Chapter 108 Swimming ring

Heihuhu, Baishuashua, and Flying Python started chasing and fighting in the valley after eating lunch. Yuan Jing also found it very interesting to watch them play, and she also stopped thinking about moral education for the time being. .

What Yuan Jing is thinking about now is how to have fun. When Yuan Jing flew to this valley in a human-powered flying seat, she didn't have time to appreciate the scenery of the dark forest. The little ones were all moving forward quickly. Presumably they I didn't even have time to appreciate the surrounding scenery.

Flying beasts are actually not very good at controlling speed, if they fly too slowly they will not be able to fly.Hei Huhu, Bai Shuhua and Flying Python are all newbies on the road. They are not very good at controlling their speed, so they fly very fast.It's the fast and smooth kind.

Yuan Jing remembered that the hot air balloon in her previous life could float away with the wind.The speed wasn't fast either, so Yuan Jing planned to use the Light God Cauldron to create a hot air balloon.

When she first learned that the Lighting God Cauldron had the function of refining all things, Yuan Jing also thought about making hot air balloons for fun.But considering safety issues, Yuan Jing gave up the idea of ​​making hot air balloons.

Now that the little cubs have advanced to the level of flying beasts, hot air balloons can be made. Even if the hot air balloon can't hold up, the little cubs can still fly.It's always safe.

If a hot air balloon is made, it will be convenient for a few cubs to watch the scenery of the dark forest.The purpose of Yuan Jing taking the cubs out is to let them enjoy the scenery of nature.

If I can't get out of this ghostly place in the future, I don't know how many years it will be before I can see such a magnificent scenery.

Yuan Jing did what she said, and it was just her, a few cubs and the flying python here, and she was not afraid of her secret being exposed.Yuan Jing directly picked up the Guangming Shending and began to develop how to make hot air balloons.

Seeing that the three little ones, Heihuhu, Baishuashua, and Flying Python, didn't play in the stream, Yuan Jing thought that the three little ones might not know how to swim, and the hot air balloon was not so easy to make successfully.

So Yuan Jing planned to make three swimming rings to try out first. The swimming rings made could be played by a few cubs, and they could also take the swimming rings to play in the lake when they returned to the clan.Nothing is wasted.

Yuan Jing took out the baa-baa animal skin and began to make a big enough swimming ring.The reason why baa-baa animal skins were used to make swimming rings was because Yuan Jing thought of Lanzhou sheepskin rafts.

Lanzhou sheepskin raft: commonly known as Paizi, is an ancient ferry tool preserved by the folks along the Yellow River, and also an ancient water transport tool, made of sheepskin.It's made up of a dozen puffy goatskin "hunts."There are different types of rafts. The largest sheepskin raft is made of more than 600 sheepskin bags, and the small one is made of more than 10 sheepskin bags. It is suitable for short-distance transportation. It is mainly used to transport melons, fruits and vegetables from the suburbs to the urban area. , Ferry and send pedestrians on both sides of the strait.

The sheepskin raft has a history of more than 300 years, and the leather raft floats leisurely on the river.A sheepskin raft can seat five or six guests, and its load-bearing capacity is not small.

The bleating beasts in this animal world are similar to the sheep in the previous life, so it is more appropriate to use the bleating animal skins to make swimming rings.

Yuan Jing put the baa-baa animal skin into the Guangming Divine Cauldron, thinking about the appearance of the swimming rings in her heart, and soon, Yuan Jing made three giant swimming rings, mainly considering the three small swimming rings: Heihuhu, Baishuashua and Flying Python. The size of the bird is relatively large and the weight is relatively heavy, so Yuan Jing made a giant swimming ring.

After Yuan Jing got the giant swimming ring, she walked to the side of the stream, and greeted the three little ones Hei Huhu, Bai Shuashua, and Flying Python to come to the side of the stream. Yuan Jing said to the two little ones, : "Huh, brush, this is a swimming ring. If you put this swimming ring on yourself, you won't fall into the water. You can try it in the water."

"Would you like to play in the water? If you want to play, come to my mother to get a swimming ring." Yuan Jing continued.

Heihu was the first to sign up, and he said to her: "Mum, I want to play in the water. Give me this circle!" He also stretched out his claws to Yuan Jing.

Looking at his fleshy claws, Yuan Jing knew that Heihuhu's fleshy claws were not as harmless as they looked. As a male cub, Heihuhu's claws were still very sharp.

So Yuan Jing said to Heihuhu: "Huhu, you have to pay attention to your claws, don't scratch the swimming ring, if you scratch it, you won't be able to play, you know!"

While talking, Yuan Jing handed the swimming ring to Hei Huhu and Bai Shushua.

Yuan Jing also said to Bai Shushua: "Shuashua, you are the same, don't scratch the swimming ring, you won't have anything to play with if you scratch it."

Seeing the Flying Python's unhappy face, Yuan Jing touched its small head first, then handed it the swimming ring, and using it in his mind, said to the Flying Python: "You have a share too, let's play with it! Don't Break the swimming ring!"

The flying python nodded happily after getting the swimming ring, it said that it would not break the swimming ring.Then I happily joined the black and white water play team.

The three little ones, Heihuhu, Baishuhua and Feitianpyg, were very smart. At first they really didn't understand what Yuan Jing meant by putting a swimming ring on themselves so that they wouldn't fall into the water.

After groping for a while, after falling into the water a few times, the three little ones also began to know how to play in the water.

With this new toy, the three little ones can play like crazy. Yuan Jing was afraid that the little ones would only have the risk of drowning, so she kept watching the little ones play. After playing fast in the game, Yuan Jing felt relieved.

The flying python can swim and Yuan Jing doesn't worry about the safety of a few cubs playing in the water.So Yuan Jing sent a message to Flying Mang to help watch the two cubs so they don't sink into the water, and Flying Mang said that he would remember to watch the two cubs.Yuan Jing also felt relieved.

Yuan Jing went to the side and started making hot air balloons. Yuan Jing calculated the weight of several people and found that they weighed a thousand catties.The hot air balloon must be made bigger to bear the weight of Yuan Jing and his party.

Yuan Jing took out her drawing board and began to calculate the volume of the hot air balloon.Fortunately, I studied engineering before, and it is not too difficult to calculate the volume of a hot air balloon. Of course, I can only see if it is accurate when I use it.

The result calculated by Yuan Jing is that the volume of the hot air balloon is about 300 cubic meters.In order to reduce the weight of the hot air balloon, the basket and rope of the hot air balloon are used to bind the prey.

In order to keep the hanging basket in a stable shape, Yuan Jing made the frame of the hanging basket with the trunk of the iron birch tree.

The heat source of the hot air balloon is directly used as a giant screw shell lamp.The volume of the giant screw shell lamp is about five or six times the size of the ordinary screw shell lamp. There are 10 hollow wicks inserted in the giant screw shell lamp.Basically, it can provide enough heat source for the hot air balloon.

Moreover, it can continuously take out conch oil from the space to replenish it into the giant conch shell lamp, and it can also reduce the load of the hot air balloon.

Much more practical than lighting firewood as a heat source.

With swimming rings to practice, Yuan Jing finally made a hot air balloon with the upper half of a large balloon after four failed attempts. The upper half of the large balloon-shaped sphere is about 300 cubic meters.

The specific use effect of the hot air balloon will not be known until it is used tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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