The Evil Emperor's Pet: Meow's Wife

Chapter 95 Powerful Spiritual Pet 15

Chapter 95 Powerful Spiritual Pet 15
"Ouch—" Plop rubbed his delicate pink arm, "Can't you run a little more steadily! This broken cage hurts so much."

Ye Yuan didn't have the heart to pay attention to Plop, but she was imagining that if these two arrived in Emperor Suyou's room, then at night...

Plop, look, the master and the master's man have started fighting again - presumably this sentence is essential!

Emperor Suyou continued to add in a leisurely manner, "Why didn't Yuanyuan run away?"

I really want to say that casually is still outside, anyway, no one dares to enter the Holy Luo Garden casually.However, Suyou Huang must say that it is not safe to eat and sleep outside, and Zhi Zhi is definitely unwilling to let Pu Tong suffer this grievance.


I'm really going crazy, Rogue Yun, the problem you gave is really a headache.

After a moment's pause, Ye Yuan bit the bullet and dragged the cage back to the temporary residence.

Plop looked around for a moment, "Why shut me up in such a big house."

Yeyuan used the magic jade to tell Zhizhi, "Tell your friend, don't fart here anymore. If the house is about to collapse again, it won't want to come out. If you behave well, I will find a way to make it go away." Release it."

Zhi Zhi was moved to tears, "Master, you are so kind."

"Don't come here, just use actions to express your gratitude in the future."

Ye Yuan looked at Plop and the squeaking beside it, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Turning around to see Emperor Suyou sizing up Plop, he didn't know what he had in mind.Does he really not know what species Plop is?
It turns out that there are things in this world that he doesn't know, but it's better to protect these two first.

Ye Yuan used the cat god to stand in front of Zhizhi and Plop, staring at Emperor Suyou.It just happened to make Emperor Suyou think that she just wanted this pink pig.

Emperor Suyou's eyes slowly shifted to Ye Yuan, and disappeared in front of his eyes in the next instant.

Yeyuan trotted to the door, and took a look from a distance, only to be relieved that the house where the holy seal was placed was really quiet.

I don't know what happened to Rogue Yun, it's been two days, and he still doesn't plan to come back.

"Your master is really strange." Plop looked up at Yeyuan, "You actually snatched me from the big guy."

Zhizhi immediately said, "Look, that's why I said that my master is not bad. And this time without a master, I have no way to bring you out from the witch."

Plopping his lips, showing a haughty look, he said generously, "Forget it! For the sake of your master snatching me back, I forgive you for the time being."

Zhi Zhi, who laughed from ear to ear when he heard the forgiveness, was extremely happy, "Plop, then don't leave."

Plop frowned, "Do you want me to be locked in this cage for the rest of my life? Don't even think about it!"

"No, Master will rescue you."

"The big guy is here, and I can't get along with him!" He plopped his chin, "This big guy doesn't even dare to fight one-on-one."

Yeyuan turned around, "Zhizhi, who is your friend?"

Zhizhi rubbed his head, and said in confusion, "It's a plop."

"Is plop a name, or a race?"

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't figure it out, so I turned around and asked, "Plop, is this your name or your race?"

Pu Tong didn't bother to answer this question, "Isn't it the same thing!"

This time Zhizhi knows, "This is not the same thing. For example, I am a Grumble, but the owner gave me a name called Zhizhi. There are so many Grunts, not all of them are me."

(End of this chapter)

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