Chapter 190 Being Questioned

"I don't know, I have been in class and didn't pay attention." Teacher Xiao Zhang said with a smile.

Su Nianen took a deep breath, "The door was destroyed violently. Does Mr. Zhang really not know about such a distance?"

Teacher Xiao Zhang's expression turned ugly for a few seconds, and he changed his words: "I heard some business, but I was in class, so I didn't read it."

"Since no one knows, I can only ask for surveillance." Su Nianen turned to leave.

Teacher Xiao Zhang said angrily: "Mr. Su, don't always bully others. If you want to check the monitoring, you can go there. It's not me. Why come here to threaten people?"

"Mr. Su."

The assistant teacher came out, "Don't think that you can do whatever you want in school because of Principal Wu. We all get paid based on our ability, not because we are afraid of you."

Hearing this, Su Nianen felt a little interesting.

She turned around and looked at the young assistant teacher.

"This teacher, just now Teacher Xiao Zhang said that I always bully others, but I didn't understand. Now you say that I do whatever I want. I really don't understand this. May I ask when did I bully others? Where did I do it? You two teachers think I bullied someone? What happened, and who did I bully? Please explain clearly. Throwing out a sentence or two in such a way can really choke people to death."

Su Nian'en didn't back down at all, so she is not someone who can be manipulated by others.

For things that are usually insignificant, it's okay to bear with me and make a concession.But if she really made something out of nothing and slandered her behind her back, then she couldn't stand such a useless attitude.

"Teacher Su asked the question knowingly, you don't know that you will be expelled soon, right? This expulsion is the second time you have been expelled. You should think about how to face the principal's wife!"

What the teaching assistant said made Su Nianen even more inexplicable.

"What do you mean?"

Su Nianen turned around, "Principal's wife?"

Why did the principal's wife show up? She just wanted to find out why she couldn't get into the classroom today, as if she had gotten into some trouble, and more and more people and things were involved, and it became more and more outrageous.

Teacher Xiao Liu pulled the assistant teacher away and said to Su Nianen: "Mr. Su, I'm sorry, we are still in class, and we don't know what you want to ask. You can ask someone else."

The classroom door was closed, and Su Nianen stood outside the door, feeling cold in her heart.

Su Nianen had no choice but to watch the surveillance.

But who knew that the security guards wouldn't let her in at all, and had a bad attitude.

"Whoever wants to watch the surveillance can watch it? You're such a mess, am I still working?"

It's not a pure coincidence that Su Nian'en is deflated everywhere, right?

She took Xiaotuanzi to find Principal Wu, but Principal Wu was not in the office, and it was Teacher Zhang who opened the door.

"Mr. Su, you really came."

Su Nianen looked at Teacher Zhang, and then walked in.

There were more than a dozen teachers standing in Principal Wu's office, and Su Nian'en was full of surprise. Didn't they go to class?

"Mrs. Wu, you see, we didn't wrong Miss Su, she really came."

Su Nianen looked at all the teachers standing in a row, as if she had some clues.

She pulled up a chair and sat down, scanning all the teachers with her eyes.

"So, I couldn't get into the classroom today because you did it on purpose." Su Nianen said in a low voice.

Teacher Zhang said: "We just want to prove something and show it to Mrs. Wu. Teacher Su, we all know that your marriage broke down, but you yourself were not in a happy marriage in the past. Why do you want to destroy other people's families? President Wu and Mrs. Wu Deep love, ten years of love, can you bear it?"

"What bullshit?" Su Nianen said angrily.

"Teacher Su, please be respectful in what you say!"

"You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. Be careful that misfortune comes out of your mouth." Su Nianen warned: "More than half of you here are my former colleagues. No matter what you talk about me behind your back, please be careful in your words and deeds. It's not weak Baozi, everything has a limit, it's too much, I will apply for legal sanctions."

"What a big breath!"

Mrs. Wu, Mrs. Wu's wife, went up against the crime. She glared at Su Nian'en angrily, the hatred and anger in her eyes were clearly revealed.

Su Nianen was a little confused and had to turn to Mrs. Wu.

"You are Mrs. Wu? President Wu's wife?" Su Nianen guessed.

"You know I'm here, so I advise you to think carefully about what you say. Our old Wu is generous and won't lay off people casually. But I'm different. Although I don't work in the school, it's easy for me to hire someone casually! "

Mrs. Wu's words made Su Nianen even more puzzled.

"Mrs. Wu came here to show her authority?" Su Nianen asked in doubt.

Mrs. Wu snorted coldly: "Do you think you'll be safe by hugging my husband's thigh? If I let you go, he won't be able to keep you! I haven't told you yet, I also have a share in this school. My husband is the one who does the work. But I have the right to speak."

"Is that so?" Su Nianen asked in confusion, "Why don't I know."

"Hey!" Mrs. Wu sneered.

Su Nianen waved his hand, "Whatever, I can probably guess the reason from your fragmentary words. Today I couldn't enter the classroom door for no reason, and the teacher in charge of the key firmly denied that I returned the key yesterday and couldn't find anyone. The logistics teacher Refusing to provide me with a spare key, and then returning to the classroom, the classroom door was violently damaged, and no one admitted to seeing who did it. After all my inquiries failed, you decided that I would ask Principal Wu to come forward.”

After Su Nianen finished speaking, she took another look at everyone.

"Well, I'm really here. What does this prove? It proves what you think, that I have an affair with President Wu."

"Shameless!" Mrs. Wu scolded angrily.

Su Nian'en's expression turned ugly.

"Mrs. Wu, they want to prove it to you. I have no choice but to ask the leader to come forward to solve it. It is that I have an affair with President Wu. Do you believe it? Mrs. Wu, you don't have to believe me, but you share the same bed Mr. Zhen, you still don’t believe it? Everyone is bumping into walls everywhere, being forced to do nothing, and if they don’t ask the leader to come forward, are they just swallowing their anger and waiting to be oppressed by others?”

Mrs. Wu had nothing to say, and glanced at the people in the office.

"Ms. Su, stop making excuses. You don't meet the school's requirements for recruiting new students. Why did you come to the school again after you were expelled?" Mrs. Wu asked.

"Probably, a little money?" Su Nianen said bluntly, "Principal Wu opened the back door for me."

"You probably rely on your beauty." Mrs. Wu snorted coldly, looking at Su Nianen with disdain.

"Thank you, I thought you were praising me." Su Nianen responded neither humble nor overbearing.

Mrs. Wu pulled her face and said: "Mr. Zhang saw with my own eyes that you come here at noon every day. This is my husband's office. You come here during your lunch break. Why do you come here without taking a break? Don't deny it. Witness and surveillance They can all testify.”

"Are there many times? It was just at noon a few days ago. I have business, so I didn't take the initiative to come to Principal Wu, why are we still waiting for Principal Wu to find me?" Su Nianen asked back.

(End of this chapter)

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