The first elementary school student in history

Chapter 219 Primary school is a circle

Chapter 219 Primary school is a circle

Time has lost its meaning in this place. Body remodeling is a delicate task, and there must be no mistakes at all. Otherwise, after the body is formed, it will suddenly be found that something is missing somewhere in the body... Well, that is not a joke.

Fortunately, Zhu Weiyu had an expert watching over him, so he didn't have to worry about his own problems, and left the rest to time.

Finally, the last bit of body recasting was completed, Zhu Weiyu smiled and opened his eyes: "Ahahahaha, it feels so good that no one robs the body!!"

Stretching vigorously, trying his hands and feet, someone's eyes couldn't help but light up.

This reshaped body is far beyond my imagination, no matter how I think about it, there must be something wrong with the reshaped body, but this situation did not happen at all, on the contrary... This body is stronger and more flexible than before!
Originally, someone's body was tangled into pieces, and various energies were mixed together, but now there is no such problem, and the smooth energies are rotating in the body, each following its own track, without disturbing each other.

I didn't expect someone to be a blessing in disguise. Not to mention that the body has been upgraded, the energy in the body has also been smoothed out. Although the "quantity" is missing a lot, a lot of energy is lost as the body is broken, but the energy that cannot be used is not as good as As it is now, this is the so-called "quality" improvement, and the quantity is only a matter of time. The energy that this body can store is far beyond that of an ordinary person's body before.

This is the so-called breaking and then erecting.

The body has been improved, but fortunately, the spirit can also keep up.

Some people's physical strength improves too fast, and their reflexes and so on can't keep up.However, not to mention that someone's brain has been developed, he has been trapped in the mental space for so long, and coupled with the battle with demons, his mental strength can also keep up with the improvement of his body.

Zhu Weiyu was more and more satisfied with his body, his face showed a bright white, his mouth was almost cracked to the ear, at this time the uncle lolicon in front of him clapped his hands lightly and said: "Okay, now that the body has recovered Now that I'm done sculpting,'s time to talk to you about business."

"What's the matter?"


Uncle Lolicon nodded, the expression on his face turned serious, he turned his back and waved his hand casually, the surrounding scene changed, and the two of them were in a clear sky.

"Ah~~" Twisting his body a few times, Zhu Weiyu was a little uncomfortable with the sudden change, and managed to stabilize his body, only then did he have time to look at the situation below, "This is... Elementary school!? "

"That's right, this is an elementary school." Uncle Lolicon nodded, and tapped his fingers lightly, the scenery below accelerated as if fast-forwarding. Day and night, day after day, the people in the elementary school changed from one or two to two. It became a dozen or twenty, hundreds or thousands...

"Uh, you are... what?"

"Look quietly."

"oh oh!"

Zhu Weiyu still has some advantages, at least he won't have strong rebellious emotions, since he told you to watch quietly, let's watch...

The little kids in the elementary school lived ordinary and ordinary days day after day. Zhu Weiyu even saw a few friends in his scientist class from inside, Stark, Maria, Einstein...they They all flashed in front of Zhu Weiyu.

The screen kept fast-forwarding, and Zhu Weiyu clearly saw that the little kids are already in their sixth year, and they have passed five final exams before.

Just then, the screen slowed down.

"Look carefully..."

The sixth year is here, the elementary school children ushered in the sixth exam, everything is going on as usual, the exam is going on, Einstein is still fighting with his buttons without Zhu Weiyu's help; Maria Finished the test paper early, and is checking it, as if hoping to get a perfect score; Stark squinted his eyes to scan the beauties beside him, and from time to time he was on guard against Maria's violent beating; Tesla and Edison were still topping the bulls, Even if the two guys are about to graduate, they are not stable; Darwin is looking at his own small world while answering; Da Vinci even drew a picture on the exam paper...

"Hey, these guys, even in the sixth grade... nothing has changed!"

Zhu Weiyu smiled, that warm smile was like the sun melting spring snow, like spring rain nourishing everything, he was happy at this time, seeing him with his friends was a world of warm colors.

The exams are going on, the little kids have handed in the papers one after another, the head teacher, Mrs. Chen, is correcting them hard, and the elementary school has ushered in its graduation ceremony...

"Ahahaha, are you graduating? It's great. All the guys are really..."

Seemingly sensing what Zhu Weiyu was thinking, Uncle Lolicon chuckled lightly, and there was a bit of sigh in this laugh, a bit... miserable.

"Look carefully, it's coming soon."

The graduation ceremony was over, and the children's eyes suddenly fell into a sluggish state. They seemed to be puppets suddenly controlled by someone, without self-awareness, and their bodies that had grown up for six years were constantly shrinking, slowly becoming... The way I looked in grades! !
That's right, it's the first grade!

If it was someone else, Zhu Weiyu would still admit his mistake, but he will never forget the little kids in the first grade scientist class!What trouble these little tricksters had given him!

"What... what's going on here?" Zhu Weiyu was a little confused, this scene completely made his brain stop working, he stared blankly at Uncle Lolicon, waiting for his explanation.

"Here, wait, continue reading."

Some strangers appeared around the little kids, as if they appeared out of nowhere, just like that, they appeared in the team, and the size of the primary school students grew a bit bigger...

Dean Nuwa stood on the rostrum, just finished her graduation speech, and stood up again, the manuscript in her hand turned into a speech for the opening ceremony of the elementary school: "Dear students, from now on, you will Spent six years in elementary school..."

A chill ran down the spine, such a strange scene made someone's expression also a little weird.

"Uncle...isn't this true?"

There was no smile on Uncle Lolicon's rigid face, and there was only deepness in his dark eyes: "It's all true..."

"Bastard! Doesn't that mean that I won't be able to return to Earth after graduation!!"

Such a sentence in someone's mind instantly KO'd the Uncle Lolicon, looking at the guy beside him with weird eyes, resisting the urge to hit someone hard, Uncle Lolicon said: "In... …Before it appeared, this was the elementary school, which has been repeated for countless epochs, and everyone can’t leave after entering, this is a reincarnation, a prison...a prison for human beings.”

"Prison? Isn't this... a school?"

"On the surface it is a school, but in fact..."

Appeared again, Uncle Lolicon seemed to say something, but Zhu Weiyu couldn't hear anything, looked at him in bewilderment and couldn't tell how his lips moved.

"Oh, there's no way, I can't tell you directly now, you can only find and discover all of this by yourself." Uncle Lolicon sighed slightly, a little helpless and miserable, "But I can tell All of your things are true, I have found the facts, and all of this is repeated until..."


"Until an odd number enters, a guy who doesn't belong in elementary school enters."

"The guy who doesn't belong to elementary school?" Zhu Weiyu raised his eyebrows, and said with great interest: "Who is so and so? Tell me who it is?"

Lolicon stared at someone for a long time, and this guy seemed to realize the obvious result: "Huh? It's me!"

The uncle nodded and continued: "It's like adding an unknown operation to the computer in the loop. How many different answers can you get at this time?"

"Uh... this, there are no conditions, no restrictions, so there are only countless."

"Hehe... that's right, there are countless. There are no conditions, no restrictions, there are countless! It's like a circle, when a point comes out, it will become a straight line, but if this point The direction is not certain, if it is uncertain..."

"That's countless!" Zhu Weiyu picked it up very excitedly, but he was confused again in a blink of an eye, "Eh, what does this have to do with me?
The uncle's hand slapped his face hard. He seemed unable to continue the friendly conversation with this guy. Talking to such a guy is too tiring...too tiring...

"Have you seen the Butterfly Effect?"

"Ah, I've seen it."

"Then you should understand that a small change can have a huge impact on the outcome!"

"Um, are you trying to say that I'm a human being, with uncertainties, all of which may produce countless changes?"

"Crack!" Uncle Lolicon's hand came into close contact with his face again. He was sure this time, and he couldn't have a friendly communication with this guy at all...

"Ah!" A helpless sigh came out of the middle-aged man's mouth, accompanied by suspicious eyes, "This he really the guy who ended? Really...if it wasn't possible There are too many reminders, so I can't reveal too much... Forget it, let him go, it's just a shaft anyway, after such a long time, do you still care about this little time?"

"Okay...Zhu Weiyu." Lolicon's face was a little strange, "Since your body has been reshaped, it's time to go back."

"Go back? Where are you going?"

"primary school!"

"Um, that prison? That... Can you send me back to Earth directly? I want to go back."

Zhu Weiyu looked at the person in front of him expectantly, but he got a helpless answer.

"Sorry, I can't do it, and I'm sure no one else can... You want to go back? Then go to elementary school, find the answer, find the final solution, and... you can go back. "Uncle Lolicon's eyes showed some desolation, this is a man with a story.

"Um, but isn't Dean Fuxi dead? And my demons controlled my body before... How can I go back to elementary school?"

Immediately, Uncle Lolicon showed an inscrutable expression: "Don't worry, Fuxi and the others are also regarded as 'died once', but they have the imprint of the primary school, as long as the primary school is not destroyed, they will not die, my heart The demon didn't take away anyone's imprint, go back, they will wait for you to go back together. And... after you die once, the memory of going out to play in elementary school will be gone."

Just like that, a certain person fell into the pit again and again in doubt... The floor suddenly disappeared!
Zhu Weiyu, it's time to go back!

(End of this chapter)

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