Chapter 403 She Can't Resist

Horn has been away for nearly a month, as if deliberately giving up time for Yun Gege to confine him.

In fact, she only had a miscarriage, and the month was not very old. She was very clean during the operation, and she was young and had a good foundation. The doctor had already said that she would recover almost in a week at most.

But Horn asked the doctors in Central Asia very carefully, because when he was ten years old, Xue Caiwei gave birth to twins, and the confinement lasted for nearly two months.

Yun Chengzhao was extra careful, and didn't let Xue Caiwei touch anything. At that time, Yun Shizi was very happy to have younger brothers and sisters, so he was deeply impressed by these things.

In addition... there are still many things to deal with, he purposely waited for more than a month to go back, just hoping that Dodo can confine herself to confinement with peace of mind, without leaving any root causes.

The winter weather has turned into glory, and the whole of Central Europe seems to be covered with snow.

Go back to the castle, open the door, and the heat blows in your face.

He took off his coat and went in, and saw Dodo just going downstairs.

She was wearing house clothes, and somehow her face had a little more flesh, although it was not as good as before, but... it was good that she was recovering.

Looking at each other, Yungege turned around and left, Horn called her downstairs: "Duoduo, I took a video of my parents, do you want to come down and watch it together?"

He can always catch her weakness easily.

Yun Gege grasped the armrest, her fingers gradually tightened, and then she found sadly...she couldn't resist.


The siblings sat together on the sofa in front of the fireplace, and Xue Caiwei and Yun Chengzhao appeared on the wall-mounted TV.

The background is a greenhouse. The two elders have white hair on their temples, and Xue Caiwei is also very thin.

Maybe seeing the eldest son playing with something she didn't understand, Xue Caiwei managed to cheer up: "My son, what are you doing?"

"I'm filming you and Dad." In the video, Shizi Yun's voice was gentle: "I'm going back to work in a few days, so I'll take more pictures and take them out when I miss you."

Xue Caiwei finally laughed: "You silly boy, send a video if you miss us, even your dad knows how to take a video."

"I want to shoot, mom, it's nothing, I'll just stay here, don't worry about it, it's just the same as usual."

Xue Caiwei didn't say anything more, but Yun Chengzhao couldn't sit still. He got up with a watering can and a small shovel, and went to the greenhouse to water and weed.

Xue Caiwei sat watching him, and at a certain moment, he yelled: "Old Yun, how many times have I told you that it is not grass and cannot be pulled out! The prince said that it is much more expensive than flowers! How many times have you pulled it out?" Why don't you have a long memory!"

She got up and went to pull Yun Chengzhao: "If I knew you didn't understand, I wouldn't let the prince waste this money."

Yun Chengzhao was a little aggrieved: "This looks exactly like grass, why isn't it grass?"

Xue Caiwei slapped him on the shoulder: "I can't tell you clearly, go and cook."

"Dad, I want to eat noodles." Yun Shizi shouted with a smile.

Yun Chengzhao responded, turned around and left.

The pictures in the video are still going on, and they are all parents' gossip.

The corners of Yun Gege's mouth gradually curled up as he looked at it——Parents seem to be doing well, so that's good.

Horn was sitting beside her. Yungege's body was tense at the beginning, but seeing her parents doing well, she relaxed for a while and wanted to lean on the back of the sofa for a while.

As a result, Horn's hand was open and lying there, and Yun Gege stuck to his arm as soon as he leaned on it.

Her body tensed and she sat up straight at once.

But Horn moved faster than her, he swung his right hand and pulled her into his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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