After the divorce, I married the richest man

Chapter 790 Awakening from a Dream

Chapter 790 Awakening from a Dream
Gu Sanshu was so angry that his chest trembled!
"You unfilial son!"

As for this unfilial son, he will be bedridden in the future, and the act of pulling out the oxygen tube is definitely something this brat will do!
Gu Zhongyi's tone was cold and heartless, without much emotion.

"Dad, I don't accuse you of your private life, but home is home. You didn't take care of it and hurt the family. You have to pay a price? Either you broke up with that woman, or you left this home. "

Uncle Gu pressed his chest and asked:
"Know what you're talking about, brat!"

"I know." Gu Zhongyi said: "I have been on Mom's side from the beginning to the end. I fully support what she wants to do. Not only me, but also grandma, and the entire Gu family."

"Gu family up and down!"

Uncle Gu snorted coldly, "Hmph! You, the Gu family, are ridiculous. Why, do you still want to publicize your father's affairs in the Gu family?"

Gu Zhongyi asked back:
"So Dad, you still don't know who you offended? How did those women appear in the Gu family compound? Don't you think it's your mother? Who is it that wants to tear your face off? You didn't think about it." think?"

Gu Sanshu sank, he resented his wife for tearing his face in front of those little lovers in his heart.

But, it was definitely not my wife who did it.

He has been married for 30 years, he knows his wife well, and she won't do anything that hurts his face.

A sentence that my wife often hangs on her lips is: Husband and wife are one body, sharing weal and woe.

If he is shameless, his wife and son will be even more shameless.

Now, when asked by his son, Uncle Gu suddenly discovered that his wife had protected him for so many years.

But he wasn't grateful at all.

Too many troubles and things are caused by my wife on the side of the old lady and Gu Xichuan.

This family, without this woman's unilateral maintenance, might have broken up long ago.

It's not that the Gu family's iron law does not allow divorce and remarriage, but that divorce can't avoid tearing faces. If the Gu family doesn't maintain their own face, who can they count on?
Not everyone has the good luck of Gu Xichuan. Su Nianen divorced Gu Xichuan back then, which attracted reports from all over the city, but it didn't hurt the Gu family.

Uncle Gu was silent for a long time, and he thought about many things clearly.

He raised his eyes and said slowly:
"Since those messy people outside upset your mother, I won't contact you in the future."

Then he sincerely repented to the third wife:

"Ma'am, my Mrs. Gu, don't be angry, I just don't associate with those women. Whether it's the temptation of youth, or the unwillingness of my heart in my early years, in my heart, I can't compare with you and my son. We are a family, I never thought of not wanting this home. No matter how bastard I am, home is always home, and this cannot be changed. "

Mrs. San took a deep breath, and her husband gave in. Of course, she couldn't make further progress.

"I don't care how you mess around outside, I just... just feel bad for you to hand over your sincerity!"

"That lady, I think her family is very happy. She is your heart's reconciliation. She is as gentle as water in front of you, but why is she by your side? Do you really think she is sincere to you? Think about it, why is she Never asked you to give her a title? Never mentioned divorce? How many years have you been sneaking around?"

"How many opportunities have you given her husband to make up for her? Is she really sincere to you?"

Uncle Gu waved his hand and said in a low voice:

"I know all of this, but I never thought of leaving my family. So I won't ask her..."

The third wife asked: "So you are willing to be used by her?"

This word...

(End of this chapter)

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