After the divorce, I married the richest man

Chapter 314 The Most Trusted Person

Chapter 314 The Most Trusted Person
After what happened to Lu Yuchen, Gu Xichuan has made up his mind to go back to Shanshui Villa.

This time Su Nianen didn't hesitate any longer, and directly agreed to Gu Xichuan's proposal.

Before leaving, Gu Xichuan went to the old lady to say hello, and the old lady could only sigh with emotion.A bit guilty, but he could only nod in agreement.

"Nian En is pregnant with twins, so you must be more careful during pregnancy. I thought I could rest in peace in the compound, but since I came here, many things have happened."

Gu Xichuan hurriedly comforted him:
"Grandma, don't blame yourself, I didn't take good care of her."

"I'm getting old. In the past, these things were under my control. Now... I have to accept my old age."

The old lady sighed a few times, thinking about her past self, she was also vigorous and resolute, with some convincing methods.

Now, powerless.

The body and energy are deteriorating bit by bit, and I have to obey the old.

Gu Xichuan said: "Grandma, if you get tired of living here, how about going to Shanshui Villa with your grandson to change your mood?"


The old lady immediately waved her hand, "No, no, Xi Chuan, when you get older, you will know that it doesn't matter where you live, what matters is the people who live with you. At my age, what I deserve and what I deserve are all I have experienced it. This life I have lived can equal the lives of others, and I have lived enough."

The old lady said it sadly, but it came from her heart.

"If it wasn't for the sake of my children and grandchildren, why would I be willing to hold on like this? I am alive, lonely, lonely in my heart, and your grandpa is gone..."

The old lady thought for a moment, and Gu Xichuan immediately replied:
"Almost 20 years."

"Yeah, your grandfather has been gone for almost 20 years, and he left the huge Gu family in such a heartless way. How could he know what changes happened to his children and grandchildren? How could an old woman like me cope with it? But I can't go, I have to guard the Gu family for your grandfather."

Gu Xichuan nodded. Grandpa is a gentle, kind, and powerful old man.

Thinking of his grandfather, Gu Xichuan's heart ached.

Why would he be so kind and gentle to the Gu family, because grandpa was his role model when he was a child, and grandma gave him a warm person.It's really not his way to relax the maximum limit for the descendants of the Gu family.

But grandma was still worried. Gu Xichuan was not the reason why the old lady was worried. He was worried that if she fell, he would not be merciful to the descendants of the Gu family and would not continue to take care of the descendants of the Gu family.

The old lady knew very well that the descendants of the Gu family had no one available except the eldest grandson.

But in order to maintain the brilliance of the Gu family, they forcibly fought for each house to take over the branch.But every one is either heavily in debt or eliminated by the market.

And the old lady asked Gu Xichuan several times for the grandchildren of each house to save the company and the Gu family's property. As a result, Gu Xichuan contributed to fill the shortfall and took back control of the branch.

The old lady wiped the corners of her eyes and said in a low voice:

"Xichuan, grandma is very pleased that the Gu family has trained you. These years, you have worked hard for the Gu family."

For so many years, the old lady has repeatedly made things difficult for her beloved eldest grandson, and she feels guilty towards Gu Xichuan.

However, the Gu family needs his iron wrist and his outstanding talent.

If it weren't for Gu Xichuan's presence, the Gu family would have been overthrown long ago.

"It's all I should do."

"You took care of the entire Gu family for grandpa, and grandma wanted to take care of your wife and children for you, but grandma is too old to care. Xichuan, after you take Nianen and Xuanxuan back, take Xuanwen with you."

As soon as the old lady said this, Gu Xichuan immediately refused.

"Aunt Xuan is an old man by your side. It is inappropriate for me to take away. There are Aunt Fang and Sister Fang at home, so don't worry."

The old lady waved her hand and said, "Let Xuanwen go with me. Aunt Xuan and Xuanxuan have gotten to know each other well during this period of time. Mother and daughter Afang, just do what you have to do. I can rest assured that Xuanwen will go together. .”

Gu Xichuan was silent for a while, then nodded.

"Since it's Grandma's wish, I'll take Aunt Xuan and let her take care of Xuanxuan."

"I'm relieved that she takes care of Xuanxuan. She can't treat her as her own child like Nian En, but she has been in our Gu family since birth, and has been in the Gu family for most of her life. From now on, the person she wants to take care of is Xuanxuan. "

The old lady's meaning is obvious. Gu Xuanwen is different from Cuiping, Gui, and Fang, because Gu Xuanwen was born in Gu's family, and Gu's family grew up. Gu's family has been kind to her in nurturing her.

Cuiping's sister-in-law, sister Fang, mother and daughter, etc. each have their own families, but everything about Gu Xuanwen belongs to the Gu family.

The old lady was worried that Gu Xichuan didn't understand the various reasons, so she emphasized again.

"Xuanwen is the most reassuring thing for me. Don't go back, and find someone else to take care of Xuanxuan instead of her. I don't worry about who will take care of her. I only trust Xuanwen. Remember?"

After a while, Gu Xichuan said, "Okay."

When Gu Xichuan returned to Yuluo Tingxuan, everything was packed here, and Aunt Xuan kept chasing Xuanxuan to play with her.

Originally, her future was hopeful, take care of Xuanxuan.

But now that Young Master Sun and Young Madam have left the compound, she has no target.

It's not bad in the compound. After the old lady is a hundred years old, those who follow the old lady will be dismissed.Cuipingsao and Guisao have their own families and family members.

But once she, the old lady, left, everything was gone.

Where should she go?
Gu Xichuan went straight to Su Nianen, "I have something to tell you, um, let's discuss it."

"You say it."

Gu Xichuan glanced sideways at Aunt Xuan who was in the courtyard, and then helped Su Nianen go into the house.

"What's wrong? Why are you still so mysterious?"

"The old lady asked us to take Aunt Xuan with me, and she repeatedly told me that Aunt Xuan can only take care of Xuanxuan and not let others take over. Enen, what do you think?"

Gu Xichuan's question was a bit hypocritical. The old lady had already seriously explained the matter, and he had already agreed.So Su Nianen's opinion is no longer important.

Su Nianen looked sideways, "Aunt Xuan..."

She actually had doubts in her heart, but it was the Gu family's business, why did she ask so many questions?

"Grandma trusts Aunt Xuan very much?" Su Nianen asked.

Gu Xichuan nodded, "What do you think of bringing Aunt Xuan along?"

"Then take Aunt Xuan with you. Xuanxuan and Aunt Xuan have become familiar with each other during this time. If you go back and change someone, both parties need to get used to it again."

Su Nianen's words relieved Gu Xichuan.

"it is good."

Gu Xichuan kissed Su Nianen's forehead.

Su Nianen suddenly asked: "Aunt Xuan is not the blood of the Gu family, is she?"

"It's Xiaoqiu's child, the servant that grandma used to take care of personally. Born in the Gu family, he no longer has parents."

Su Nianen immediately understood, "Understood."

Grandma did choose the most suitable person for Xuanxuan. The Gu family has been kind to Aunt Xuan in nurturing her, so the old lady trusts Aunt Xuan. No one is more loyal to the Gu family than Aunt Xuan.

Su Nianen said with a smile: "I'll go tell Aunt Xuan that we have made a decision, but what about Aunt Xuan? We still have to listen to Aunt Xuan's opinion. Everything has been packed, and Aunt Xuan agrees, so we will leave immediately."

"Thank you my wife." Gu Xichuan approached her and gave her a side profile.

(End of this chapter)

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