The Notre Dame system is arrogant again

Chapter 329 Not Very Comfortable

Chapter 329 Not Very Comfortable

Zhang Xiaohua didn't expect anything when Boss Zhang took the two rabbits over, but she still felt a little uncomfortable when she heard Mrs. Zhao say that.

Of course, it disappeared after just a moment, maybe I really got used to it.

"Oh, I see, then I'm going to bed." Zhang Xiaohua lay down under the blanket.

Mrs. Zhao thought that the little girl would make a fuss, but she didn't expect to just say such a word, and then went to sleep, breathing heavily, but felt uncomfortable, and quietly complained to Boss Zhang.

"The child managed to get two rabbits, why did you give them to your mother, why don't you leave one for the child?"

After working for a day, Boss Zhang is so tired that he just wants to sleep now, he said unconsciously.

"Father and mother are so old and tired for so many days, it's time to eat some good supplements. Children's family, when can't eat. Besides, I went to work in the town, and I can't eat without her Yes. All right, all right, don't worry about it, go to sleep!"

Mrs. Zhao pushed him a few times angrily, and muttered, you have your father and mother in your heart!
Early in the morning, Mrs. Zhao was going to ask her mother-in-law to order noodles and eggs for Zhang Xiaohua to cook. Zhang Xiaohua became a little angry for no reason. At her own home, she had to ask for everything, which was really boring!
"No need, I went to the town to eat, and you scolded me for what I wanted to eat, and it seemed that I was so unfilial! I'm leaving." After finishing speaking, he walked out.

Mrs. Zhao was stunned, and chased after him.

"Xiaohua, where are you going? The car hasn't arrived yet!"

"I'll go to the entrance of the village to have a look!"

Mrs. Zhao is also a little angry, a dead girl, she is only a little older, and she has such a big temper!
"Zhang Xiaohua!"

Zhang Xiaohua walked stubbornly, and Zhang Erniu chased after her.


"Rabbit stew later, I'll save a bowl for you!" Zhang Erniu said.

Zhang Xiaohua became less angry, and said seriously.

"Second brother, don't keep it for me. I won't be back in a few days. You can save a bowl for yourself. If you are hungry, eat with elder brother."

Zhang Erniu was very happy. For the first time, he felt that his sister was not that annoying, so he nodded hurriedly.

"I'm leaving, you go back." Zhang Xiaohua waved her hand and left.

Passing Zhao Dahu's house, Zhang Daniu ran out.

"Why are you so early!"

"Go early." Zhang Xiaohua said.

Zhang Daniu knew it was about the rabbit, so he followed her to the entrance of the village.

"Go to the town to eat, eat something good, I have prepared all the money for you." He said to get the money.

Zhang Xiaohua stopped her and said in a low voice.

"I have money."

"Where did you get the money?"

Zhang Daniu felt that all his sister's money was with him, so how much could he carry with him.

Zhang Xiaohua smiled, and took out a small piece of silver from her bosom to show him.

Zhang Daniu's eyes widened.

"Where did you come from?"

"I picked it up after chasing the rabbit!" Zhang Xiaohua was very proud.

It was picked up by chasing rabbits again, Zhang Daniu remembered the last time...

"You saved someone again?"

"No." Zhang Xiaohua knew what he meant, "I really picked it up this time."

"You are really lucky. You can get money after chasing a rabbit." Zhang Daniu was a little envious.

Zhang Xiaohua smiled wryly in her heart, she almost risked her life for this little money, it was not luck!
Naturally, the money was taken from that man, before Duan Li woke up.

It's just that he was a poor ghost, with only this small piece of silver on him, and only a few pennies for the rest.

After waiting for too long, the pick-up car arrived, and Zhang Xiaohua, Wang Xiaolian and other young girls boarded the car and headed for the town.

Xiaohong was not selected, so she chased eagerly all the way to the entrance of the village, thinking that Xiaoqing promised to buy her delicious food, so she didn't shed tears.

The little girls huddled together in the car, chattering about their future work and life, like birds out of a cage.

But Zhang Xiaohua loves her money, all this is spent on her money!
If I knew it was so distressing, I wouldn't be so hypocritical at the time.

Spending money seemed to hurt her more than being in debt.

Arrived in the town near noon, stopped in front of a house, the little girls got out of the car, looked at the open door of the house, the high steps, and the courtyard inside were deeply excited and curious.

The one who picked them up was the kind woman, seeing them saying this.

"Come with me." Head forward and walked in.

The children followed in.

"This is the front yard. From now on, you'll be drying vegetables here, and eating and living here. You can't run around if you have nothing to do. If you want to go out, you have to tell me before you can go out, you know?"


The little girls agreed in unison, but they don't know how much they listened to.

"Now I will explain the rules to you," said the woman.

Zhang Xiaohua lined up with the others, listening to the mother-in-law's lecture, nothing more than washing hands, dishes, washing clothes and hair every day, in short, clean.

It's a little funny to call Zhang Xiaohua, this Duan Li really takes it seriously.

"Remember, the things at the entrance must be clean, otherwise you won't be paid, and you will be driven back, you know!"

The little girls were a little scared at this point, and hurriedly nodded to show that they knew.

"Let's take a bath first!" The mother-in-law finished her lecture.

The little girl didn't expect to take a bath before going to work, whispering, there are so many housework!
There are wooden barrels lined up one by one, with hot water in them. Zhang Xiaohua looks at the dark wooden barrels with disgust. Taking a bath in such wooden barrels will not cause skin diseases, right?

"Take off your clothes quickly!"

The person in charge of the bath was a woman, waved the board in her hand, and said sharply to Zhang Xiaohua.

Zhang Xiaohua couldn't convince herself to go in, so she clutched her stomach and groaned.

"I'm going to the bathroom!"

The woman said impatiently.

"Go back quickly!"

Zhang Xiaohua quickly agreed, and trotted out.

He came out and ran directly to the backyard, just in time to meet the man who looked like the butler.

"Where's your son?" Zhang Xiaohua asked bluntly.

The housekeeper froze for a moment.

"My son is not here."

"Go and tell him that I want to see him right now." Seeing that he hadn't moved, Zhang Xiaohua said sternly, "I'm the one your young master wants, why don't you hurry up!"

The butler looked at Zhang Xiaohua, nodded, turned around and walked back.

Zhang Xiaohua watched him walk through the hall, and thought, there is no house in the back?

After a while, the butler came over and said to Zhang Xiaohua.

"Come with me."

Zhang Xiaohua followed him through the hallway, only to find that there was a side door in the backyard, and through the side door, there was another yard, three main rooms, a row of gatehouses, and two rows of side rooms, all neatly arranged.

Entering the east room of the main room, there is a kang to the south, and Duan Li sits there, with a low table in front of him, and some documents, pens, inks, papers and inkstones are messily placed on it and on the kang.

"My lord, she's here." The housekeeper bowed and saluted.

Duan Li raised his head, Zhang Xiaohua grinned, and Duan Li said to the butler with a smile in his eyes.

"Go over there and tell her to do something here, and go back at night."

(End of this chapter)

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