
Chapter 113 Manipulation

Chapter 113 Manipulation (1)
After several days of investigation but still did not find any useful clues, Shen Yue felt very at a loss.

The renovation of No. 28 Kant Avenue has been completed, and the furniture and equipment pre-ordered have been delivered and installed quickly. Everyone is very excited to see the brand new office and various brand new equipment.But Shen Yue was dissatisfied in his heart. In the final analysis, he still had too little money. Compared with the Wilson Institute of Psychology, this place was far behind, whether it was hardware or software.

Peng Zhuang played on the computer with the high-definition projector for a while, and the portraits of everyone appeared on the screen, but he stopped quickly and said to Shen Yue: "This thing is not easy to use. Great habit."

Shen Yue also found that the lines on the screen were not very smooth, and said with a smile: "It's good to get used to it. But you must not give up your specialties. A computer is just a machine, and it has no creative thinking."

Kuang Wuwei didn't pay attention to the situation at Pengzhuang at all. He couldn't put it down in front of the most advanced camera equipment in the world, and Shen Yue also equipped him with the most advanced image processing software. The LCD screen in front of him took up an entire area. For the entire wall, through image processing software, any detail that enters the lens can be arbitrarily clearly magnified.

The equipment configured for Hou Xiaojun is similar, but there is an extra set of facial micro-expression recognition software in her computer, which was provided by Mr. Wilson.After entering the shooting range of the camera, anyone's expression can be read through this set of recognition software, so as to identify whether the other party is lying or not.

Relatively speaking, the equipment in Shen Yue and Kang Ruxin's office is much simpler.Shen Yue naturally didn't need it, but Kang Ruxin was a little unhappy, she said to Shen Yue: "I also want a set of software like Xiaojun's."

Shen Yue explained: "These devices can be shared by everyone, and the software is not completely reliable. I believe in the analysis of my eyes and brain."

He also said this to Hou Xiaojun.From the perspective of micro-expression research, he thinks Hou Xiaojun is the most talented, so he deliberately reminded her not to rely too much on computers and software.He also said to Hou Xiaojun: "Man is the most complex and perfect animal in the world, especially the inner world of man. It is impossible to understand anything that is not human intelligence. Only by exploring with your soul, maybe I can understand some of the truth in it.”

Shen Yue let everyone get excited for a while, and quickly summoned them to his office, saying: "You can play with those things slowly in the future, now we have to solve the case in hand as soon as possible, who knows if the murderer will continue to commit crimes?" You must have read the case files of this serial murder case, and I also know that you are all investigating these cases." Looking at the embarrassed looks of Hou Xiaojun, Kuang Wuwei and Peng Zhuang, Shen Yue said with a smile: "When After I read all the case files, what I am most worried about is that the murderer will continue to commit crimes, so we must find out the murderer as soon as possible. Although I did not explicitly ask you to participate in the investigation of this case, I did not stop it. These few cases I have been investigating for many days, but there is still no progress, all kinds of information are mixed together, and my thoughts are like a mess. Guys, do you have any good suggestions?"

Zeng Yingjie said: "The residences of the victims in this case are far away, and there is no intersection with each other. It is difficult to find out the murderer's criminal motive. In the past two days, Xiaojun and I started from the chronological order of the murderer's crimes. , trying to find out the murderer’s trajectory, but still to no avail.”

Hou Xiaojun said: "Actually, I don't think it is necessary to use Yingjie's method to investigate, because I don't think the murderer is an idler. The murderer is a person, and if a person commits the crime, he should have his motives. But so far We have yet to find out what the murderer's real motive is."

Kuang Wuwei didn't speak, but had a pensive expression.Shen Yue turned to him and asked, "Wuwei, what are your thoughts?"

Kuang Wuwei shook his head and said, "I don't know. I went to the scene several times and I felt that the murderer was prepared every time he committed the crime. It is not a coincidence, but he has been patiently waiting for such an opportunity. This can explain why the time interval between the crimes in these few cases is irregular. Especially It was the scene where Cao Xiangqian was killed, and I found that the murderer was waiting for the victim hiding under the wall, which shows that he started to act after fully understanding the living habits of the victim."

Both Zeng Yingjie and Hou Xiaojun nodded.Zeng Yingjie said: "Hearing what you said, I also feel that there is something wrong with my thinking."

Well, they should all be able to discover that detail, after all they all have unique talents, Shen Yue thought to himself.He looked at Peng Zhuang and asked, "Although you didn't participate in the investigation of these cases, you must have read the case files. Now that you are a bystander, let me tell you what you think."

Peng Zhuang smiled strangely and said, "Actually, I have been to those crime scenes and interviewed some people. You didn't expect that, did you?"

Shen Yue couldn't help laughing, and said: "This is what Peng Zhuang does, don't you think so?"

Everyone laughed.Peng Zhuang continued: "I think the murderer is likely to be an unattractive person, otherwise he would not have attracted the attention of others after committing crimes continuously. A person who is too good-looking or too ugly will attract attention. You say yes no?"

Shen Yue took it very seriously, and said, "Go on."

Peng Zhuang said: "This person should be around 40 years old. Too young or too old is easy to attract attention. Anyway, he is a very, very ordinary person, the type who will be ignored by others when thrown into the crowd."

Kuang Wuwei said: "Your analysis is too arbitrary. Why can't you be in your 30s or 50s? Most of the men's appearances are very ordinary. You take it for granted when you infer the murderer's age like this."

Shen Yue said: "I think Peng Zhuang's analysis is very reasonable. The murderer should be between 50 and [-] years old. Last time when I discussed this case with the Dragon Corps, I said that the murderer of the serial murder case was either Life is unsatisfactory, or the career has reached an insurmountable peak. Under normal circumstances, people in this age group are more in line with this situation. Of course, now we are just discussing casually, and everyone can freely express their ideas.”

Hou Xiaojun said: "I also think Peng Zhuang's analysis is very reasonable. Sun Hongyan is the 'miss' of the hair salon. If the murderer has really been to that place and had a relationship with Sun Hongyan, then he should not be a rich man, more likely It was a middle-aged or elderly man whose career was not satisfactory. Pu Anjun was killed in that teahouse, and the customers of that teahouse were basically older people. When we entered, some people noticed it. Why? Because we are all young."

Kuang Wuwei said: "Okay, I also agree with this analysis, but will it help us find the murderer?"

Everyone smiled wryly.

Shen Yue said: "In fact, some clues are very meaningful, maybe you haven't noticed. For example, the call to Sun Hongyan. How many people still use public phones now? Migrant workers all have mobile phones, right? Obviously the murderer was afraid that the police would find him through his phone number. But why didn't he use a mobile phone card that doesn't need to be registered with an ID card? It shouldn't be troublesome. Yingjie has already analyzed it, and this person is very patient. Then only One possibility is that the murderer is familiar with the canteen, and he knows that there is a public phone in that place, that is to say, the murderer probably lives in that area. Secondly, the murderer is likely to follow the victim through a relatively long distance, To do this, walking is definitely not possible. If you are driving, it is easy to lose track of the target due to traffic jams or too narrow roads. Therefore, bicycles or motorcycles are the most likely means of transportation. In addition, the murderer is very familiar with the methods of committing the crime. We use the Cao Xiangqian analyzed the scene of his murder and felt that this person should have done a lot of animal experiments, and the possibility of using large dogs as test subjects is extremely high. So, the question we are facing now is, why did the murderer choose these five victims? No, it shouldn't be a choice, it should be an unknown relationship between the victim and the murderer. Therefore, we should analyze the personality traits of the five victims one by one, so as to find the murderer's motive."

Speaking of this, Shen Yue found that Zeng Yingjie seemed hesitant to speak, and asked: "If you have any ideas, just speak out directly. There is no leader here, and everyone can speak freely."

Zeng Yingjie blushed a bit, and said: "The problem with the public phone... I think there is another possibility, for example, the murderer noticed it when he passed by there. In other words, the murderer may not necessarily live in that area. Still Yes, the murderer's plan is indeed very strict, and if we investigate based on animal clues, there may not be any results."

Shen Yue smiled and said: "You are an expert in logical reasoning, maybe you are right, but this clue really needs to be ruled out. I think so, Ru Xin, your police are responsible for this matter, and only the police are responsible for large-scale investigations. to be able to complete it.”

Kang Ruxin nodded and said: "I'll call the Dragon Corps right away." She suddenly smiled and added: "The Dragon Corps is going to have a headache again."

Shen Yue smiled and said: "Let's analyze the character traits of these deceased, this is the direction we should grasp. Xiaojun, you go first."

Hou Xiaojun wondered: "I can't tell. Dr. Shen, I just learned some things about psychology by myself. When I really wanted to combine theory with practice, I realized that I didn't understand anything."

Shen Yue looked at the other people and asked, "What about you?"

They were all shaking their heads.Shen Yue sighed and said: "This is my problem. After this case is over, I will start to conduct systematic training for you. How about this, let's analyze one by one, and everyone can speak up, express your thoughts, don't I am worried that my idea is wrong. Everyone brainstorms, and the collision will inspire inspiration. To be honest, my mind is also a mess now. Well, let's start with Sun Hongyan first. A 'miss' in a hair salon, why would she And make the murderer want to kill her?"

Zeng Yingjie said: "I was insulted, for example, this 'Miss' disliked him for too short a time or something, which hurt his dignity."

Kuang Wuwei laughed immediately, and said: "It seems that Yingjie really doesn't understand the profession of 'Miss'. How can a 'Miss' despise prostitutes for a short time? They wish..." At this point, Hou Xiaojun glared at him Said: "It seems that you often go to that kind of place..." After she finished speaking, she couldn't help laughing "puchi", and said: "But what you said seems to make sense."

This kind of atmosphere is right, Shen Yue thought.He also laughed, and said: "Wuwei is right, we analyze a person's personality traits and connect his career."

Zeng Yingjie's face turned red all of a sudden, and said, "Maybe that 'Miss' has AIDS."

In an instant, everyone was quiet, and Shen Yue also felt terrified, saying: "If a person is infected with such a terminal illness, it is in line with psychological logic to seek revenge under the despair of all thoughts. However, when a person How could he be so patient in a state of despair? His behavior should be extreme and reckless."

At this time, Kang Ruxin had already finished making the phone call, and after listening for a long time, she interjected, "Maybe the murderer was worried that such a disease would affect his reputation, so he made a rigorous murder plan."

Although Shen Yue knew that Kang Ruxin had a strong self-esteem and hoped to be part of the team, he couldn't agree with her statement because of this.He shook his head and said: "If a person contracts such a disease, it will always be known in the end, just like a drug addict, no matter how careful he is, he can only cover it up for a while. Although the incubation period of AIDS may be very long, but for the For most of us, this disease means death in the first place. When a person faces this disease, he will either be depressed or take revenge on the society fiercely, and very few people can really face it calmly."

Seeing that everyone was silent, Shen Yue also felt unable to explain this speculation, and said, "I know, neither I nor you know much about this 'miss' from the hair salon, and everyone just learned about her from the file. Some basics. But that's okay, we can put that aside for now. Now let's move on to the next victim, the driver."

Hou Xiaojun said: "This person is the driver. Could it be that he has had a hit-and-run experience? Maybe no one else knows about this incident except himself, so we didn't get any information about it during the investigation." .”

Zeng Yingjie shook his head and said, "I think this possibility is very small. Since everyone doesn't know, how could the murderer find him? Even if the murderer is a witness, the most likely situation is just blackmail."

Hou Xiaojun also felt that there was something wrong with his thoughts just now, and said: "This person has always had the mentality of being underappreciated, so sometimes his temper is not very good. Could it have something to do with his temper? For example, he bumped into someone and instead blamed the other party. "

Peng Zhuang suddenly said: "It's unlikely. If that's the case, there should have been a conflict at that time. It's unlikely to use that method to retaliate afterwards."

Shen Yue suddenly felt a headache, and he suddenly realized that he hadn't found the crux of the problem at all.But, is my thinking really wrong?Well, Hou Xiaojun's evaluation of this person should be relatively accurate... Just as he was thinking, his cell phone rang suddenly, and the call was from Long Huamin: "Another person died, using the same modus operandi."

The phone in Shen Yue's hand almost fell to the ground, and he froze there all of a sudden.At this moment, he suddenly felt that he had failed.Kang Ruxin noticed that Shen Yue's face turned pale instantly, and hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

Shen Yue sighed, and said: "You continue to discuss, I have to go there right away. This murderer has committed another crime."

"It's not your fault." Kang Ruxin comforted her softly while driving the car.

Shen Yue shook his head slightly, but did not speak.Kang Ruxin already knew him very well, and what worried him most was that he would blame himself too much for this. Seeing him in such a state now, he felt even more uneasy.

The name of the deceased was Jia Dong, a 31-year-old woman. Her husband died of rectal cancer two years ago. Since then, Jia Dong has been living alone with her six-year-old daughter.Jia Dong's husband, a pharmaceutical sales representative, made some money and asked his wife to resign after they had a child.Jia Dong used to be a piano teacher at an art school. After her husband passed away, she started a piano training class at home.

Jia Dong was killed in the suburbs at noon the day before. Someone found her body and reported it immediately.Since the previous five cases have been investigated together, after the police arrived at the scene, after a preliminary autopsy by a forensic doctor, they found that the cause of death of the victim was the same as the previous cases, so they immediately reported to the Criminal Police Headquarters.

(End of this chapter)

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