The emperor is so charming

Chapter 530 Yi Huan Chapter: 4

Chapter 530 Yi Huan Chapter: Four

"Miss Yihuan, I still ask you not to pester me."

"I didn't pester you! I just need you to marry me."

Is not it good?A Niang likes Dad, so she married Dad.Dad likes A Niang, so he relies on A Niang.

Now, she likes Huangquan, so she relies on Huangquan.What's wrong with this?

"Then you hear clearly, I don't like you. Maybe the girl is not from the Central Plains, and she doesn't know any sophistication, let alone what love is. But, you only need one thing, I don't like you, understand?"


"So now, can you disappear from my sight?"

Yi Huan shook his head: "No, I won't leave. Dad said that if I want something, I have to fight for it. If I don't fight for it and give up, then I don't deserve to like this item."

She, treating him as an item? ? ?
"... Whatever you want." Huang Quan was a little helpless.

"Brother, after a short walk, we will arrive at Xinjia Village, where there are still many villagers waiting for us to rescue."

When Shi Yuan said this, he subconsciously glanced at Yi Huan, as if he was afraid that she would cause trouble.

It was very dangerous there, and he didn't want him and his senior brother to be distracted by taking care of this woman in addition to protecting and treating the villagers.

However, after arriving at Xinjia Village, they found that the situation here was much more serious than they had imagined.

"As long as you are bitten by a worm or snake, the villagers will lose their consciousness and immediately turn into zombies. The villagers who become zombies have strong attack power, so you have to be careful. If you can't solve this problem completely, you Maybe you have to stay inside forever, after all, the higher ups are for safety reasons." The officers and soldiers in charge of sealing off Xinjia Village instructed.


Yi Huan had heard it from A Niang a few times. It is said that there is a kind of insect snake, as long as it bites, it will turn people into terrifying zombies.This zombie is so powerful that it bites anyone it sees, and the person it bites will also turn into a zombie.

"Help! Woohoo, who will save us, save us, save the brothers and sisters, hooooo..." At this time, a child's cry came from not far away.

"Over there, two children were surrounded by zombies." Shi Yuan's eyes were sharp, and he immediately found two children hiding in a tree, and three or two zombies were besieging them under the tree.Shi Yuan pointed out the direction for Huang Quan and Yi Huan to look at.

But Huang Quan leaped away at the fastest speed, and finally knocked the zombie away with his own spiritual power.

Because the two children were hiding in the tree, the zombies couldn't do anything to the two children, but they were all terrified.

"Whoa, they're going to bite us, brother, I'm so scary." Two children, one boy, about seven or eight years old, looked relatively calm, and the other was younger, a girl, only four years old.

"Don't cry, don't cry, the big brother beat the zombies to death. We are saved."

"You two, why don't you stay in a safe place, what are you doing outside?" Shi Yuan ran over and picked up the youngest child.

"Our father and mother have turned into zombies, and...the villagers won't let us in, saying that we are unknown, and that the snakes and worms were brought by my sister." The boy said in a crying voice.

"According to what I know, shouldn't the snakes and worms stay in the northern cold? It's dry and dry here, so it's not suitable for snakes and worms to live in." At this time, Yi Huan opened his mouth slowly.

"You know snakes and insects?" Shi Yuan was surprised.

Yi Huan glanced at him and said, "I know a thing or two."


Four more.

(That's right, this Huangquan is more boring than A Yu, flirtatious, he says no, but his body is very honest! He even dreamed about our little Yihuan, and then she drank so much.)
(End of this chapter)

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