After the divorce, I married the richest man

Chapter 413 Don't Think Who You Are

Chapter 413 Don't Think Who You Are
a few days later.

According to Su Nianen's instructions, Song Bei'an helped her carry away the rest of the cash in the wooden house.

The bank points are only 1000 million, equivalent to about 300 million RMB.

This was very different from what he expected, so he immediately went to Su Nianen.

However, at this moment, the Caide royal family announced a major news.The former state-owned water company has been controlled by rich Chinese businessmen. Now, all water companies and factories in Atlantis will be marked with "Made in China" in Chinese and English.

The news pointed out that only by handing over to businessmen from China can the people feel at ease.

China is already Maumee Jones' best partner and brother.

At the end of the news, Bella Su, a wealthy businesswoman from China, was mentioned.

Song Bei felt hesitant, Bella Su?

Feeling a little confused, he immediately asked someone to check the details of Subela.

The state-owned holding company that can take down Maumee Jones will cost at least a few hundred million, right?
Although it is a bit weaker than the natural gas that Gu Xichuan won, it is still a huge project.

Natural gas is taken over by Gu Xichuan's Lingfeng International, and Maumee Jones is a major taxpayer, not a cooperation.So in natural gas, Gu Xichuan invested nearly [-] billion in the early stage, which almost destroyed his current active liquidity.

Just because Song Bei'an knew that his elder brother had done the weather, he was surprised to hear that he had given Su Nianen tens of millions of breakup fees at this time.

It's not that I think it's too much, but at this stage, working capital is very important to the company and Gu Xichuan personally.

But Gu Xichuan still didn't treat her badly.

This Subela succeeded the royal family as the largest shareholder of the water company. Apart from her, there was also a lot of capital involved.

But in any case, this is a sure-fire deal.

Song Bei'an was jealous and jealous.

How did he take this chance?
He was also at Maumie Jones, why would he pass up an opportunity like this?
Sure enough, before finding out the details of Subela, Ms. Song from China came after her on the phone.

"Son, haven't you heard about the Kade royal family tap water project before?"

"Ms. Song, I know what you want to say, but it's a pity why this matter didn't happen to us, right? Do you think the royal family's project cooperation is a temporary idea? It must have been done secretly, how long have I been here? People can't even touch their tails, how can they grab this opportunity?"


Ms. Song sighed, "It's a pity that such a good opportunity is lost. We Chinese should make money from foreigners, and we can't keep letting foreigners make money from us."

"You can't say that, any business is mutually beneficial and win-win. In business, there is no one who takes advantage of the other. It mainly depends on whether the partner is suitable." Song Bei'an said.

Song Youzhi said again: "Son, since you are over there, do something. If you need money, tell your mother that she will support you in whatever you do."

"By the way, the royal family has released natural gas and tap water projects one after another. I guess it must be because of the tight economy that they have to do so. Son, you should find a way to inquire and make preparations in advance. Maomi Jones still has a lot of money. Mom believes that you can find a chance."

Song Bei'an was a little impatient, and finally responded lightly.


He hung up, but Subella's identity remained a mystery.

He himself was also on the Internet, searching through various channels, but still found nothing.

He was very surprised, the kind of rich woman who sold hundreds of millions, doing such a business, after all, has a net worth of more than billions, and it is impossible to invest all of her net worth.

And there are not many billionaire women in China.

Song Bei'an has been in the upper circles for many years. He can't be sure of the exact amount of assets, but he can make a rough estimate.

After eliminating one by one, there were a few possible choices left, but I didn't find any movement from those people recently.

"So low-key?"

Song Bei'an arrived at Su Nianen's house, and Su Nianen was sleeping on the sofa.

Last night, she opened her eyes again until dawn.

It was eight or nine in the morning before I fell asleep on the sofa.That's why she didn't appear in the news.

So Song Bei'an rushed into the room directly, waking him up.

"Enen, enen, what time is this, you are still asleep, get up quickly, money, no!"

Song Bei'an shook Su Nian'en vigorously, and directly dragged him up from the sofa.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up, the money is wrong!"

Su Nianen opened his eyes, his head was about to explode in pain.

"Don't bother me!" Su Nianen said angrily.

But in the next second, Song Bei'an tore off her blindfold, and the skylight outside the door directly hit the door, and reflected from the door, directly hitting Su Nianen's eyes.


Su Nianen immediately turned her head to avoid the glare that hurt her eyes, and reached out to grab the blindfold back.

When she tried to grab, Song Bei'an would naturally avoid it and move away.

"Song Bei'an, are you crazy? Give me back the blindfold?"

"It's broad daylight, why are you sleeping? Let me tell you, the money is wrong, get up quickly, let's think about what went wrong..."

Su Nianen suddenly became furious, pushed Song Bei'an away, got up and stood on the sofa, cursing angrily:

"Just for such a few money, you interrupt other people's sleep, don't you have a conscience? The young master of your Gu family still cares about that money? Don't think that whoever you are, you can call me in exchange for it, and tell me what to do! Only when I treat you as a friend can you hang around in front of me, if I don't recognize you as a friend, you can get out of here!"

The reason why Su Nianen jumped up and stood on the sofa was because the light wouldn't dazzle her eyes.

But even without the glare of the bright light, her eyes were so painful that they were about to explode, and tears flowed horizontally.

After Song Bei'an was pointed at his nose by Su Nian'en and yelled, he couldn't hold back his face, so he turned around and left.

When he reached the door, he turned around again, threw the blindfold on the ground forcefully and said loudly:

"You think I want to take care of your shit? I'm busy with my own affairs, and you think I'm free when I'm full? I don't know how to wait!"

Song Bei'an went out, stood in the yard and took a deep breath.

No one has yelled at him like that since he was a child, let alone a woman!

Song Bei'an took a deep breath and raised his hand to block the dazzling light.

The sun on Maumee Jones is too venomous, what time is it, the hot air is rolling up layer by layer.

"Hey, why are you here?"

Milia came from behind the yard with a bowl of vegetables, saw Song Bei'an standing in the yard, and immediately yelled at him in a bad tone.

"My sister is sleeping. She didn't fall asleep last night and just fell asleep on the sofa. I warn you, don't go in and disturb her, otherwise, I will beat you!"

Song Bei'an turned around with an ugly expression on his face.

Milia's words made him even more unhappy. When was he not surrounded by people who complimented him?
Why did Su Nianen change when she came here, and the stinky girl next to her just drank and drank at him?
He said angrily:

"It's late, people are already awake."


Miria immediately pushed the food to Song Bei'an, and Song Bei'an reacted very quickly and dragged it back to Milia.

"Take it, I'll go!"

Song Bei'an strode into the house again.

(End of this chapter)

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