Reborn lady my biggest

Chapter 189 Let's Listen to the Old Man

Chapter 189 Let's Listen to the Old Man
"Christie's can give me standardized management and a stable auction supply, how about you? In matters related to the development of the Su family, I am not your father, I am a businessman." Su Qingchang is not easy to impress, although He has already noticed Su Zizeng's more and more sharpness, and he still won't let Su Zizeng easily let go of the matter.

"All I can guarantee is a better future," Su Zizeng's answer was far-fetched, but also firm, "I believe that through the efforts of all Soapy Auction House employees, Soapy will also be able to find a stable source of goods." .”

After experiencing this auction, Su Zizeng has already realized the importance of the supply of goods. If she hadn't met Mr. Deng by chance and knew about Director Luo and the existence of the research institute, she would not have been able to prepare for this batch of auctions in a short period of time. Taste.

"Zzeng, you should know that what we have at hand is the most limited source of goods from domestic auction houses. Even for me, it is difficult to find high-quality imported goods. It is already difficult to meet the needs of the domestic market with limited domestic collections. It's gone." Chang Mei's analysis was equivalent to throwing cold water on Su Zizeng, but what she said was the truth.

Chang Mei observed Su Zizeng's reaction, her expression changed slightly, but she didn't walk away in a fit of anger like before.It took her just over two years to transform from a naughty child to an adult who knows how to advance and retreat.

Last night, in addition to sending out a kind invitation, Mr. Trauss also specifically mentioned that Christie’s has already planned to enter the country Z market. Even if Subi does not cooperate with them, they will enter the border capital and several coastal cities within three years. big city.It is an invitation and a hostage.

"Thank you for the advice from Secretary Chang. I think I can find a stable foreign buyer." From Director Luo, Su Zizeng also inquired about some collectors, and she planned to start from several neighboring countries.

"How long will it take?" Su Qingchang snorted, he didn't want to be hostilely acquired by others after refusing to buy shares.

"Three months," Su Zi once squeezed out a figure. The final requirement for graduation from Kelly Women's School is the result of an entrepreneurial venture. Although Soby's Auction House was also small and scaled before, it was still empty-handed. "The school this year's The courses are all practical courses, and I have nearly three months to sort out my ideas."

"That's three months," Su Qingchang also let go, he helped Yan Wuxu up, and told her to be careful.

Three months later, Yan Wuxu looked back at Su Zizeng uneasily.Everyone had already left the table, and she was the only one sitting at the dining table, biting bread slowly.

"Only three months," Su Zi had made up her mind, and what she had to determine first was to determine the general direction of walking.

"Miss," the servant on the side reminded, "the young master of the Qiu family is calling."

Qiu Zhi is definitely a freak. In the era when mobile phones are becoming more and more common, he is the only one who can maintain the habit of using a home phone.

"Zizen, my grandma invited you to my house for tea, saying that there is news of the set of 'Msen's Blessing'," Qiu Zhi said after returning home with the old lady of the Qiu family last night. How about my impression, but I didn't know that I kept opening my eyes in the morning, listening to grandma say that Su Zizeng was invited to come home for tea.

Su Zizeng was also planning to get the cuff "Blue Love" like Qiu Zhi. Although she took Yan Wuxu's earrings last night, there was no reaction between Red Love and Orange Love.But this does not guarantee how Red Love will react when he meets Green Love.

Qiu Zhi's house is located on the mountainside in the first district, and it takes about half an hour to get there from Su's house.Compared with the quaint Wen family, the Qiu family's interior decoration is a little less refined and more rough because of being a military commander.

Entering the gate is a majestic square stone gate, surrounded by pine trees, and an open slate avenue, going all the way in.

Today's weather is not very good, so the place to drink tea is not arranged in the open courtyard, but on the balcony outside the room of the old lady of the Qiu family.

A set of half-meter-high nanmu tables and chairs, paired with a pair of purple clay pots, and three or two plates of appetizing snacks that southerners often eat, Su Zi once had a hard time imagining that after eating such exquisite cakes, he could grow a child like Qiuzhi. Thick build.

"I'll call you Zizeng, please sit down," the old lady of the Qiu family sat on the chair. She didn't let the servants wait for her, but she did it herself, washing the tea set and cups for Su Zizeng. The technique is like flowing clouds and flowing water, and there is no slowness of the old man in his actions.

Qiu Zhi struggled to shrink his body into the chair with limited space, didn't move, and didn't know where to put his eyes, he could only look at the tea spout that was constantly smoking.

After "Qiu" Suzi experienced the "Ms." incident of Ms. Anne last time, she is now cautious about addressing women.Practice has proved that up to 80 years old, down to eight years old, have to call Xiaoli.

"Call me grandma," Mrs. Qiu unambiguously took advantage of Su Zizeng.It's all because Zhi'er is ignorant, Wen Maixue's matter has not been resolved for so long.According to the temperament of the eldest daughter of the Wen family, I am afraid that in the next life, she will not look down on their family's son.Mrs. Qiu could only settle for the next best thing and aimed at Su Zizeng.

"Grandma Qiu," Su Zi had only scolded other people's aunts and grandmas, but never called anyone "Grandma". This word of address made her feel very awkward.But under the warm greeting of the old man, she didn't dare to talk back, she could only wink at Qiu Zhi desperately, hoping that he would send his grandma away as soon as possible, so that she could discuss the follow-up matters.

"Zi Zeng," Mrs. Qiu said again, "What do you think of our family Zhi'er?"

"Him?" Before Su Zizeng could react, Qiu Zhi continued to stare at the white eyes on the spout, with his hands and feet neatly placed together, more cautious than a bride in a boudoir waiting to get on a sedan chair .In this situation, it seemed that Su Zi was not at Qiu's house, but Qiu Zhi was at Su's house instead.

"Everything is fine, except for a little bigger body, a better appetite, less talking, and a little more sweating, so everything is fine," Su Zi once expressed her thoughts implicitly.

Her words made Qiu Zhi stare at the spout for a longer time, but the tea was placed on the table, whether it was heated or not, the heat dissipated, and there was no smoke left to be seen.

"That's good, you guys have to get along well in the future, and I'll leave it to you in the future," the old lady of the Qiu family said earnestly.

When Su Zizeng didn't know how to savor the words, but also the tea, Qiu Zhi finally regained his senses, "Grandma, you forgot the serious business."

You just forgot the serious thing, stupid boy, Mrs. Qiu gave Qiu Zhi an annoyed and engrossed look. What else is more important than the inheritance of the Qiu family.But there's no rush, both of them are still in their early twenties, and it won't be too late to get married when Zhi'er can be independent.

Mrs. Qiu looked like a skinny old woman, but her mind was shrewd. She heard Qiu Zhi mention the daughter of the Su family repeatedly, and felt something was wrong.Afterwards, after being pressed for a while, Qiu Zhi hesitated to say everything.The auction last night also gave Mrs. Qiu a new understanding of the Su family, especially Su Zizeng, but she only thought that Su Zizeng had a capable military advisor behind him.That's why today's tea drinking happened.

Marrying a wife like Wen Maixue is both a blessing and a curse, women are too capable, especially in a big family like the Qiu family, it is easier to be judged by others, it is better to find a simpler one.Mrs. Qiu took Su Zizeng's incomprehension of "Qiu Zhi's feelings" as a simple expression.

"Old people are like this. They forget about business when they are happy. I heard that Zi Zeng is very interested in jewelry." Mrs. Qiu was not surprised by this. There is no woman who does not love jewelry, and Musen Love is again a jewel of jewels.

"The Qiusheng jewelry managed by Grandma Qiu is also second to none in the industry, so I think you must know something about this set of jewelry." What Su Zizeng said was not all compliments.

The Qiu family is different from the Wen family. The old man of the Qiu family died early. When he passed away, all the property of the Qiu family fell to the old lady Qiu alone.At that time, Mrs. Qiu was not an old lady, but a young widow in her early thirties. Then when she was in her 50s, Qiu Zhi's father passed away.Qiusheng Jewelry is like her other son, who has achieved today's results only after careful education.

As a woman, Mrs. Qiu could tell from Su Zizeng's words that she was sincerely praising her without much compliments, so she was a little more frank. "It's all for everyone's favor. The jewelry industry is my ancestral business. Over the years, I have been conscientiously guarding my duty. It is not easy to keep the Qiu family from falling."

Speaking of this, Old Madam Qiu sighed, she originally wanted to use the name of drinking tea today to explore Su Zizeng's thoughts, but she didn't know that after talking a few words, she unexpectedly became interested in "heart-to-heart".

Hearing that grandma was getting sad again, Qiu Zhi quickly comforted her, because old people like to be sad.It was precisely because of Mrs. Qiu's special affection for Qiu Sheng Jewelry that he did not dare to raise the issue and shifted the focus of the Qiu family to the stock market.Emotion has become a shackle that restrains Qiu Zhi's development.

"It's off the mark again," Mrs. Qiu wiped the corners of her eyes, touched the teapot with her hand, turned around and called for the servants to bring up a small stove filled with hot water.

Once the newly added water was heated, it quickly rolled up on the charcoal stove. Mrs. Qiu moistened her mouth again before continuing: "There are many incredible legends in the jewelry industry, some are fabricated by people, some are Most of the rumorers are jewelers, and they want to use rumors to hype up jewelry in order to profit from it. But Musen’s blessing is different, the last time it appeared was 20 years ago.”

(End of this chapter)

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