Chapter 563 shit
Zhang Shi sighed.

"Little fifth daughter-in-law has such a temper, you can live with them, okay?"

"No, what should we do? Where can we go? The backyard is occupied by the boss. If we drive them out at this time, ha, don't eat us!"

When Mrs. Liu mentioned Boss Zhang, she was full of anger.

"He moved out, and even moved to the orchard. It's so easy to say, I see how he moves! That shack is fine for sleeping, but live there, pull it down!"

Zhang Shi sighed.

"Little Wu can't give the money right away, and the elder brother can't move out earlier, so you still have to live together like this, what will you do if you fight again?"

"Then I'll break their legs!" Mrs. Liu said harshly.

At this time Zhang Qingshan said.

"Yingzi, go back and ask Mingyang to see if there is any work I can do, and find one for me. Don't say how much it costs, just keep it."

"Father, what do you mean?" Mrs. Zhang sat up.

Liu Shi also looked at him blankly.

Zhang Qingshan sighed heavily.

"I'm old, I can't afford to deal with them, and I can't control them. It's better to go out and calm down! While I can still move, go out for a few years, and come back when I can't move anymore."

"Old man, why do you think so!" Mrs. Liu couldn't stand it anymore, "This is our home, if they beat them again, we will drive them out, why should we go out! What do outsiders think of you doing this!"

Zhang Qingshan snorted.

"I don't know you yet, but you can't let go of your son, and you are still speaking for them. No matter what you think about it, have I lost a lot of face? I have lost all of it, and there is nothing left to lose. "

"Father, why don't you still drive the cart instead of taking long-distance work?" Zhang said.

"I'm going to catch a big car dealership, but what about your mother? With your mother's temper, how can I rest assured?"

Mrs. Liu quit.

"What's wrong with me, I've been at home alone for so many years!"

"What's wrong with you, don't you know? A pouting mule is not worth a donkey's money! How many people have you offended with just your mouth? Although the big cow has all kinds of problems, you can still hold it back. You can hold it down, little five daughter-in-law. Live? That is a master who is not afraid of death, and if he really messes with you, even if he messes with her, what are you going to do?!"

"She dares!" Liu's neck was stalked, her head tilted, and she was very unconvinced.

"Stop trying to be brave there, let's say tonight, this guy, he almost used a knife, and ransacked the ancestors of the Zhang family in the east wing room, isn't your son still a fart!" Zhang Qing Shan shook his head, "If this continues, I will be pissed off!"

"I'll ask Xiao Wu to take care of her tomorrow!" said Liu bitterly.

"Okay, you still don't think it's messy enough. The child is not yet full moon, so what if you get scared out of it!"

"Yeah, mother, don't make trouble." Mrs. Zhang hurriedly said, "They can do whatever they want, and don't worry about it."

Liu immediately wiped away tears again.

"My God, I'm dead..."


Boss Zhang saw Zhang Xiaohua sleeping on the kang, so he couldn't help but said.

"Aren't you very capable, what are you doing back here! You are really against the heavens by throwing pots at me!"

Mrs. Zhao slid on the edge.

"That's right, look at your temper, you can't hold it on the ground! Let me tell you, you can't be like that in the future, and you still beat and beat. Whose little girl is like that?"

Zhang Xiaohua lay down and said calmly.

"I came back because I still have something to do."

Boss Zhang scoffed over there.

"There's still something to be done, let's get bigger, there's a fart!"

Zhang Xiaohua laughed.

"It's just a shit." After speaking, he turned over and fell asleep.

Boss Zhang cursed a few words and then lay down.

Mrs. Zhao turned on the lights, made endless shoes, babbled about girls not being able to wait like this and that, then turned to the matter of the auntie fighting, remembered something, and said to Mr. Zhang.

"Do you think it's because you're afraid we won't be able to move out?"

"Who knows!" Boss Zhang sneered, "If he can give money for ten years, can't I move in ten years?"

"You can't think like that..." Mrs. Zhao hesitated.

"Then what do I think? I have no money and no house, where should I move? In the open air!"

Seeing that Boss Zhang had a bad tone, Mrs. Zhao didn't dare to say anything more.

Zhang Xiaohua curled her lips, thinking about it, I really can't think about it, it's more meaningful to have this spirit to recuperate well, and go out and build a shack for yourself.

People always like to use other people's mistakes to punish themselves, which is really stupid.

The next day Zhang Xiaohua got up early, cooked and ate, and went to the orchard.

"This girl left early in the morning, why is she going?" Mrs. Zhao wondered as she watched the little girl leave hurriedly while boiling the medicine.

When the medicine was ready, I gave it to Boss Zhang to drink, and after talking about Zhang Xiaohua, he left again.

"What can she do! Let's play!" Boss Zhang said angrily.

Mrs. Zhao didn't think about it any more, washed the medicine bowl, and took a small hoe to weed the vegetable field.

Although the vegetable plot has been distributed to Mrs. Liu, that will be for next year, and this year it is still jointly owned, so it needs to be cleaned up.

At this time, most people don’t eat, and go to work before dawn. There is no work in the fields, and they go to mow the grass.

Wait until about nine or ten o'clock in modern times, come back to eat the first meal, take a rest, and then go to work, work until three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and then go to work until dark.

Boss Zhang is sick and only eats three meals a day. Zhang Xiaohua has been eating three meals since she went out, and she can't stand two meals for her body.

So when she came to the orchard, the hired people and Uncle Zhao had been working for a while.

The kang was built, of course, with adobe.

According to Zhang Xiaohua's request, it was Nan Kang.

The advantage of Nankang is that the hall is bright by the window. It is very nice to sit in front of the window in summer and watch the scenery while doing needlework outside.

The downside of Nankang is that it gets cold when cooking.

People here are used to the side where the kang is, and the stove is on that side, and when cooking like this, the kang can be burned by the way.And the south is just the door of the house, so it will be very cold in winter.

Although Zhang Xiaohua didn't plan to let Boss Zhang and Mrs. Zhao continue to live here in winter, she still moved the pot and stove to the back and built a fire wall to keep warm while cooking.

In this way, another kang will be burned, that is, firewood will be added directly to the kang hole.

Zhang Xiaohua looked at the Kang cave and asked.

"Can this burn well? Won't it smoke?"

Uncle Zhao said.

"No, it's the kang I built, it must be hot!"

Zhang Xiaohua felt relieved and went to look elsewhere.

A thick layer of mud was applied inside and outside, which was requested by Uncle Zhao. He didn't know that Mr. Zhang's family didn't live here in winter, so he added a layer of mud to keep warm.

In fact, a mud house is warmer than a brick house. The bricks have gaps, but the mud does not.

The floor of the back room was compacted with stone rollers, the walls were smoothed, and a layer of mud was applied on top, which was regarded as a suspended ceiling.

The house is less than [-] square meters, and five people can lie down on the kang, which is enough for the family.

The outer room is separated in the middle, and the north side is the cooking place. A small window is opened to allow light and ventilation. When the time comes, the broken table and small stools at home will be placed here as a dining room.

The door is a kang hole for burning kang, and there is a clay stove next to it. The restaurant can also be warm, but the fly in the ointment is that the light will be gone when the door is closed.

The windows and doors were all open, the forest wind blew in, the whole room smelled of earth, Zhang Xiaohua took a deep breath, um, the smell was much better than the decoration!
(End of this chapter)

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