Qing Chuan Zhi Fu Jin wants to fall out of favor

Chapter 374 383, I don't need moths

Chapter 374 383, I don't need moths

"Do you know what happened in the previous dynasty recently?"

Wu Linzhu didn't know whether her guess was right or wrong, but she always paid attention to the affairs of the previous dynasty, and she was always right.

"No. Of course, except for the flood."

Green Sprout shook his head.The whole court was disturbed by the flood, so the emperor went there in person.

"Okay, I understand, send someone to keep an eye on the palace and outside the palace"

Wu Linzhu stretched lazily, and then stood up from the couch while supporting her stomach.

Seeing this, Lu Ya hurried forward to help her.She didn't know what Wu Linzhu was going to do, but it was good for the master to get up and move.

"Especially the first few elder brothers"

Wu Linzhu did not forget.Fourth Master's sudden arrival of the throne was also lucky.I'm afraid there are too many people in the court.

Who knows if they will take advantage of fourth master to go to Shanxi to make trouble.

While walking through the main hall of Kun Palace, Wu Linzhu came to the edge of the reclining chair under the corridor, and at the same time told Lu Ya.

Then Wu Linzhu wanted to continue lying down. The reason why she came out was to lie down in another place.

But looking at Luya's disapproving eyes.Wu Linzhu touched her nose resentfully.Touch the pattern on the deck chair.

"The workmanship of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is getting better and better. Look at the pattern on the reclining chair. It's getting more and more realistic."

Wu Linzhu jumped over the deck chair and walked along the corridor to a small garden in front of the side hall of Yikun Palace.

It's small, but it's well-kept.The peonies on the outer ring are blooming gorgeously, the pink peonies inside are like a beautiful little girl, and the peonies on the outside are her gorgeous dress.

"This flower house has a lot of intentions, and the flowers are very delicate and beautiful."

Wu Linzhu stood outside the flower bed, that is to say, she saw the flower and just said it casually.

"This flower was sent to our Yikun Palace, how dare the flower house not be dedicated."

The whole palace knows that the emperor loves the empress, so the House of Internal Affairs will naturally pick the good ones and send them over, and they dare not send the bad ones!

"Look at what you are proud of, that is, this palace is the queen, and there is Ulanara behind her, otherwise, in this palace, I don't know how many times I have been counted against."

Wu Linzhu shook her head helplessly, even so, she had suffered a few times.

"That's right. I used to think that being a concubine is very simple. Just take care of the housework for the master and have children. But I didn't expect that it would be dangerous everywhere in the palace."

Green Sprout nodded in agreement.Following Wu Linzhu's side these past few years, she is no longer the green shoot she used to be.

Only if she is more cautious can she keep herself and the empress.

"is not that right?"

Wu Linzhu plucked a peony from the flowers and played with it in her hand.Then continue to speak.

"Honghui is still young, although we are serving people around us, but don't be careless and watch carefully."

Wu Linzhu thought of the past, and now, he thought of his son.

"Your maidservant knows that during this period of time, Xiaoyuan is not serving the elder brother. Xiaoyuan looks carefree, but she is very concerned about our elder brother's affairs."

After Wu Linzhu gave birth to Honghui, Xiaoyuan was assigned to take care of Honghui.

For such a long time, nothing has gone wrong.

"That's fine, it's getting late, let's go back!"

Wu Linzhu supported her stomach, squatted down, and inserted the peony in her hand, including the flowers and stems, into the soil. Then, she got up and supported Lu Ya's arm, turned around and returned to the main hall.

On the other side of Shanxi, it is in a different courtyard.

In a hall, there were many men in official uniforms standing, and sitting on the seat was the fourth master with a serious face.

"Asshole, what do you mean by that?"

Fourth Master let out a low heh, obviously he was very angry now, very angry.

"I allocated 20 taels of silver to Shanxi. Now that the flood has not been cured and the refugees have not settled down, then tell me where the money has gone."

This amount is really too big, if fourth master wants to pretend that he doesn't know, he won't do it.

But corrupt officials didn't only exist when he was in power, but these people were too reckless. Now that fourth master was in power, he wouldn't allow such things to happen under his nose.


Seeing that fourth master was angry, the ministers below dared not say anything, no matter they were innocent or not.Grid lowered his head and stared at his toes.

"Why, do you all feel that the current official positions are too secure, if you don't say anything, then I will send you to the northwest to guard."

The fourth master really didn't want to scare these people, people often say that there is one emperor and one courtier, these are the old ministers of Lord Kangxi, relying on the old to sell the old, the fourth master just has no chance to deal with them, if he doesn't give an explanation to his brother now, then he will be demoted, just right.

"Your Majesty, rest your anger."

When everyone heard fourth master's words, it didn't look like they were joking, and they couldn't wait to beg for mercy.

Li Xun is the person in charge of flood control and arrangements for the victims of disasters, and he is also the minister of the Military Aircraft Department.

Hearing what fourth master said, he shivered and stood out from the crowd.

"Veteran is useless, let down the trust of the emperor."

Li Xun was ashamed. As a minister of the two dynasties, he thought that this flood would be a big fat job, but the fat didn't reach his mouth at all, and he was robbed halfway, and the money that came down was nothing. To save the lives of the victims in Shanxi.

If this continues like this, it is inevitable that the victims will not riot after a long time.

As for who robbed the disaster relief money halfway, Li Xun knew it well, but he didn't want to offend this person.

Thinking about the current situation in the court, after offending that person, I'm afraid I can't even stay in the court, what's more, the life of the whole family will be involved!
But if he doesn't know anything and the emperor gets angry, the most serious thing is dismissal, but at least, his family can keep his family.

"You are indeed useless. From today onwards, I will personally handle the matter of the flood."

Fourth master snorted coldly, at this time, if he still dares to rely on his elders, then fourth master will let him go home completely.


Li Xun was taken aback, dismissal was the worst outcome, he didn't expect that he would be dismissed as soon as the emperor came, so it was difficult to accept for a while.

"Your Majesty, you can't. Master Li was at the military plane when the first emperor was around. He is an old man from the two dynasties. How can he say he is demoted?"

The officials who had a good relationship with Li Xun were also surprised, and then hurriedly came out to intercede, but the fourth master was determined to clean up Li Xun, so even if these people broke their mouths, he would not change his mind.

"What I want is a virtuous person who can share my worries, not a moth in the court."

Fourth master looked at the begging man coldly. What he said was serious, but he was right.

(End of this chapter)

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