be resolved. Let's stop for a while.

The two murderers who assassinated Shen Yue were both dead.During the autopsy, the police were surprised to find that in addition to being shot in the leg, the two deceased had a bullet hole between their eyebrows.According to the report of the plainclothes policemen protecting Shen Yue at the scene, they only shot the killer in the leg.

Obviously, other snipers were ambushing in the dark at that time, and they used silencers.

It was difficult to find out the identities of the two killers for a while, and the assassination of Shen Yue did not leave any useful clues for the police.

What surprised the police was that Mr. Wu did nothing else after that.The director of the provincial business committee and the director of the provincial public security department came to apologize to him in person, but they were also turned away.Mr. Wu said that he took this incident as a misunderstanding and hoped that such a thing would not happen again.

Just as Shen Yue worried, Mr. Wu completely wrapped himself up, but what he showed people was his open-mindedness, tolerance, and calmness.

But the incident was enough to generate media interest.Many media reporters flocked to the Provincial Public Security Bureau, asking the police to explain why they searched Mr. Wu's home and company.The police could only explain that it was Long Huamin's own claim. He has been suspended and is under investigation by the organization. As for other aspects, the police always responded with "no comment".

Journalists with high professional sensitivity quickly realized the unusual taste in this incident, so various speculative news were concocted by some gossip reporters.One of the reports actually described the incident as the fact that Long Huamin had tried to extort money from Mr. Wu and failed, so he ordered a search of Mr. Wu's residence and company out of embarrassment.The content of this report soon became a topic of discussion among citizens.After several times of folk processing, many heroines have been added to the story, as well as various stories of grievances and hatred.

In short, Long Huamin has become the villain in this incident who is greedy, lustful, insidious, and cunning, and Mr. Wu is of course playing the role of an innocent victim of power despite his successful career.

In fact, what many people really hate is injustice, and hatred of officials and the rich is just a superficial phenomenon.This incident evoked exactly the same sentiments among many people.The stories some people made up about Long Huamin infinitely magnified his various greeds under the influence of power, and this is a hot topic these people are willing to discuss.

As the weak person in this incident, that is, the victim Mr. Wu, he was inevitably pushed to the forefront by the media.This was something that Mr. Wu hadn't expected at all, but he had no other choice but to face it.

Mr. Wu arranged the interview in the large conference room of his company.He still said: "Maybe this is just a misunderstanding, and I don't want this to happen again."

However, it is clear that the reporter's interest is not here.

"Excuse me, Chairman Wu, how will you protect your rights and interests with the law?"

"May I ask Boss Wu, what do you think of the current handling of Long Huamin within the Public Security Bureau?"

"Mr. Wu, Long Huamin ordered a search of your residence and company. Is there any special reason for this?"


Mr. Wu answered all these questions one by one, but his answers were very cautious——

"So far, neither my name nor my property has been violated too much. The director of the Provincial Public Security Bureau has personally come to apologize to me, and my rights and interests have basically been protected."

"I believe that the public security department will seriously deal with the responsible person. That is their internal matter, and I don't need to say anything."

"The result of the public security department's handling of this person already speaks for itself."


At this time, a reporter asked: "Mr. Wu, I am a reporter from the Morning Post, and what I heard seems to be this: Not long ago, there was a murder case. The deceased was named Gu Mingfei. Gu Mingfei killed his parents with poison and then committed suicide. This Gu Mingfei used to be your student, so the police asked you to assist in the investigation. So what I want to ask is whether Long Huamin's order to search your residence and office has anything to do with this incident?"

Mr. Wu replied: "It is indeed because of this incident that the police asked me to assist in the investigation, but this incident has nothing to do with me at all. I have taught so many students before. Could it be that I have something to do with them doing bad things?" Relationship? If that's the case, who else would dare to engage in the profession of teachers?"

The reporter continued to ask: "As far as I know, the situation does not seem to be as Mr. Wu said. Someone once noticed that Shen Yue, a doctor of psychology, was also present when the police asked Mr. Wu to assist in the investigation. Dr. Shen never Since coming back from the United States, we have been cooperating with the police. We have cracked the car accident case of Kan Sitong, the death case of Lu Wenhua, the serial murder case of Ning Yongsheng, and a series of cases created by Yun Zhongsang, etc. Mr. Wu, why did Dr. Shen join you at the same time that day? Appeared in that place, can you tell us the specific situation?"

This person is not a reporter, or he was instructed by someone in advance.Mr. Wu suddenly understood.Of course, he still doesn't know what the real intention behind this question is.Mr. Wu smiled slightly and said, "Since you said that Dr. Shen has been cooperating with the police in the investigation of the case, why does he have to be there because he has something to do with me? Maybe he happened to be there to investigate a certain case. I'm sorry, I have an important meeting soon, so that's all for today's interview. Thank you reporters and people from all walks of life for your concern for me."

After saying this, Mr. Wu left the scene directly.The reporter's question just now caught the attention of other reporters, and they immediately realized that there seemed to be many unknown inside stories hidden behind this incident.Reporters flocked towards the direction Mr. Wu was leaving. Several reporters asked loudly while running, but they were all stopped by the security guards.

As a result, the reporters' attention was immediately shifted to Shen Yue.Reporters flocked to Kant 28, and then to Shen Yue's home, but they did not find him anywhere.At this time, a reporter learned that Dr. Shen had been assassinated the night before, was seriously injured, and was currently receiving treatment in the hospital.

This is another amazing news.The reporters' nerves suddenly became more excited, and they used various tricks to try to find out the hospital where Shen Yue was and the specific location of the ward.At this time, a staff member named Hou Xiaojun in Kant No. 28 told them: "I asked Dr. Shen, and he is willing to meet with all reporters."

This itself was part of Shen Yue and Long Huamin's plan.It's just that neither Long Huamin nor Shen Yue had fully estimated the power of the media at the beginning, but now, with Mr. Wu choosing to retreat and defend, Shen Yue certainly would not give up such a rare opportunity.

The meeting place between Shen Yue and the reporter was arranged in the conference room of the hospital.All journalists had to undergo a body search when they entered, which made them more aware that the truth behind this incident was not simple, and might even be appalling.

Shen Yue appeared, wearing a hospital gown, sitting in a wheelchair, and a hospital staff member pushed him into the conference room.Shen Yue looked a little tired and pale, but he had a smile on his face.

Shen Yue picked up the microphone and suddenly coughed twice. There was a sharp pain in the injured part of his chest, which made him frown uncontrollably.His painful expression at that moment just now was clearly seen by the reporters, and only then did they realize that the rumors were true.

Shen Yue finally spoke: "Friends from the press, I'm sorry, today I am not going to answer any questions for you, but I am going to tell you a story. This story happened in the city where we are, and the time when this story happened It was just recently and is still going on. Before telling this story, I must make a statement: The story I am telling is what I heard and saw personally, and it is not a police briefing.”

Next, Shen Yue started talking about Yun Zhongsang's case, and continued talking about his assassination last night.Of course he did not mention Mr. Wu's identity and name, but replaced it with the words "mysterious man".

However, although Shen Yue deliberately concealed Mr. Wu's identity and name, the identity of this "mysterious man" was already revealed.The reporters immediately understood why Long Huamin issued that unbelievable order. In the final analysis, he used the status he had gained through his life's struggle as a bet to force the "mysterious man" to come back from abroad as soon as possible and accept Shen Yue's hypnosis test.

The reporters were deeply moved by Shen Yue's story, and their hearts were strongly shocked.

Finally, Shen Yue said: "Did you find out that even if you all think the story I just told is true, you can't write this story into words and publish it in newspapers, because there is one most fundamental thing missing in this story. , That is the evidence. The police sacrificed so many people, and Officer Long did not hesitate to bet his own position. They are all looking for the same thing—evidence. You can’t easily report today’s interview with me without evidence, the police No further action can be taken against the mysterious man without evidence. Perhaps, the case will be sunk in this way, and all efforts, all sacrifices will be for naught at last, and the crime will continue as before."

This press conference ended like this. None of the reporters asked questions. They were all full of emotions and deep in thought.

"Did you talk too much?" Zeng Yingjie asked worriedly.

Shen Yue shook his head and said: "Mr. Wu has already curled up like a hedgehog, neither the police nor we can find any breakthrough. Under such circumstances, this is the only way we can use. I hope those reporters can be caught by me. As long as one of them can publish what happened today, Mr. Wu will have to think about how to deal with public opinion."

Zeng Yingjie said: "What if Mr. Wu sues you for defamation?"

Shen Yue shrugged and said, "Why does he sue me? Did I mention his name and identity? Moreover, you recorded the entire process just now. Even if someone wants to use today's incident to cause trouble, we It’s also completely manageable.”

Zeng Yingjie asked: "Then, what method will that Mr. Wu take to deal with it? Will he compromise because of this and agree to accept your hypnotism test?"

Shen Yue sighed and said, "I don't know."

Zeng Yingjie was a little surprised, and said: "Since you have judged that he has not only met Asaoka Taro, but also received his help, it stands to reason that he should no longer have any scruples about you. Accept your test, At the same time, he can prove his innocence, this is his natural choice!"

Shen Yue nodded and said: "This is also the reason why I told the reporters so much today. I just wanted to force him to make such a choice through the power of public opinion. However, for a person who is already used to defense, he will eventually What kind of choice will be made, even now I can't predict."

After attending Shen Yue's press conference, Zeng Yan took a taxi back to his residence.The story told by Shen Yue shocked and moved his soul. At this moment, he heard the cry in his heart: must write it out, must let more people know the truth of this matter!

The text jumped and flowed with the keyboard under his hands, and Zeng Yan wrote the entire manuscript in one breath.He found his eyes were wet.After reading it, he was surprised that he didn't find a typo, and he was moved to tears by his words.

After calling the editor-in-chief, he sent the article to the other party's mailbox.The editor-in-chief called one hour later, and the moment he picked up the phone, he realized that Shen Yue's prophecy might really happen to him.You know, the editor-in-chief of the articles he sent back has never raised any objections, and even if it needs to be revised, the editor-in-chief writes it himself.

Sure enough, the editor-in-chief said: "Xiao Zeng, we cannot publish this article. Your writing is very good and touching, but the risk that the newspaper has taken is too great. The reason is very simple, we cannot follow that Dr. Shen and Long Huamin to gamble."

Zeng Yan hung up the phone silently, and he asked himself: Did he really give up like this?No, no, why Long Huamin and Shen Yue were able to make such a sacrifice, but I couldn't?
Without hesitation, he didn't want to back down, so he directly opened a well-known website page, thought for a while, and added a paragraph at the end of the article: The story told by Shen Yue shocked and moved me.In the consciousness of many people, sacrifice and death are often closely linked, but the story of Long Huamin made me realize for the first time that the word "sacrifice" seems to have a deeper meaning.

The moment this article was published, Zeng Yan's hands trembled.It wasn't fear, it was excitement.

The article caused a huge stir shortly after it was posted online.The number of hits soon reached hundreds of thousands, and tens of thousands of replies, and the number of replies is still growing rapidly.Other websites forwarded this article one after another, and more and more people participated in the discussion.

Journalists were quick to take note of what was happening online.The reporters who had the same experience of being rejected by the newspaper as Zeng Yan regretted not falling, and at the same time realized the real hot spot of this incident, and flocked to Mr. Wu's company again.

What surprised the reporters was that Mr. Wu did not refuse the interview as they thought, but soon appeared in front of them with a smile on his face.

Mr. Wu said: "I have read the article on the Internet, and it is very well written. But I want to declare that the mysterious person in the article is not me."

A reporter asked: "Then, will Mr. Wu sue Dr. Shen for framing?"

Mr. Wu replied flatly: "Since I'm not that mysterious person, why should I sue him?"

Zeng Yan asked: "Although Mr. Wu said that the mysterious person is not you, many people, including myself, think that person is you. Doesn't Mr. Wu want to prove his innocence?"

Mr. Wu said: "I remember last time a reporter asked me how to use the law to protect my rights and interests. I think this question is very good. The law does not require citizens to prove their innocence. What is turbid is turbid', everything should be based on facts and evidence, this is the law."

(End of this chapter)

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