Primitive beast world farming and raising cubs

Chapter 161: Hide and Seek in the Stone Forest

Chapter 161: Hide and Seek in the Stone Forest
Yuan Jing watched with her own eyes the figures of the three beast pets disappear, and then she was dumbfounded when she saw that there were only five storage bracelets left in her hand.After a while, Yuan Jing realized that she had forgotten to turn off the fire on the barbecue plate.Yuan Jing walked to the barbecue plate where the meat was roasted, and Yuan Jing saw that the fire heart stone in the barbecue plate had been removed, and Huang Cancan must have helped.

Yuan Jing was also a little happy in her heart, she felt that Huang Cancan had returned to her previous cute appearance.

Yuan Jing skillfully removed the cooked animal meat from the barbecue plate, and then she put a plate full of marinated animal meat on the barbecue plate. After putting the fire heart stone on the barbecue plate, Yuan Jing went to call Xiao Zai Zai We're back for dinner.

The puppet cloud piercer stopped outside the stone forest. The stone forest is composed of stones that look like trees, so it got the name of the stone forest.There was basically no place in the stone forest for the puppet cloud piercer to park, so Huang Cancan parked the puppet cloud piercer outside the stone forest.

As soon as Yuan Jing came out of the puppet cloud piercing beast, she saw a stone forest made up of tall stones 100 meters ahead.The stones that make up the stone forest are too high, ranging from tens of meters to hundreds of meters. Yuan Jing felt that if she walked to find the cubs in the stone forest, she would definitely not be able to find them.

So Yuan Jing began to put on the broken boots, and Yuan Jing rose to a position a thousand meters above the stone forest to overlook the entire stone forest.When Yuan Jing was in the puppet cloud piercing beast, she had seen the scenery of the stone forest. What she saw was only a stone forest with strange stones. Anyway, it looks like a stone from a distance, and it is also a stone from a close look.

Yuan Jing could feel the beauty of the stone forest, but she was not absolutely shocked.

When Yuan Jing was standing a thousand meters above the stone forest and overlooking the entire stone forest, she had the feeling that the stone forest was so beautiful.With a fixed eye, you can see stones all over the mountains, horizontal, vertical, towering, lying, gray-black, turquoise, bright white, golden, emerald green, all kinds of stones. There are stones, and Yuan Jing has the feeling of entering Baoshan.

Yuan Jing thought that it would take some time for her to learn the basics of refining equipment. There are so many various stones here, some of them must be materials for refining equipment.So Yuan Jing started to get close to the stones in these stone forests with her hollow boots.Yuan Jing has little contact with refining materials, so her ability to identify refining materials is very weak, and she can't tell which ones are refining materials just by looking at them.

So Yuan Jing used a combination of hands, ears, and eyes to feel whether the stones in the stone forest were refining materials.Perhaps Yuan Jing's obsession with getting some valuable refining materials into her divine tripod space was too deep, so Yuan Jing was obsessed with distinguishing whether the stones in the stone forest were refining materials, she completely forgot The purpose of my trip is to ask a few cubs to go back for dinner.

Yuan Jing was busy distinguishing whether the stone materials in the stone forest were refining materials. She felt that the hollow boots on her feet were useless, so Yuan Jing took off her hollow boots and started walking in the stone forest to find refining materials. up.

Heihuhu, Bai Shuhua and Duo'er had already gone to the depths of the stone forest to play.Yuan Jing is on the outskirts of the stone forest, and Yuan Jing is far away from the little cubs. Even if she intends to look for the little cubs, she can't see the little cubs at all.Besides, Yuan Jing is obsessed with finding refining materials, so it is even more impossible for her to meet the little ones.

Heihuhu and Baishuhua have experience playing peek-a-boo in the playground of the Tiger tribe, but Duoer's tribe has no playground to play in, and she was originally the kind of female who grew up pampered Cub, she is not very good at playing hide-and-seek, but Duo'er is very smart, and she quickly understands the tricks of playing hide-and-seek.

Duo'er, Heihuhu, and Baishuashua are all playful ages, and they are soon immersed in the charm of peek-a-boo.The black and white beast pets Yanyan, Xiaoxi, and Xiaoxuan are also young pet pets, and they also like to play, so the pet pets also joined the peek-a-boo team.

In fact, Yuan Jing's original intention was to let the cubs appreciate the beauty of the stone forest.The cubs are all at an age that loves to play, they don't care about the beautiful scenery or not, they just think about how to play.

So the cubs regarded the stone forest as a large hide-and-seek area.They don't think of Stone Forest as a scenic spot.There are too many big rocks in the stone forest, and there are hiding places everywhere, and Xiao Zai Zai had a great time playing.

Playing peek-a-boo also depends on strength. Heihuhu, Baishuashua, Yanyan, Xiaoxi, and Xiaoxuan who have strength values ​​have obvious advantages. Duoer, a female cub with no strength value, is actually at a disadvantage .

But Duo'er is actually the smoothest.Duo'er has an army of water-drinking beasts. When playing hide-and-seek, Duo'er released her army of water-drinking beasts.Those water-drinking beasts that look like mosquitoes stayed in Duo'er's animal pet space for a period of time, and they became more spiritual. With the help of the army of water-drinking beasts, the black, white, and pets are not at all Duoer's opponent.

The little ones are having fun here.Yuan Jing never met the cubs at all, so Yuan Jing didn't know how the cubs played peek-a-boo.Yuan Jing was actually a little worried that Duo'er would not play well. Yuan Jing thought that Duo'er had the hollow boots given by Huang Cancan. Although Duo'er might not be able to play with the dark ones, it would not be too miserable.

Yuan Jing and the others didn't know that Duo'er used the army of water-drinking beasts to completely abuse them, but Duo'er didn't do too much, she would give way to the black and white little ones from time to time.Duo'er feels that she is the existence of the big sister, so it is okay to let the younger brothers.

So the situation in the depths of the stone forest is that the cubs are playing hide and seek with great enthusiasm.

Yuan Jing is trying to find the materials for the refining tool at the edge of the stone forest.Yuan Jing felt that she was deeply shocked. Yuan Jing always felt that she was serious about learning the basics of refining weapons, but she couldn't find the materials for refining weapons no matter how hard she searched.

Yuan Jing admired Huang Cancan more and more from the bottom of her heart.Thinking of the scene where Huang Cancan took her to find the materials for refining the seven-star isolation formation, Yuan Jing felt that the dark forest was Huang Cancan's back garden. Yuan Jing felt that Huang Cancan could accurately know the exact location of any refining material.

The idea of ​​wanting a gold hunting beast rose in Yuan Jing's heart.Yuan Jing felt that she really needed a beast pet like a cheating artifact like a golden beast.

Yuan Jing was optimistic before that she would definitely be able to find enough materials for refining hollow boots, flying cloud pans, barbecue pans and other utensils before returning to the Seven Stars Isolation Formation. Yuan Jing felt that she was too optimistic now.Without the help of the gold-seeking beast, it is basically impossible for her to find enough refining materials.

Thinking of the rare existence of gold-hunting beasts, Yuan Jing could only pray for the flying python, Eggy and Han Bing to be stronger.If the Flying Python, Eggy and Han Bing are strong enough, they should be able to help Yuan Jing gather enough refining materials.

Unable to find the refining materials, Yuan Jing planned to return to the puppet cloud piercing beast. It was only when Yuan Jing walked a few hundred meters outside the stone forest that she realized that she completely forgot to look for the cubs.So Yuan Jing looked at the contract plate hanging on her chest, and after confirming the location of the beast pets, Yuan Jing began to look for the cubs.

With the cheating artifact of the contract disk, Yuan Jing spent about ten minutes finally finding all the cubs.

Yuan Jing pulled Duo'er, Hei Huhu and Bai Shushu pulled their beast pets, Yuan Jing and his party quickly returned to the puppet cloud piercing beast.

Seeing that Huang Cancan was alone in the puppet Cloud Piercer, Duo'er immediately asked, "Aunt Jing, where are Eggy and Han Bing? Why are they missing?"

Yuan Jing said: "They have gone out to collect supplies! We are also preparing to return, so everyone remember to collect more supplies! It will be useless when you get them."

Heihuhu, Baishuashua and the beast pets all nodded in unison to express that they would remember to collect supplies.

Yuan Jing saw that the barbecued meat in the barbecue tray was also cooked.After Yuan Jing placed three large plates of barbecue on the big stone table, she greeted the little ones for dinner.

Seeing that there is only barbecue for dinner tonight, he said in vain: "Mother, is there no cold meat today? I really want to eat it?"

Xiao Xi, a snack foodie, also said: "Aunt Jing, don't we have cold meat to eat? Xiao Xi also wants to eat cold meat."

Yuan Jing said helplessly: "Xiaoxi, Shuashua, you all went to play in the stone forest today, no one is eating animal meat, so we don't have cold meat to eat."

"How are you playing peek-a-boo today? Is it fun?" Yuan Jing quickly changed the subject.

The stone forest is wide and big, and the stones are also strange and strange, which can be enough for cubs to play. The pure natural stone forest is much more fun than the artificial hide-and-seek area in the Tiger tribe.

The cubs scrambled to say:
"It's so much fun here! It's much more fun than the peek-a-boo section of the playground!"

"Sister Duo'er is amazing! She is the best at hiding, and I always look for her last!"

"Aunt Jing, it's fun here! I've never played such a fun game! I want to play after eating barbecue!"

"Xiaoxi is even better, I can't find it at all, it keeps making holes, next time I won't play with Xiaoxi! Cheating!"

"I didn't cheat! You guys hid in the stone cave too, I just hid in the dirt cave!"

"That's right, Xiaoxi is very good at making holes! It even hides in the earth hole with a white brush!"

Listening to the innocent voices of the cubs, Yuan Jing felt it was funny.She could still think of the scene where Xiaoxi hid in the earth cave with Bai Shushua.

Yuan Jing also remembered the first time she met Xiaoxi.So Yuan Jing said: "The first time I saw Xiaoxi, I also saw it come out of the hole in the earth. At that time, it was still staring at the ice hockey in my hand. It's so cute!"

"Remember to bring Xiaoxi with you next time you play? Xiaoxi can make holes, and you can fly! Why can't you bring Xiaoxi to play together!" Yuan Jing continued.

Bai Shuashua also said: "Wow, he is envious of me! Xiaoxi will not take him to hide in a hole in the earth! I will definitely take Xiaoxi to play!"

The little ones started to make noise again.Yuan Jing let them make trouble.They'll make up again in a few minutes anyway.

Yuan Jing ate until she was [-]% full, and then she went to the dinner table.

(End of this chapter)

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