
Chapter 155 Peeping

Chapter 155 Peeping (1)
Yunzhongsang’s homeroom teacher in primary school was surnamed Dong, and now she is a gray-haired old lady.However, the old lady looked very energetic, with a ruddy complexion and a smile on her face from time to time.Only a good attitude can lead to a long life, Shen Yue couldn't help being a little envious of the old man in front of him.

Shen Yue first introduced his identity, and then asked: "Mr. Dong, do you still remember a student named Yun Zhongsang?"

There is a reason for Shen Yue to ask this question: first, the name Yun Zhongsang is quite special; second, Yun Zhongsang's father used to have a high position; third, it is estimated that Yun Zhongsang had good grades since he was a child.Of course, as the maker of this recent mass incident, he has not been exposed by the media, because the case has not yet been finalized.

Sure enough, Teacher Dong laughed immediately: "Why don't you remember? He was the best student in my class when he was young."

Shen Yue complimented: "Your memory is really good. He was my colleague later and became an excellent psychologist."

Teacher Dong's expression suddenly became heavy, and he said: "I know, I heard that he did what happened not long ago. I really can't think of it, how could such an obedient student back then become a criminal?" ?”

It seems that the rumors spread quickly.Shen Yue said: "People, like trees, always have various possibilities in the process of growth. Natural and man-made factors will affect this process, some grow into towering trees, some Some of them will become bonsai, and some will be cut down and made into furniture. The process of human growth is the same, don’t you think?”

Teacher Dong nodded and said: "You are very good. But he was really cute when he was young, and his grades were always No.1 in the class."

Shen Yue asked: "At that time, Yun Zhongsang's father was just an ordinary teacher in the university, right?"

Teacher Dong raised his head and thought for a while, and said, "It seems that he just came back from abroad. Yun Zhongsang is a transfer student, in the third grade... yes, in the third grade."

"Think about it, did anything special happen to Yunzhong-san at that time?"

"Special things... By the way, I remembered. I took him into the classroom at the time, and he was wearing a suit that day, the kind worn by children. It was very rare for students to wear suits at that time. Later When the second get out of class was over, I found Yun Zhongsang crying. I asked him and found out that the male classmate at the same table bullied him. The boy cut his sleeve with a pencil sharpener. I Criticized that classmate, and called his parents. It’s not a big deal, but I have a deep impression on this incident. I can’t remember other things.”

"What does Yun Zhongsang's father at the same table do?"

"I can't remember. I have taught too many students, and the time is too long, I really can't remember."

"From a psychological point of view, the family situation of Yun Zhongsang's tablemate at that time should be very good. He was usually spoiled and dissatisfied because he didn't have such a suit. Children are not good at hiding their emotions, so That's why I did things like bullying my new classmates."

"I really remembered what you said. That classmate seems to be called Chen Zhi, and his father is the deputy director of the Provincial Education Commission."

Ok.Childhood, new environment, being bullied.The superposition of these three factors is enough to form a psychological shadow and make it take root in Yun Zhongsang's subconscious.

In addition, this incident that happened in Yunzhongsang's childhood contained another piece of information: Yunzhongsang's father had not entered politics at that time, but was just an ordinary university teacher, while Chen Zhi's father was an official, presumably In Chen Zhi's subconscious mind, Yun Zhongsang should be bullied.This is the collective unconscious at work.You must know that culture can be passed down into our genes, and the idea that officials value officials over civilians can also enter a child's subconscious mind.In any case, this incident caused harm to Yun Zhongsang's young heart.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this seemingly insignificant incident that Yun Zhongsang's father later entered politics?The son of a deputy director of the provincial education committee bullied his own child, and the college was under the management of the local education committee. Presumably Yun Zhongsang's father could only swallow his anger at that time, and the seeds of pursuing power may have started at that moment. His heart sprouted.

The relevant theories of psychoanalysis believe that any of our behaviors have internal psychological motivations. Therefore, Shen Yue fully believes that his guess is close to reality.

And Yun Zhongsang later became an excellent psychologist. After his father committed suicide, he must have analyzed the reasons why his father chose such a path from a psychological point of view; and this incident must have occurred in his childhood. It is not surprising that the memory is deeply imprinted and traced back to the original motivation of my father to enter politics.So what's the result?Blame yourself?Ok.Or will he ultimately attribute his father's death to his own responsibility?No, it shouldn't be just that.With Yun Zhongsang's narrow-minded, vengeful personality...

Thinking of this, Shen Yue's heart suddenly became tense, and he hurriedly asked: "What is Chen Zhi doing now? Do you know?"

Teacher Dong shook his head and said, "It's not that you reminded me just now, I can't remember this person at all. I am a primary school teacher, and not many students can remember me when they grow up."

Shen Yue nodded, picked up the phone and called Kang Ruxin: "Help me check a person's situation immediately..."

Chen Zhi, male, aged 31.He graduated from the provincial normal university in his early years, and later entered a key middle school in the provincial capital as a teacher through his father's relationship. He became the vice principal of the middle school five years later, and became a full-time employee one year later.While his career was booming, one day he fell down from the top of a long stone ladder because of drunkenness after a party, causing intracranial hematoma. After rescue, his life was out of danger, but he still cannot take care of himself.

A person's life is full of unknowns, and we are therefore in awe of fate.However, Chen Zhi's fate made Shen Yue feel a kind of fear... It was a coincidence that his accident happened not long after Yun Zhongsang returned to China.Moreover, the occurrence of this incident is completely in line with Yun Zhongsang's psychological motivation.What's more, Yun Zhongsang has the ability to create this incident.

There is a photo of Chen Zhi on the information, young and handsome, with high-spirited brows and eyes.At this time, the person in front of Shen Yue was sitting in a wheelchair like mud, his head was tilted, and one hand was shaking constantly.When Shen Yue saw him, the nanny was pushing him to bask in the sun in the courtyard of the townhouse.

Shen Yue asked the nanny: "Can he talk?"

The nanny nodded: "Yes, but some words are not clear."

Shen Yue walked up to Chen Zhi, squatted down, and asked, "Do you still remember your classmate Yun Zhongsang in elementary school?"

Chen Zhi grinned, nodded and said, "He and I have always been classmates, from elementary school to high school."

Unexpectedly.Shen Yue asked again: "How is your relationship with him?"

"It's been great."

"I heard that you bullied him when you were in elementary school? When he first came to your class."

"No way, why don't I remember?"

He wasn't lying.But this is not surprising, he was still very young at that time, and his anger came suddenly, and he took it for granted, so it was normal for Chen Zhi to forget about it.But he never expected that the injury of that time would remain in Yun Zhongsang's heart forever.

"Just now you said that your relationship with Yun Zhongsang has always been very good, is that true?"

"Yes. At that time, our two families lived on the same street, and we went to and from school together."

Being together often doesn't mean that the hatred in my heart doesn't exist, it just exists in the subconscious without knowing it.What's more, Yun Zhongsang at that time didn't know much about psychological analysis.It should be after his father committed suicide that the things in Yun Zhongsang's subconscious began to wake up, and later, when Yun Zhongsang fully mastered the theory and technology of psychology, the hatred was completely awakened.

Now, Shen Yue needs to confirm this guess.

"Have you ever had any conflicts?"

"I heard that Yun Zhongsang escaped from the detention center? Is this true?" Chen Zhi asked.

Shen Yue saw the excited expression on his face.What kind of psychology is this?gloat?The need for mental balance?Well, it should be both.

Born in an official family, his studies and career were smooth sailing, but he suddenly fell from a consistently superior environment to the current state of being unable to take care of himself. This huge psychological gap is unbearable for anyone.And Yun Zhongsang returned from studying in Japan and became a doctor of psychology, but now he has embarked on the road of crime. The lives of the two are almost equally miserable. Chen Zhi can't help but get a little psychological comfort from it.Maybe, not just a little bit...

"Did you keep in touch while you were in college?"

"Very few. He went to a prestigious university."

"What about when he was abroad?"

"I heard people say that he has gone abroad."

"Did he take the initiative to contact you after he returned to China?"

"No, I contacted him. I heard that he has returned to China, so I called my classmates together for several meetings."

"Back then, you were already the vice principal, right?"

Chen Zhi's eyes lit up for a moment, but they dimmed again in an instant, and he replied: "Yes..."

"Have you ever been alone with him? Like drinking tea or eating together."

"I don't like going to tea houses, including coffee shops. At that time, I often drank outside, and there were a group of people. But he invited me to the coffee shop once, because he specially invited me to go, and I couldn't refuse."

Ok.When you are most proud of your life, your heart is often more impetuous and more afraid of loneliness. Drinking with a group of people is indeed a direct way to get rid of loneliness.

"What did you guys talk about in the coffee shop?"

"Just said something casually. Anyway, it's just small talk."

"So you feel very boring, and then your mind becomes a little dizzy, isn't it?"

"how do you know?"

Shen Yue smiled slightly, and said, "Actually, Yun Zhongsang is very boring, isn't he?"

"He's too boring. He doesn't talk much at class reunions, and he doesn't drink freely at all. He always puts on the air of studying for a doctorate."

Shen Yue was thoughtful and asked, "What was your father's job when Yun Zhongsang's father was the leader?"

"Executive deputy director of the Provincial Education Commission. His father is the deputy mayor of a prefecture-level city in charge of education."

This sentence contains a kind of subconscious superiority and contempt.Shen Yue smiled lightly and asked, "Actually, you have always looked down on Yun Zhongsang, right?"

Chen Zhi was stunned for a moment, and replied: "It might have been before. But look at me now..."

(End of this chapter)

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