Chapter 104

After confirming that the three of Yuan Jing would set off for an autumn outing together tomorrow, Hei Huhu and Bai Shushua returned to their room to pack their luggage excitedly.

Yuan Jing also returned to her room.She didn't need to pack her things.Because her things are basically in the Shending space, but she still has tasks tonight.It is to pump some water from the salt lake and inject it into the salt water fish pond in the Shending space.

After Yuan Jing stayed in the room for a while, she found that she had nothing to do. She didn't need to collect her luggage, and she didn't need to study lighting equipment for the time being, because there were no new materials, and she might not be able to research some old materials. .

So Yuan Jing simply left her room, and went upstairs to the roof with tools for pruning flowers and plants in her hand.If you have nothing to do, you can trim flowers and plants.

It was pitch black on the roof. Yuan Jing has night vision function, but she is not used to seeing objects in the dark light. The objects she sees are like black and white photos, which are not interesting.

So Yuan Jing took out her own pendant-style luminous ball, and after hanging the luminous ball on a climbing vine, Yuan Jing trimmed the flowers and plants with the brown light emitted by the luminous ball.

When Yuan Jing trimmed her own flowers and plants, she didn't turn off her five senses. Her original intention was to wait until there was no one around, and then secretly inject the lake water from the salt lake into the space of Shending.

But she accidentally discovered a strange thing.

There are two orcs, a man and a woman, by the freshwater lake in the distance. They behave very intimately, as if they are dating.In fact, it is not uncommon for orcs to go out on a date at night, and there are many orc couples in various races who are passionately in love.

Yuan Jing finds it strange that she is somewhat familiar with that male orc. The male orc should be Hushu, a three-striped orc from the Tiger Clan. If Yuan Jing remembers well, this Hushu has a partner, and his partner is Hushu. Hu Xiaofu of the family, Yuan Jing and Hu Xiaofu did not have much intersection, but Yuan Jing still has some impressions of Hu Xiaofu.

Hu Xiaofu's beast father and mother all passed away in the beast tide, and she has no other relatives.So Hu Xiaofu is actually similar to Yuan Jing. After Hu Xiaofu and Hu Shu got married, Hu Xiaofu's only reliance was her animal husband, Hu Shu.

Yuan Jing also recognized that the female orc beside the freshwater lake was not a tiger orc, and that female orc seemed to be a leopard female orc.

Among the female orcs of the four tribes, the female orcs of the leopard tribe and the female orcs of the snake tribe are more distinctive. The female orcs of the leopard tribe exude a charming aura, and the female orcs of the snake tribe exude a glamorous aura.

The female orcs of the tiger tribe and the female orcs of the wolf tribe are relatively well-behaved. It's not that they are not beautiful, but they don't have that unique aura.

Looking at the charming aura of the female orc by the freshwater lake, Yuan Jing guessed that the female orc was not a female orc from the Tiger tribe.

Yuan Jing always thought that due to the influence of the giant dark beast, the male orcs here are all doting on their wives, almost to the point where Hu Sen dotes on Hu Li, it seems not always the case.

Yuan Jing became even more curious about the two orcs, a man and a woman, who had a tryst by the freshwater lake.But she wasn't sure if the male orc was Tiger Tree.

When the two orcs, a man and a woman, who had a tryst in Danshui Lake kept walking towards the grove next to the Seven Stars Isolation Formation, Yuan Jing felt like her heart was being scratched by a cat. what relationship.

As a melon-eating crowd who loves to eat melons, Yuan Jing still couldn't resist her curiosity. She first brought the tools for pruning flowers and plants and the luminous ball into the Shending space.

At this time, it was pitch black everywhere, and the surrounding environment was like the kind where you can't see your fingers.So Yuan Jing became more courageous, and she also quietly summoned the flying python, and let the flying python fly towards the grove.Yuan Jing also conveyed the message to Flying Python to be careful approaching those two orcs.

The flying python understands.Fortunately, the two orcs only stayed in the grove, and Yuan Jing didn't plan to follow them if they went far away.

It's just eating a melon, there is no need to spend so much effort.

The flying python stayed above the grove, about 500 meters away from the two of them.Perhaps the two were too involved in the conversation, and the two orcs didn't notice Yuan Jing and the flying python.

Yuan Jing's hearing is very good, even at such a long distance, she can still clearly hear the voices of the two talking.

A delicate female voice rang out: "Brother Shu, you don't even know how much I miss you!"

Hearing this, Yuan Jing confirmed that the male orc was Hushu.There will be no such coincidences in the world.It seems that this Hushu is really irresponsible. If it is not suppressed by the giant dark beast, it is not sure to what extent it will be bothered.

After the female voice rang out, the male voice rang out: "Meimei, I miss you too! After escaping this catastrophe, I will officially dissolve the relationship with that ugly monster!"

"It's just a female orc who can't conceive cubs, how can I compare with you!"

"That ugly monster, I don't even want to look at her again!"


Well, Yuan Jing didn't plan to listen to the rest, it was too ruinous.She directly let the flying python fly back to the salt lake.

It was agreed that they were all infatuated male orcs. I didn't expect there to be such a heartless male orc on this giant dark beast.And that Meimei is true, knowing that Hushu is already married, and still mingling with Hushu, do you still have a conscience? Under the pressure of this giant dark beast, if you lose your conscience in the future, if something happens I don't know how big a moth will be made here.

Originally, Yuan Jing still had the idea that if she had the ability, she would bring all the orcs out of this ghost place.But she stopped thinking about it now, these bad orcs should keep them here and continue to reform.It is impossible to take them out.

Of course, Yuan Jing also knew that it was too early to consider this issue, because it was not yet known whether she could escape the catastrophe in front of her.Not to mention whether she could ever find her way out of the damn place.

Yuan Jing packed her mood, she went to the edge of the salt lake to find a corner where no one was around, and began to inject the lake water from the salt lake into the salt water pool in her divine tripod space.

Yuan Jing's mood improved a lot after injecting enough lake water into the salt water pool in the Shending space.After returning to her room with the Flying Python, Yuan Jing also thought a lot.

Now that she has inadvertently learned of Hu Xiaofu's difficult situation, if she has the opportunity in the future, she will find a way to help this helpless female orc.

Regarding Hu Xiaofu's inability to conceive a cub, Yuan Jing couldn't help, after all, she didn't know much about medicine.But she can enlighten Hu Xiaofu.

Besides, not being able to conceive a cub may not necessarily mean that there is something wrong with Hu Xiaofu's body, or it may just be that Hu Xiaofu and Hu Shu are not suitable for having a cub.

I hope Hu Xiaofu can see Hushu's true face as soon as possible, and get out of this shadow as soon as possible.The female orc has a long lifespan of 300 years, and a wonderful life is waiting for her.There is really no need to spend too much energy on someone who is not worth it.

After thinking about it, Yuan Jing actually fell asleep.Although Yuan Jing thinks about messy things before going to bed.But after all, it was her business, and it didn't have much influence on her, so Yuan Jing had a heartless night's dream.

(End of this chapter)

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