Reborn lady my biggest

Chapter 258 The Sweet Wine of Death

Chapter 258 The Sweet Wine of Death

(It's about to start a small climax, and I'm ready to applaud Zizeng MM for the first time. On the battlefield of men, women are not just bystanders.)
What happened in the next few days was like sled marks on the ski slopes of the ski resort, all the way down, winding smoothly.

Su Zizeng formally made an appointment with Earl Olsen after breakfast the next day.

Although the earl was a little surprised by the directness of this young guest, Olsen was also a businessman, and he knew that time is money.

After the meal, Orleans impatiently took Wen Maixue out.Su Zizeng and Perot were led by Olson to a place that was said to be a good place for talking.

All kinds of equipment in the holiday home are very complete, except that there is no special meeting room, almost all functions are complete.

When Su Zizeng and the others went up the mountain, the snow in the mountains was not so thick at that time, and they could still take a snowmobile. Now it has snowed all day and night, and the road that the snowmobile can drive has been buried.There is only one other way to get to the place Olsen talked about, and that is to take the cable car.

"If the weather gets colder, even the ropes of the cable car will freeze, and it will be very troublesome to go up and down the mountain." Olsen sat on the cable car, talking and laughing.He wore a bearskin hat on his bald head, and his whole body was huddled in the bearskin jacket, leaving his shrewd eyes.

Su Zi once didn't have much meaning. Sitting on the cable car, she could only feel the snow peaks and mountains speeding under her. People are always small in front of nature.She was a little nervous, so she was worried that if she was not careful, the guardrail on her body would be loosened, and then she would fall loosely like the snowflakes flying around her.

The boundless heavy snow gave people an illusion of being in heaven. It felt like people fell down and just jumped into a warm quilt.

The hand was held, and Su Zizeng heaved a sigh of relief after seeing Perot's smiling face with somewhat dazed eyes.The cable car slid into a stop, and the three jumped out of the car.

"I haven't been here for many years," Olsen sighed, looking at the cedar forest in front of him. "My most beloved nephew died here that year."

The man in bearskin stood on the high platform where the cable car was parked, and spoke in a pointing tone.When talking about the innocent boy who died in vain, he didn't feel the slightest bit of guilt. In Su Zizeng's eyes, the grief he pretended was full of hypocrisy.

This time it was Su Zi who held Perot's hand tightly, but the other party didn't respond. She raised her head, and the snow blocked her view. lips.

No one wanted to mention the dead Viscount "Perot" again, and Olson only said it because he forgot about sex just now.He took the two of them and walked in the cedar forest.

The cedar in the Alps, as if it had grown for thousands of years, is as straight as the sky, without any extra branches and leaves.Fortunately, this cedar forest is not deep, even if there is no snow track, it doesn't matter much. After walking for more than ten minutes, a snow lake appeared in the sight of the three of them.

This snow lake, whose border cannot be seen at a glance, is completely different from the west bank next to Kelly Girls' School. After the snow fell on it, it gathered together and soon formed a layer of transparent snow crystals.

It wasn't cold enough to freeze, so there were still a few hardy swans on the lake.The webbed feet shattered the snow crystals, and immediately after that, a burst of cold white air rose from the surface of the water.

The surface of the lake is cut by several artificially placed piers.The pier made of pine wood and the small pavilion made of pine wood are indeed a good place to talk about things.

"Come to the front and sit down, I have asked someone to store some good things here in advance," Olsen said less restrained, and he walked towards the pine pavilions.

In a pine pavilion with the most open scenery, some food was prepared in advance.For the sake of heat preservation, the placed things were wrapped tightly by people.

After opening the insulation box, Su Zizeng smelled a strong smell.

"Cream Matsutake Soup," Perot called out the name in a low voice.

"That's for ladies, we men, we should." With the sound of water, Olsen pulled up a steel bucket from the water side of the gazebo, and actually hid two bottles of brandy in it.In summer, lake water is used to chill the wine, which makes it refreshing. In winter, lake water is used to "warm" the wine, remove the astringency of the wine, and make the wine sweeter.

Opening another package, there are dozens of skewers of grilled matsutake slices and American sweet shrimp.

Perot's eyes darkened. When Olson took him to hunt around here more than ten years ago, he also prepared these foods.It's just that at that time, Perot was still a child who couldn't drink alcohol.

With the help of delicious food, Su Zi once felt that her tongue was more flexible.She also drank a few glasses of wine, and the other two men did not speak.No one brought the topic to work.

The wild swans on the lake flew up and competed with the flying snowflakes for the lake.

The food on the dinner plate had been wiped out, and Su Zi felt that the time was almost here, so he said, "Earl Olsen, I want to talk to you about ZARA's Asian franchise."

"Miss Su's appetite seems to have diminished." Olsen looked at the thick soup left by Su Zizeng in an irresponsible manner. According to what he had learned in advance, Su Zizeng didn't just want ZARA's Asian franchise.

"After I have seen Earl Olsen's talent, I feel that I should do what I can and deal with the Asian franchise first," Su Zi once knew that it was useless for her to talk at the moment, and she had to use the last Simple language let Olson understand her mind, touting Olsen would be a good opening statement.

"I'm not necessarily a talented person like Miss Su Zizeng said. When my eldest brother was still alive, he was much better than me. Even my dead nephew was better than me." Much better," said Olson, the second time he mentioned his dead nephew.

Perot was still drinking, but his drinking movements were much smaller. It was impossible for Olsen to repeatedly mention the crimes he committed in front of a stranger.Could it be the familiar scenery nearby that reminded him of confession.

"However, I am a stingy person," Olsen stood up, looking at the lonely white swan left on the lake.It seemed to be tired, and it was shrinking its wings, and it stopped on the lake, motionless, as if dead.

"Stingy?" Su Zi was pondering the meaning of Olsen's words.

How could the stingy Earl Olsen greet two strangers by a beautiful lake and taste the expensive matsutake wine.

Unless, he has any special plans, or he knows that if he invites the two out today, he can get a higher return.

(End of this chapter)

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