Chapter 181 Dozens of Hives

Thinking that the black and white cubs must be exhausted, Yuan Jing planned to cook more nutritious meals.The first thing to do is to roast the meat. With the barbecue plate, which is an artifact of cooking, the must-have staple food is roasted meat.

The production of roasted meat is as simple as putting the marinated meat on the barbecue plate, installing the fire heart stone, and then the meat can be automatically roasted.Yuan Jing's next big dish is silver scale fish meat broth.Silver scale fish is a mutant beast, and the nutritional value of its meat is very high.

Silver scale fish broth is considered a luxury.In order to maximize the efficacy of the silver scale fish meat broth, Yuan Jing used the Bright God Cauldron to cook the broth.

The boiling of the broth is basically just filling the pot.In order to let the cubs eat better, Yuan Jing made three big pots of boiled Gugu meat.In the past, people thought that chicken soup was very nourishing.Yuan Jing felt that it would be very nourishing to make more boiled Gugu meat.Thinking of how hard it is for the cubs to learn to hunt.Yuan Jing plans to cook all meat dishes.Yuan Jing didn't plan to cook vegetarian dishes like steamed sweet potatoes.

In order to make the cubs eat more happily, Yuan Jing also made steamed river prawns and steamed crabs.Prepare another pot of seafood soup.Today's lunch is ready.

It was only when Yuan Jing was cooking that she remembered that she had planned to make a stone mill. Yuan Jing wanted to eat steamed buns and corn porridge.The cubs are not happy with meat.They have little interest in vegetarian food.Yuan Jing likes vegetarian food very much.

So while there is still time, Yuan Jing plans to do experiments to see if she can make a stone mill.

I still have some impressions of Shimo Yuan Jing.In the previous life, there were stone mills in many scenic spots, manual experience studios and other places.

Stone mill is a kind of machinery used to process rice, wheat, beans and other grains into powder and pulp.At the beginning, human or animal power was used, and in the Jin Dynasty, Chinese working people invented water mills powered by water.

Stone mills are usually made of two cobblestones.The mill is two layers of planes, and the junction of the two layers has textures. The grain enters the middle of the two layers from the hole above, moves outward along the texture, and is ground when rolling through the two layers to form powder.

There is a navel between the two mills of the stone mill to prevent the upper fan from falling off the lower fan when it is turning.In order to push the stone mill more conveniently, the upper fan is also equipped with a push handle.In order to catch things like the ground powder slurry conveniently, it is necessary to install an upper receiving plate under the two fan mills to specifically pick up the ground powder slurry.

Yuan Jing felt that she had used the Guangming Divine Cauldron too frequently recently, and she felt that she should restrain herself.Thinking that the little ones are all experts in making stone tools, Yuan Jing planned to ask the little ones to help make stone mills.The cubs who speak in English may not understand.Yuan Jing still planned to draw it better.If the cubs can't make it, Yuan Jing can go to the tiger orcs for help.

Huzhuang and these orcs all have rich experience in making stone tools.Hu Zhuang was able to help Yuan Jing make a kang before.Yuan Jing feels that her own stone mill is still very promising.

So Yuan Jing started to take out the drawing board and draw stone mills.The stone mill in the animal world is very different from the stone mill in the previous life. The grains of grains such as corn, wheat, and soybeans in the previous life are relatively small.The texture on the stone mill will be lighter.But the grains of corn in the animal world are very large.Very light textures are definitely not suitable.

Therefore, the texture of the stone mill should be made deeper.Moreover, the large grain size of corn requires greater force to grind it into powder, so the texture of the stone mill must be harder, and the volume of the stone mill should be made larger to be easy to use.

The other parts of the stone mill basically do not need to be changed.After Yuan Jing thought up the plan for the stone mill, she began to draw pictures.

Yuan Jing is now a five-pattern orc, so her drawing ability is stronger, and her hands are more coordinated. Basically, she thinks about how to draw in her head, and her hands are very cooperative. It took Yuan Jing about ten minutes to give the picture to It's done.

The diagrams drawn by Yuan Jing include those where the stone mills are assembled together, and also those where each part is separated.The separate pictures are: the upper fan mill, the lower fan mill, the navel mill, the push handle and the connecting plate.There are combined diagrams and separate diagrams.Believe it is easier to make.

After drawing the picture, Yuan Jing put away the drawing board.The matter of the stone mill is settled.

Roasted and boiled meat are not good yet.Yuan Jing immediately got up with nothing to do.It is estimated that there are still nearly 10 minutes before the roasted and boiled animal meat is ready.Yuan Jing went straight out of the puppet cloud piercing beast to look for flowers and plants.

There is still a lot of open space in Yuan Jing's Divine Cauldron Space. Thinking of the coming catastrophe, Yuan Jing feels that she can collect more flowers and plants in the Divine Cauldron Space.Maybe these flowers and plants will become treasures.Because these flowers and plants may not be there in the future.Rare things are precious, maybe the flowers and plants that are currently in the Shending space will really become treasures.

Yuan Jing really found a lot of flowers and plants with special shapes. What surprised Yuan Jing most was that she found a fleshy plant similar to succulent. This fleshy plant is fiery red and has two slaps Size, looks fleshy, very nice.Yuan Jing had a lot of succulents in her previous life, but she had never seen fiery red succulents, and now Yuan Jing is even more happy to find these fiery red, fleshy succulents.

Carefully put away these twenty or so fiery red succulents.Yuan Jing started to move to the next place.

Yuan Jing lamented that her physical fitness was really good after becoming an orc.Yuan Jing also felt uncomfortable and tired on the first day of menstruation. Today is the second day of menstruation. She is full of energy now. She is busy with so many things and seems to be fine. It is amazing.

After Yuan Jing got her favorite fiery red succulents, she couldn't help but feel better.So Yuan Jing hummed a song while walking on the weedy path, very leisurely.But Yuan Jing didn't turn off her five senses, Huo Wu and Duo'er were still playing around with the puppet cloud piercing beast.Yuan Jing needs to keep an eye on their condition at all times.

When Yuan Jing was looking for flowers and plants not far from the puppet cloud piercing beast, she suddenly heard a buzzing sound entering her ears.This sound is somewhat like the sound of a water-drinking beast flapping its wings.Following the prestige, Yuan Jing saw several small animals that looked like bees.These little beasts are more than ten times the size of bees.Not small in size.Seeing these little beasts that looked like bees, Yuan Jing couldn't help but keep up with the little beasts.Yuan Jing has the support of the hollow boots, and she can still keep up with the bee-like footsteps.

Yuan Jing misses honey a little bit.In the last life, pure natural honey was sold at sky-high prices. There are many fake honeys, and the prices are relatively low, but the taste is very ordinary. After Yuan Jing was lucky enough to taste the taste of pure natural honey, she will never eat fake honey again. The taste is indescribable.But pure natural honey is hard to come by, so Yuan Jing misses the taste of pure natural honey very much.

Now there is an opportunity to obtain pure natural honey, how can Yuan Jing not be tempted.Yuan Jing didn't know how to get the honey in the hive, but after finding the hive, maybe the little ones would find a way.

Besides, there are many fruit trees in Yuan Jing's space.Yuan Jing has also read many books on fruit tree cultivation before. It is said that if bees are raised in fruit trees, the output of fruit trees will rise in a straight line, and the quality of fruits produced by fruit trees will be higher.

Yuan Jing felt that as long as she got the honeycomb, she would be satisfied. If she couldn't eat honey, it could make the fruit trees better.Of course, it is best to find a way to get the honey in the hive.Honey is a good thing for beauty and beauty.The taste of pure natural honey is even more intoxicating.

When Yuan Jing was still intoxicated with the beautiful longing for honey, she saw a beehive the size of a yoga ball hanging on a big tree not far away, and looking further afield, Yuan Jing found that it was A forest, the trees in this forest grow very tall, it feels like entering a virgin forest.And what excites Yuan Jing the most is that there are dozens of beehives in this forest, and these beehives are the size of a yoga ball.

Yuan Jingguang drooled when she saw these hives the size of yoga balls.She really misses the taste of pure natural honey. Pure natural honey smells tangy and sweet in the mouth, mixed with a slight sour taste, soft and delicious when chewed, and mixed with a little spicy taste in the throat , with a long aftertaste.

Yuan Jing was not overwhelmed by the joy of finding the hive either.There are dozens of beehives here, and there must be countless bees.Bee stings are no joke.Many documents record that if a bee makes multiple cuts, the face will be swollen like a pig's head, and death will occur.This is no joke.

Thinking of the magical function of the mutated wormwood to repel mosquitoes and animals, Yuan Jing directly hung a dozen sachets made of mutated wormwood on her body.

Yuan Jing was afraid that she would suffer, so she deliberately stayed away from the woods with beehives.Yuan Jing wants to make a helmet first.She doesn't look like a pig's head pierced by bees.Even thinking about it is scary.

Thinking that the material of the quasi-iron birch is the same as steel, Yuan Jing directly made an iron helmet out of the quasi-iron birch.With the iron helmet on, Yuan Jing became much more courageous.Yuan Jing went directly to the woods over there to collect the trees and the beehives hanging from the trees.

The imagined scenario in which the bees would attack themselves didn't happen.These bees still didn't like the smell of mutated wormwood, so they didn't attack Yuan Jing.Yuan Jing successfully took away these trees and the beehives hanging on them.I thought that there might be some way to these trees, otherwise these bees would not concentrate here to build their nests.Therefore, Yuan Jing collected all the trees without beehives in the Shending space.

Yuan Jing originally only planned to look for flowers and plants near the puppet cloud piercer, but now for honey, Yuan Jing is far away from the puppet cloud piercer. The cloud beast rushed over there.

When Yuan Jing rushed to the puppet cloud piercing beast, the puppet cloud piercing beast was already very lively.These little cubs, Bai Shushua and Hei Huhu, and their beast pets are all back.Even Huang Cancan and Lan Yan came back.

The roasted animal meat and various soups prepared by Yuan Jing also gave off bursts of meaty aroma.

(End of this chapter)

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