Chapter 137 Story
Looking around, Xu Yejue's place is probably within the stone gate that he wants to enter.

There were several machines with screens still on, various tubes, glasses, tools and colored liquids, and huge glass jars, each of which contained different things.

There are also some small animals in some glass tanks, which seem to be young sea fish and freshwater fish raised by humans. The sound of gurgling and water flow is caused by raising those things.

Xu Ye even saw the corpses of several dead sea monsters. It was a tall glass tank with several corpses floating in it, which looked like some shrimps and crabs.

They were very big, including adults and larvae, but they were all dead. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Xu not to feel that disgusting aura.

After looking around again and again to confirm that there were no monsters or anyone, Xu Ye was secretly surprised. The strong disgust he felt when he was unconscious meant that monsters approached him or very hostile people approached him.

In fact, the first thought in Xu Ye's mind was guessing that He Feng was that guy. After all, when He Feng came down, there was no trace so far. Thinking of the old man and his previous performance, Xu Ye guessed a general idea.

That guy He Feng must have come to this laboratory before, and then the black beasts and subordinates brought by He Feng were all turned into stone sculptures by the old man, and He Feng escaped by luck.

And when He Feng fled to the top, he happened to meet himself and Lao Zhou, and then He Feng jumped down again, and he followed because of the blood gu king.

It's almost here.

So Xu also felt that the maliciousness when he was unconscious was He Feng's.

This shows that He Feng is still hiding somewhere here!

Thinking of this, Xu also became vigilant, and climbed down from the huge glass tank with the help of the damn vine.

Xu Ye, who was drenched all over, released the elementary magic, and purple lightning flowed on Xu Ye's body. Under Xu Ye's control, the water on Xu Ye's clothes almost evaporated in a short while.

After vigilantly looking at the entire secret room for about ten minutes, and finding that no one was there, Xu Ye's tense nerves began to relax. It seemed that He Feng was not here.

In Xu Ye's impression, this He Feng is a bit different from other members of the Black Vatican. Almost everyone else hides very deeply. This He Feng doesn't even have a mask, and he carries the black beast with him wherever he goes, for fear of being caught People don't know that he is a member of the Black Vatican.

Xu Ye hated this guy so much, the key point is that this guy is not dead yet!
Before the accident happened in Bo City, Xu also thought that He Feng was dead, but this guy actually escaped when Bo City was attacked by monsters.

"This He Feng, I wish his son no asshole in the future." Xu Ye whispered, then turned around suddenly, seeing that there was no one behind him, only the equipment was there.

For some reason, Xu always felt that he was being watched.

"Are you awake?" Shi Zhenhai entered the stone gate and said with a smile when he saw Xu Ye standing there. He looked at Xu Ye, full of the meaning of a certain house.

It made Xu Ye feel uncomfortable all over. This old man is very strong. He beat him up before, but now he looks at him with such eyes, Xu Ye always feels abnormal.

Among them, there must be some conspiracy brewing.

Well, it must be.

"Let me introduce, old man Shi Zhenhai. I went to Bo City just now and contacted a few old guys. It just so happens that one of them knows you." Shi Zhenhai looked at Xu Ye with a smile, "Your identity is no longer a problem, next I give you a super gift."

"Great gift?" Xu Ye looked at Professor Shi Zhenhai vigilantly upon hearing this. This old man is very bad, and he couldn't trust him casually.

After all, this guy is the chief culprit of Mordor's petrification disease.

"Yeah, do you want to have the ability to be immortal?" Shi Zhenhai said temptingly, "Even if it is a severed limb, it can grow back within a minute."

Shi Zhenhai's smile became more and more charming as he talked. He is completely different from before. Now he looks like a kind-faced grandfather looking at his grandson, with serious wrinkles on his face.

"You should use this ability all the time, I don't want to have this ability." Xu Ye curled his lips when he heard this, the ability not to die?

Even if there is magic in this world, which is completely different from the scientific world, how is it possible to be immortal?

It's not that Xu doesn't know that even a magician, no matter how powerful he is, cannot withstand the ravages of time!
No one can escape the power of time, whether it is long or short, one day it will become an insignificant speck of sand in the river of history.

"I can't, I can't use it anymore." Shi Zhenhai looked sad when he heard this, "Let me tell you a story, after you listen to it, you can decide whether to use it or not."

"Yes." Xu Ye thought for a while, then nodded.

Now Professor Shi Zhenhai probably won't kill himself. Visually, he won't. He needs to win favor first, and then slowly do other things.

"More than a dozen years ago, I just retired from my job as a professor in a university, and I went to the beach for the first time to touch the defense line of the sea." After seeing Xu Ye nodding, Shi Zhenhai said with eyes full of memories.

"At that time, I lived by the sea, and I have lived here for ten years. In the past ten years, I have figured out one thing. The sea monster is not as far away as we imagined. I have been to Dongying and the coast of America. What I saw was the horror of the Kraken's invasion, there are few good places along the coast, once the tide is high, it will be a disaster."

"I met once in South America. I have seen countless sea monsters that I didn't know before. They control the ocean and erode the land. Their power is even more terrifying than the monsters on land. Once they occupy a favorable location, they The fighting power has been directly increased several times."

"What is even more frightening is that they are in groups, their ability to reproduce, and the densely packed sea monsters once filled my eyes."

"At that time, I started to be afraid. Our country's coastline is so long that I can't even imagine it. If one day, all the sea monsters on our country's coastline attack, what can we do to stop it?"

Shi Zhenhai was talking, panic flashed in his eyes.

This panic is imagining the tragic situation if the sea monsters invade in the future. Shi Zhenhai can't imagine it. Now the sea monsters are only invading occasionally, and those seaside cities are already very troublesome.

What a terrible disaster it would be if the sea monsters in the ocean, which occupied more than two-thirds of the world, rioted.

They know too little about the ocean, and humans know very little about what's going on inside.

Shi Zhenhai began to worry about his own country's coastline when he saw the miserable state of other countries' coastlines.

He knows in his heart that if the country's coastline is not strengthened, one day, it will face disaster like other countries.

It's unimaginable, after all, they still have countless big rivers and great rivers connected to the ocean, so the sea monster that appeared would be enough of a headache, a large-scale invasion, Shi Zhenhai couldn't imagine what it would be like.

(End of this chapter)

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