Chapter 450 Process
Looking at Gu Lesheng one after another, his eyes were also somewhat puzzled.

He really didn't know what was going on.

At that time, Horn's people were killing almost indiscriminately. If he didn't go out, the casualties would only be greater, so he went out from his hiding place and walked to the place where the artillery fire was the most dense.

The scene was chaotic. Some hostages would die if they were obedient or not. When they saw Song Shenyan going out towards the hospital gate, they also ran behind him.

The moment he was hit, Song Shenyan felt that there were people behind him, one after another.

Song Shenyan instinctively pushed away Lian Lie, because he knew he was bound to die, and he didn't want Li Lian, an innocent life, to disappear into the world with him.

Later... Later, he clearly saw his body was blown into pieces, and then completely lost consciousness.

When he woke up, he found that he had become the young man Song Shenyan wanted to save before he died.

But at that time, "One after another" had no memory at all. The doctor said that it might be a concussion caused by the injury in the explosion, so he lost his memory.

He had no memory of the past at all, thinking that he was one after another, but only after his colleagues contacted him did he know that he was working in the Song Corporation's public relations department.

He is a fresh graduate, an orphan, and has a girlfriend.

The life schedule is not very good, the girlfriend grew up together in an orphanage, and there are some gangster-style friends.

Seeing that he lost his memory, those people tried their best to lie to him.

Lianlian is the most decent person among that group of people. His girlfriend only has a high school education and works as a waiter in a restaurant. He is also a bit sloppy, but because he is used to spending Lianlian's money, he still protects him.

After more than two months, he couldn't recover one after another. Originally out of humanity, the Song Corporation had approved him to take two months' paid leave. Seeing that he still couldn't get better, they planned to fire him.

After all, he was just a fresh graduate, so it was nothing.

Song Shenyan became one after another. Although he had no memory, he had an intuition that this was not his previous life.

When his girlfriend saw that he had no source of income and refused to get close to her, she resolutely ran away with another man.

His meager furniture was almost cheated by those so-called friends.

It's not that he can't see that those people are cheating on him, but he doesn't want to pay attention to it—just some small money, in his perception, he is actually using those things to send a group of spicy chickens.

In short, everyone was gone, and he was completely unaccompanied as an orphan, but the feeling was very relaxed, he felt that he was finally free, and he didn't have to bear those burdens.

Before Song tried to fire him, he said he was back to normal and started going back to work.

He got started very quickly, and soon applied for a transfer from the public relations department to the marketing department.

He didn't know why, but he always felt that he was very familiar with the operation of this company. He didn't know the colleagues at the same level around him, but he always vaguely knew some senior executives.

Know the working style of those people, know what kind of employees those people like.

Relying on that inexplicable intuition, he quickly got promoted with a few beautiful business proposals.

Then, about the sixth month in a row, he happened to see Gu Lesheng who came to deliver food to Song Pinyan.

Everything will be logical.

He remembered it all.

He heard the people around him sighing, saying that Gu Lesheng is really pitiful.

Such a beautiful person should have been the wife of the president of the Song family, but Mr. Song said she would be gone. She is also an infatuated kind. Up to now, she is still willing to recognize the reality and has been deceiving herself and others all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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