Chapter 178

"We, Wenfeng, have feelings for each other. Keeping things doesn't mean anything."

Mother Lin snorted softly: "Besides, the marriage is divorced, the previous people are gone, and a ring is kept, so what does it mean? He still keeps it for the time being, and he definitely has no idea how to deal with it. It's my son's own thing, so Feifei shouldn't take it away casually."

After Lin's mother finished speaking, she glanced at Li's mother.

"Touching other people's things at will, what is that? A thief? There are some things that I can't say too much. Should I secretly take other people's things?"

"Feifei didn't treat herself as an outsider. She has always had good conduct. If it was someone else's property, she wouldn't touch it." Mother Li said.

Mother Lin didn't look directly at the past, "My son said that if you can't get the things back, you should move out too."

"Sister Ma, how many years have we known each other? The relationship between our two families is not so fragile, is it? Two children are fighting, that is still a family. No matter how wrong our family Feifei is, it is also Because she cares too much about Wenfeng, if she doesn't care, why would she care what he left behind?"

Mother Li held Mother Lin's hand and said kind words, with a very good tone.

Mother Lin didn't say anything, so she should take this opportunity to kill the arrogance of this family.

Lin Wenfeng walked out of the room, and Li's parents immediately surrounded Lin Wenfeng.

"Wenfeng, it's her fault that Feifei touched your things. But please think about it from her point of view. She has made up her mind to spend the rest of her life with you. She wants you to take away your previous things. Things, one is that I don’t want you to feel hurt, and the other is that since they are already divorced, it should be over, right? Life has to look forward. "

Father Li also persuaded, "Wenfeng, our family Feifei is pure-hearted, and she will not turn back if she hits the south wall. If she believes in you, she will not be easily shaken. In her eyes, you are her husband. She is not trying to provoke you." Confidence, out of concern."


"Stop talking." Lin Wenfeng said.

Mother Lin looked at her son, "Wenfeng, Feifei is out."

"Mom, do you have time, go out with me." Lin Wenfeng said.

Mother Lin nodded hurriedly and followed Lin Wenfeng out of the house.

The Li family's parents didn't understand what Lin Wenfeng meant, but they didn't ask them to move out immediately.The parents of the Li family were lucky if they didn't mention it, and they wouldn't ask if they didn't mention it.

Lin's mother followed her son all the way, watching his son keep his head buried in the walk, and he seemed to be in a bad mood.Mother Lin kept her words in check, for fear that her son would be unhappy.

"Take a taxi?"

Mother Lin saw that Lin Wenfeng stopped the taxi, so she opened her mouth.

Lin Wenfeng didn't speak, Mother Lin got into the car and asked again: "Are you looking for Feifei?"


"No? Then, what are we doing here?" Mother Lin was surprised, "Come out for dinner?"

Lin Wenfeng didn't answer, and the taxi took the two of them directly to a 4S store. After getting off, Lin's mother was in an accident.

"What are you doing here? We don't have money to buy a car, so don't go in."

"If I have some money, I can buy a scooter, and it will be convenient for me to commute to and from get off work." Lin Wenfeng said.

"Huh? Where did you get so much money to buy a car?"

Mother Lin didn't believe it, but Lin Wenfeng had already walked in.Lin's mother was a little anxious, and hurried to catch up, pulling her son and whispering in his ear.

"Son, our family's situation is not as good as before. We should take it easy to buy a car. Don't owe a lot of debt just to buy a car. It's hard to pay off."

Lin's mother pulled Lin Wenfeng, fearing that he would overdraw his credit card again, borrow money, and fall into the abyss of being pressed for debts.

"Rich." Lin Wenfeng said two words, leaving his mother to look after the car.

Mother Lin looked at the salesmen who warmly received her son. When her son was in glory, many people outside looked up to him and praised him everywhere.But since the divorce and the bankruptcy of the company, even street sweepers have started to spurn her son.

Today, these people circled around her son again, Mother Lin understood.In this era, money is king, and who you are is not that important at all.

Lin Wenfeng ordered a car quickly, and the full amount of the landed family's 12 yuan, plus the money he had saved, was all in this car.

Mother Lin saw her son swiping two cards, one for 12 and the other for [-].

"In about two weeks, the car will arrive. Mr. Lin can go."

The sales lady sent Lin Wenfeng and Lin's mother out of the store with an excellent service attitude. During the period, she repeatedly reminded Lin Wenfeng and Lin's mother to be careful. She was very thoughtful.

Lin Wenfeng bought a car on the subway they took on the return trip, and he was not so happy, and Lin's mother looked even more melancholy.

"Wenfeng, with the current situation at home, what car should I buy?"

She has always believed that a car will never be as practical as a house.

"It's convenient to take a taxi to go out now, how convenient is it to drive?" Mother Lin asked.

"I run outside every day, and there are so many places where I use my car. Many customers live in remote areas, or they need to adjust something temporarily. If they can't get a car for a while, it will affect their work."

"Money, it's all spent." Mother Lin sighed.

"The money was given by Li Feifei." Lin Wenfeng said truthfully.


"Yes." Lin Wenfeng didn't say anything else.

Seeing Lin Wenfeng's face, Lin's mother was not lying, and immediately said: "Don't drive him away for the time being, for the sake of the money."

"It's not that I can't tolerate her temper, but that there are some bottom lines that cannot be touched." Lin Wenfeng said.

"I lost my temper too, it's okay." Mother Lin persuaded.

Lin Wenfeng didn't say anything. He bought a very ordinary car. He drove a Q23 when he was 5 years old. Now, the car he bought was actually a Hyundai.

No expectations, it's really just a scooter.

When the mother and son went home, Li's parents cooked noodles and ate them.

Mother Li took advantage of the Lin family's mother and son to go out, and it was past five o'clock in the afternoon, thinking that they would not be able to come back in a while, so she hurriedly cooked a bowl of noodles and cracked three eggs each, filling a large bowl.

When Mother Lin came back, the Li family and his wife were taken aback.

Li's mother quickly ate the eggs in the bowl, choking and stretching her neck.

"One person eats two bowls of rice at noon, are you hungry now?" Mother Lin asked in surprise.

Father Li saw that there was no Li Feifei behind them, and also asked, "Where is Feifei?"

"She hasn't come back yet?" Mother Lin said in a dissatisfied tone, "How long have you been out?"

Father Li hurriedly called his daughter, "Feifei's phone number has not been connected, I thought you had found her."

Mother Lin saw that there were actually two eggs in Mother Li's bowl, and when she saw her choking her neck stretched out, she immediately became angry.

"How many eggs did you cook behind my back?"

Mother Lin went straight into the kitchen. There was a row of eggs on the refrigerator door, only two left!

"Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat in one day! You are not disabled, you have arms and legs, why don't you go find something to do? Why should my son support your family? What does our family owe you?"

Lin Wenfeng had a headache and bought a car. Originally, it was a node event for him to regain his strength, but once he got home, there were endless quarrels.

(End of this chapter)

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