Create a spirit seed in a full-time mage

Chapter 295 Blood... Concubine Ai? ? ? !

Chapter 295 Blood... Concubine Ai? ? ? !

Although the blood gu king was injured at the time, judging from what the blood gu king said to the ancient king before, it seemed that he praised him more.

"Blood... Concubine Xue Ai?" Xu Ye's eyes widened, as if he had caught something strange.

"Concubine Blood Ai is a heavenly being, and she has met once before." A trace of tenderness flashed in the deep eyes of the ancient king, "I searched all over the world before I was alive, and found countless beauties, but none of them are half as good as Concubine Xue Ai. !"

The current ancient king is not like a king on the blood throne, but an ordinary person who recalls his loved one with tender eyes.

Xu Ye was stunned by the contrast between before and after.

With a wave of the ancient king's hand, two portraits appeared out of nowhere. One was a woman in a red dress. She had a graceful figure and an extremely delicate face. .

The other painting was a bug, Xu Ye recognized it immediately, it was the Blood Gu King! ! !

"I know this." Xu Ye pointed to the figure of the Blood Gu King, swallowed his saliva and said, his eyes were full of shock.

Why does it feel like things are getting more and more complicated, the blood gu king can't really have an affair with the ancient king, right? ? ?

"You really know him?" The ancient king stood up from the blood throne, and came to Xu Ye in disbelief, his tone full of expectation.

It seems that when this "Blood Love Concubine" is mentioned, the ancient king loses all the pretensions of a king.

He now looks like an ordinary person who hears the news of a long-lost family member, except that he is dressed more handsomely...

"Couldn't this be the Concubine Blood Ai that His Majesty is talking about?" Xu Ye pointed to the portrait of the Blood Gu King and asked, thinking that the fairy-like woman was the Concubine Xue Ai, but he didn't expect it to be the Blood Gu King king!

"Actually, this is the same person." The ancient king suppressed his excitement and said, "I fell in love with Concubine Xue Ai the first time I saw her."

Speaking of this, the ancient king fell into the color of memory, and Xu didn't dare to disturb him at all.

"The first time I met Concubine Xue Ai, I had just taken power, and the great unification had not yet been completed at that time. When I was hunting demons, I met Concubine Xue Ai falling from the sky, and she fell into a coma before my eyes." The eyes of the ancient king were full of happiness. She said, "When I saw Concubine Xue Ai, I was shocked, so I forcibly took Concubine Xue Ai."

"What?" Xu Ye's eyeballs almost fell off, is it so explosive?
Does the Blood Gu King still have these experiences?

Why is this thing getting more and more exciting, the painting style has begun to go beyond my imagination.

I don't know why, Xu Ye suddenly felt that there was something interesting. It seemed that this ancient king had a deep affection for the blood gu king.

It seems that this time he is going to hug the Blood Gu King's thigh, maybe he can call the ancient king a brother or something, it's not impossible.

"Your Majesty..." Meng Tian was a little surprised at the side, he didn't expect His Majesty to even tell Xu Ye about this matter.

"No problem." The ancient king waved his hand and continued, "What I didn't expect was that after the Concubine Xue Ai woke up, her strength was completely beyond my imagination. She was seriously injured, and I could feel her weakness. But she actually killed countless powerful monsters at once to deter me."

"Concubine Xue Ai didn't kill me at that time, but said that if I can defeat her, she will marry me."

"From now on, I have sharpened my soldiers and horses, practiced hard, and collected all the treasures in the world, all in the hope of dedicating them to Concubine Blood. I couldn't help but accomplish the great unification that my predecessors failed to accomplish, and became the strongest person in the world at that time."

"I also went to fight several emperor-level monsters, and successfully killed a few of them!" The ancient king said proudly, "At that time, there were thousands of people up and down, and my strength was unmatched."

"So I launched a challenge to Concubine Xue Ai. At first, I was barely able to draw with Concubine Xue Ai, but when Concubine Xue Ai changed into this insect form with ten eyes, I was shot by Concubine Xue Ai. It flew away." The ancient king said helplessly, without any embarrassment or embarrassment.

Obviously, he failed.

He obviously became the strongest person in Kyushu at that time, but he still couldn't win...

"After that, Concubine Xue Ai said that she was leaving, and I have never been able to find Concubine Xue Ai." The ancient king said helplessly, "But I can't forget Concubine Xue Ai at all, and since then people have started to collect beauties from all over the world. The harem, to send the thoughts of Concubine Xue Ai."

"But before Concubine Xue Ai left, I had only one woman, Concubine Xue Ai!"

"I know that people in the world say that I am cruel and licentious, and it is simply ridiculous." The ancient king sneered, "I killed people who deserved to die. At that time, demons were rampant, and people in various places went their own way and even plundered each other. resource."

"In order to end the situation of war and mutual plunder, I killed some people as a deterrent. At the same time, I unified all the nine states, killed the demons, stipulated the text, and stipulated the track, just to prevent everyone in the nine states from being chaotic. The ridiculous thing is that everyone in the world thinks that I am cruel and murderous by nature."

"Could it be that those who achieve great things are indecisive and vacillating?"

"They don't look at the people I killed, how many people survived from the hands of demons after I unified with me, and how many people died because they no longer worried about plundering each other?"

"Could it be possible that in my great unification war, no one can die? It's extremely absurd!"

"However, I don't care what people say about me. I'm telling you about me now because I'm telling you that I always have a place for Concubine Blood in my heart. Others are just substitutes for Concubine Blood. Not even a substitute!"

Speaking of this, the ancient king looked at Xu Ye, "If you tell me where the bloody concubine is, I will make you a deputy marshal, who can assist General Meng Tian and have the right to mobilize 50 troops, how about it?"

Seeing that Jiaxu also hesitated, the ancient king continued, "These 50 soldiers and horses are not those weak guys outside, but the million-dollar army that sleeps with me. This million-strong army is well-trained, and the iron cavalry is even more invincible! !!"

Xu Ye was even speechless when he heard the words, the undead outside were scary enough, but the ancient king said those weak guys outside?
That is to say, there are millions of undead troops in Shayuan!

And it's still the kind of well-trained army. Does the ancient king seem to have planned it well?

How inconceivable this is, thousands of years ago, he predicted that if he was resurrected, he would need the power most!

"Actually, the worm that resurrected His Majesty was indeed given to me by the Blood Gu King." Xu also thought about it, and decided to say it out, "But I don't know the current location of the Blood Gu King, and she usually comes to contact me. .”

Now the blood gu king should be breaking through, probably very important, and he didn't even respond when he contacted him, Xu also naturally didn't dare to tell the ancient king where the blood gu king was.

In case the blood gu king failed to break through, wouldn't he be unable to eat and walk around?
(End of this chapter)

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