Chapter 417

Half an hour later, Miria's friends came in twos and threes.

Su Nianen immediately called for those who were free to help her.

Her small courtyard is a small two-story bungalow. Because it is already close to the city, it is not expensive compared to housing prices, and it also has an independent small courtyard.

During the days when she lived here, Su Nian'en moved a little every day, and had already fenced off the small courtyard.

For the rest, she drew up the blueprint and prepared to twist the vines into an arch shape at the entrance to the courtyard.

What I have to do today is to let these children help her do this entrance.

And according to a piece of wood, she wrote "Zixinju".

After the graphic appearance was completed bit by bit in the real courtyard, Su Nianen finally stepped on the ladder and hung up the "Zuixinju" sign. Today's renovation is considered to be over.

Su Nianen stood outside the courtyard, looking at the courtyard with satisfaction.

If it wasn't too hot here, she seemed to have brought her mother to live for a while.

Milia ran over and asked, "Sister, what word is that? What does it mean?"

"Drunk home."

Su Nian'en said in Chinese, and Milia read it along and asked, "What do you mean?"

"It's a happy home." Su Nianen said with a smile.

"So that's what it means." Miria nodded immediately, "I learned these words today."

Driven by Miria, during this period of time, her friends also have a very strong interest in Chinese, and everyone has worked hard to learn it through various channels.

These children, who are about fifteen or sixteen years old, seem to have opened a skylight for them because of Su Nianen's appearance.

She told them, don't steal or rob, do things carefully, cut corners and deal with problems sooner or later.

Su Nianen also gave them a chance to make a lot of money and invited them to dinner.

They, a group of children who don't know what the future is, have expectations for the future and have their own small goals in their ignorance.

Eight or nine people washed vegetables, cut meat, moved tables and chairs, and brought out pots for cooking hot pot in the yard.

In order to make everyone eat happily, Su Nianen specially bought two induction cookers and two pots.

A long wooden table, everyone sits in two rows, sitting face to face, four to five people share a pot, the atmosphere is better than this hot weather.

The courtyard was steaming hot, and when Su Nianen sat down, her cheeks were scorching hot and she was sweating profusely.

She immediately asked Milia to buy two of the biggest fans, otherwise, the hot pot would be useless.

She just wanted to eat hot pot in the yard, and because of the feeling she imagined, she refused to move into the house.

Milia called the two boys and went downtown.

About 10 minutes later, the two came back with two oversized fans.

The fan was plugged in and blew wildly into the small courtyard, instantly bringing everyone back to life.

Everyone laughed and laughed, eating the second half.

Su Nianen suddenly said:

"Brothers and sisters, if you call me sister, would you like to listen to my suggestion?"

Miria immediately responded with cheers: "Listen, sister, I will do whatever you want me to do!"

This afternoon, before serving the table, Miria had already revealed a little bit to everyone.

Her sister has made a big deal, so let everyone be smart, and if there is a chance, everyone can ask her for a job.

So, when Su Nianen spoke at this moment, everyone listened nervously, and when Miria made a statement, everyone else responded one after another.

"Sister, we listen to you, we will do whatever you ask us to do!"

Su Nianen nodded, "First of all, let me tell you what I am doing. I have cooperated with the royal family in a small business. But I have no trustworthy people here, and I only know you. If you are willing, I want to send you to study, read Economics, management, or require strong professional skills. After you finish your studies, I hope you can work in my company. In every position and every important part, check for me. Brothers and sisters, you are willing to help Sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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