The Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 95 Wedding

Chapter 95 Wedding (1)
He couldn't bear the look in her eyes.

He seemed more and more unable to refuse her request.

"I'll try, accept..."


Song Zhenqian ran over suddenly, hugged him tightly from behind, and pressed her whole body against him, so happy that she wanted to cry...

She knew that Fu Siling was not such a cold-blooded person, and she knew that she would definitely touch Fu Siling!

"Can I kiss you?" Song Zhenqian asked.

Fu Siling pushed him away with an angry expression on his face, "I just said try to accept it, if you haven't already accepted it, don't push yourself!"

Song Zhenqian held his mouth aggrieved.

It's normal to have such a request for someone you like!

"You and Qin Yuanxiu..." Fu Siling's face suddenly turned suspiciously rosy.

He didn't care, he just wanted to be sure.

This is still an extremely awkward man.

"I have nothing to do with Qin Yuanxiu." Song Zhenqian insisted.

"Have you and him..." Fu Siling couldn't say anything, so he simply went to the closet, took out clean clothes, and changed directly.

He had to admit, he just cared!

Song Zhenqian didn't understand what Fu Siling was trying to do. Seeing that the clothes seemed to have a grudge against him, and they were pulling on them, she really suspected that if he exerted too much force, the clothes would be torn.

Fu Siling, who had changed his clothes, walked out of the bedroom, walked over, and picked up the lunch box that had just been put in the shoe cabinet in a hurry. After smelling it, it didn't seem to smell like feet. He poured it into two bowls and put it in the microwave to heat it up. .

After doing all the actions, Song Zhenqian sat on the dining table in the dining room very consciously, waiting for him to hand her the food.


Song Zhenqian nodded, took two bites, and then asked, "Are you enough?"


"Then usually, haven't you finished eating?"

"Can't you talk so much? Eat your food!" Fu Siling said coldly, trying to avoid her question at all.

She pouted and ate bit by bit.

In fact, every night, after she delivered the porridge to him, she went back to eat something casually.

Sometimes I just don't eat at all, and just look forward to going to bed early, because the time for going to bed passes so quickly, so that I can see Fu Siling sooner!

After eating, it was getting late.

Song Zhenqian didn't know how Fu Siling felt about her now, at least he understood that he didn't repel her so much anymore, but she also understood that everything can't be pushed further.

So, when it was close to 12 o'clock, she said weakly, "It's getting late, I'm going back."

Fu Siling sat on another sofa without any reaction.

Song Zhenqian stood up from the sofa, feeling a little bit reluctant, and slowly moved towards the gate.

"You don't need to go back, you will live here tonight."

In an instant, Song Zhenqian's eyes flashed brightly like stars.

"Stay in a guest room!"

"Oh!" I was a little disappointed, but compared to going back, it was already a great happiness.

"Don't think too much, I just think staying here is safer than being alone."

She nodded.

"I told you not to think too much, I just didn't think of the time to collect the body for you..." Fu Siling roared angrily.

Song Zhenqian nodded sharply.

She didn't think too much about it.

I was so happy that I couldn't help but giggle out loud.

"You..." Fu Siling looked at her and frowned unhappily.

No matter what, he felt that he had no silver 300 taels here.

He walked into his bedroom angrily, closed the door, and locked it heavily!

Damn it, when I met Ou Yao, the whole world changed!

Song Zhenqian stood in the living room and looked at Fu Siling's distraught look, the smile on his mouth became more and more cheerful.

It seemed that she had really, once again integrated into Fu Siling's world!

very nice.

She went into the guest room next to him.

She slept next to Fu Siling. Although it was not a bed, she lived in his home.

The man who wanted to kill her just a second ago can now live with her so peacefully under the same roof. Her hard work is really not in vain.

Tossing and turning on the big soft bed, she rolled from side to side.

I really want to shout loudly: Fu Siling, I love you!
It seems to tell the whole world that at this moment, she is so happy, so happy...

Vienna estate.

The time difference between Austria and China is 6 hours.

Therefore, it is just dark in Vienna now.

In the hall of the manor, Wu Xiang kept clicking on the TV program boringly, always feeling that without Ou Yao's existence, the place would be much, much empty.

After changing the TV stations around, he really didn't find anything interesting. He got up, turned off the TV, walked to the second floor, and returned to his room.

Since Ou Yao left, even Brother Qin didn't spend much time in the manor.Just staying in my own room every day, what fun is there.

Of course, Wu Xiang, a single-celled animal, would never understand it.

Qin Yuanxiu's bedroom.

He Zijin was in his room.

Two people were standing on the outside balcony, smoking.

One light and one dark smoke burn quietly at night.

"Have you found it?" Qin Yuanxiu extinguished the last cigarette butt, walked into the bedroom, and asked casually.

He Zijin also extinguished his cigarette butt, and followed him in.

Qin Yuanxiu poured two glasses of red wine, one for each.

The two sat on the single sofa, sipping wine.

"Not yet." He Zijin shook his head.

"You really doubt Ah Qiu?"

"I don't just want to prove my innocence." He Zijin said seriously.

"Tell me what are you suspecting?"

"From the day you let Xin Qiu go after Fax."

"Huh?" Qin Yuanxiu raised his eyebrows.

"Compared with Xin Qiu's skill and Fax's, who is better?"

Qin Yuanxiu thought for a while, "Ah Qiu."

"But did Xin Qiu tell you that day that he couldn't catch up with Fax?"

Qin Yuanxiu pursed his lips and nodded.

"This is the first doubt. But at the time, I didn't think too much about it. I just thought that Fax was so angry that he didn't care about life or death." He Zijin said.

Qin Yuanxiu looked at him, and at that time, he thought so too.

"Second point, when we all arrived at the designated point, apart from me, only Xin Qiu had been on a helicopter. Do you remember that Xin Qiu likes to play with models, and he is particularly interested in mechanical things? , So, with his skills, it is completely reasonable to use his hands and feet on the helicopter."

(End of this chapter)

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