Chapter 233 I'll Fight!

A person flew out.

Zhu Weiyu?
No... not!
Broly flew upside down!
Stopping in the air is Broly, the Super Saiyan!
Everyone's eyes were fixed on another figure walking out step by step on the ground... That's right, it was Zhu Weiyu!

Zhu Weiyu...seems like he still has energy left?
But he didn't have electric sparks all over his body like Broly, let alone other special places, even, even the energy around him dissipated a little!
Someone stood on the ground, looking at Broly floating in the air, with a huge smiling face: "Hey..."

With a "swish", Zhu Weiyu disappeared from the ground, and when he appeared the next moment, he was already in front of Broly.The huge fist slammed into Broly's face, and Broly, who had entered Super [-], didn't dodge, or he couldn't dodge at all.

The rapidly descending body once again stirred up a puff of smoke on the ring, and everyone felt the terrible vibration of the ground, even if they were sitting, they were a little terrified.

Zhu Weiyu scratched his head lightly, and he stopped in the air.

"Sigh~ I didn't expect the transformation of Super Two to be so much stronger, but...Broly's energy is really unpalatable, violent and difficult to digest, but fortunately, after eating his energy this time, he learned such a transformation, It’s really thanks to you.”

That's right, Zhu Weiyu also completed the super-two transformation.

But he is different from the Super Saiyan race, and his appearance after transformation is also different. Those energy sparks raging outside have all shrunk into Zhu Weiyu's body. At this time, every cell of him is stimulated by that explosive energy. Being active, his strength has increased crazily, and all the conditions of his body are at the absolute peak.

However, such a change would cause unprecedented damage to the body. Every stimulation was at the expense of one's own body, consuming the number of divisions of the cells themselves, in order to achieve an instant burst.Fortunately, he has the power of origin and hope to mend, so he can barely make up for the damage to his body.

But even so, Zhu Weiyu couldn't last.

If the root is injured, even if Zhu Weiyu has special power, it will take a long time to recover.

The current someone is like an Ultraman. Although his physical strength after the boost is stronger than Broly's super two, not even a level stronger, but he can only burst out for a few minutes, and then he will go to the red light flickering...

"Tsk, it seems that the battle is over quickly."

Zhu Weiyu pinched his nose lightly, then looked to the ground.Suddenly, an ominous premonition appeared, and nothing could be seen in the field full of smoke and dust, but after less than half a second, Zhu Weiyu's premonition became more and more intense.

Subconsciously fell a little in one direction, and increased vigilance by the way, this feeling will not be without any reason.

The smoke finally dissipated, but it didn't dissipate naturally. How could all the smoke dissipate in less than a second?An energy wave rushed out of the smoke, and the energy drove the air to rotate together, and the smoke dissipated like this.The energy spun and hit the target in the sky, and Zhu Weiyu had already flown half the distance when he found out.

"Tsk! How troublesome!" Before the voice could be uttered, Zhu Weiyu quickly moved to the side.

If there is no energy to accumulate and then explode, and if there is no timely preparation, a fool will make a decision to resist. Such a person does not exist even in anime.Fortunately, it deflected a little to the side at the beginning, and the attack of the energy wave locked on the position of someone at the beginning. It was this little distance that gave Zhu Weiyu room to dodge.

Dangerously passed by, Zhu Weiyu could even feel the berserk energy right beside him, the energy particles contained in it were raging crazily, but he could only move forward according to the original route, forward, brush shoulders with someone...


The energy wave that erupted this time was much stronger than the previous ones, and the poor teachers who maintained the barrier were going crazy.The energy directly hit it, but they spent too much effort to prevent the energy from directly hitting the auditorium behind them. The destructive power of Broly after his transformation is really terrifying.Even now, the teachers who maintain the enchantment are no longer the original few people, and several department heads go into battle in person, standing there ready to attack at any time.

The battle lasted for so long, and the effort expended by the teacher maintaining the barrier was far beyond that of two people who fought heartily.

But since Broly missed the attack, should be Zhu Weiyu's attack!

I don't have much time to maintain this state, so make a quick decision!

I stepped on the air twice with both feet, and two groups of sonic boom clouds that instantly entered the speed of sound like jet fighters wrapped around Zhu Weiyu, and someone's speed went from almost static to supersonic in an instant.

Without using qigong wave, at this time, all the energy is used up in this state, and the consequences of using such an energy attack will be disastrous, and it will only leave Zhu Weiyu with difficult to recover sequelae, and even need to lie on the bed for a long time before he can get out of bed and walk .Zhu Weiyu never wants to experience such a life again!

The body swayed left and right in the air, avoiding the continuous energy wave attacks from Broly on the ground.Although it was not as strong as the energy of the previous attack, the hasty attack only contained a small amount of energy, but it was not pleasant to be hit.

"It would be great if... had the ability to defend the mind!"

At this time, Zhu Weiyu misses the demon very much.

The troubles that the demons brought to Zhu Weiyu were huge, but they also broadened his horizons, telling someone that there is a power called the mind in this world!The invisible power is not afraid of any physical attack at all, and only the same spiritual energy can break through its defenses...

This kind of thought only flashed in his mind, and soon he shook his head. Now he is still fighting, and he is still in the ring. Any distraction may become the reason for the final failure...

Zhu Weiyu felt the feeling of the wind cutting across his face, like a knife, the fast airflow was extraordinarily sharp at this moment.The waves of energy brushed against the edge of his body, none of which could hit him. For some reason, someone seemed to be able to subconsciously feel the direction of the attack, as if... there seemed to be a voice in his heart telling him that the attack would Where did it come from.

But Zhu Weiyu didn't have time to think so much, because Broly was getting closer...

Seeing Broly's slightly panicked eyes, Zhu Weiyu could even feel the other's almost stagnant breathing, and the command from his brain was transmitted to his body, starting from the waist, twisting his waist, and punching.

I hit!

(End of this chapter)

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