Passerby's daily life

Chapter 175 Chapter 2 Seeing Strange Fragrance Again

Chapter 175 Seeing Strange Fragrance Again ([-]) ([-])
The little girls followed Susu's eyes, and naturally saw the fuchsia with white calyx, and they were all puzzled, what does it have to do with this flower?

"There is a strange fragrance in this world called Xingshen. You can tell from the name that it is a refreshing fragrance. But few people know that when this fragrance meets the fuchsia pollen fragrance, it becomes A kind of poisonous incense has a new name, it is called Luanxinfei, and those who are in it are irritable and disturbed. If you smell it for a long time, it will disturb your mind, and you will be as mad as a madman."

When the five little maids heard this, they were all in a cold sweat.

"But we didn't appear to be in the same situation as the master."

Susu sighed: "The fuchsia is just an introduction. Only when you have been in the environment with a fuchsia for a long time and contaminated with its pollen fragrance, will you be crazy about the fragrance. Except for cleaning the house, you don't go into the inner room easily. , even if it really has an effect, it is at most a rapid heartbeat and hot head."

"Master, what is Miss Yue's support? How dare you blatantly harm you. You know that if something happens to you, she will be the first to suspect."

Shui Mo and Linglong responded the fastest, but they were still puzzled.

"Her biggest reliance is that we don't have evidence, nor should we have evidence."

As soon as Susu finished speaking, she sneered, "But that's what she thought. Although the fragrance of refreshing spirit is rare and precious, there are very few people who know their hearts are disturbed, but just because it's rare doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It just so happens that I know it."

Thanks to Aunt Su, and to Thirteenth Niang, who worked so hard to recite the fragrance obediently, she actually recognized a secret fragrance after "dream".

The last time he saved Yang Liu and the fetus in her womb, this time he saved himself, and even indirectly saved Hong Sheng.

Because apart from herself, it was Hong Sheng who spent the longest time in the bedroom.

And this pot of white calyx fuchsia was given to them when they moved in. Susu looked small and cute, so she moved into the house.

Because the potted plants of this kind of flowers are suitable for guest rooms, flower stands, and desk decorations, and can be placed in vases with clean water, and they can also be viewed.

At this moment, Su Su's curiosity about Aunt Su's background reached its peak, but thinking of what her brother told her on behalf of Aunt Su when she met her brother two days ago, Su Su suppressed this curiosity again.

Chaotic heart, this name is just right, the strong fragrance attracts people's attention, and makes people confused without knowing it. The first smell will only lead people to follow their minds, amplify the emotions in their hearts and then vent them out.

But people are sober, but they think that their control over emotions is not enough.And in less than a quarter of an hour, he will regain his composure, even calmer than before.

But according to traditional Chinese medicine, joy, anger, worry, worry, and fear correspond to the heart, liver, lungs, spleen, and kidneys. No matter what kind of emotion shows signs, the poisonous fragrance will enter the body along the corresponding five internal organs.

"That's why there is a name called Immortal Drunk, unless you cultivate to the legendary realm of forgetting emotion, even immortals will die drunk in this strong fragrance."

The five little maids felt that their worldview had been refreshed, opening the door to a new world.But, mother, the new world is so dangerous, we just want to stay on Earth.

It was hard for them to imagine that their master would become what she said: irritable, disturbed, even manic like a lunatic.

No, it's too scary!

There was a "click" sound in the room, which startled everyone, but it was Lin Lang who had stepped on the Baie Fuchsia, which had been smashed to pieces on the ground, into the soil.

"Master is sure to be fine. If anyone harms Master, I will ask her to be buried with her!"

The cruelty and murderous aura that the ten-year-old girl erupted at that moment surprised Susu.

Now Susu believed what Hong Sheng said, the naive little girl in front of her sneaked to the border battlefield after her father died, and attacked the Tatar soldiers without blinking her eyes.

When meeting Hong Sheng's ambush team, this little girl had already killed ten big Tatar men.

Hong Sheng said, this girl is a born assassin.At any time, she can naturally blend in with the surrounding environment, only Susu who has five senses can notice her existence.

But Lin Lang was very disgusted with her talent.

Because she has no sense of security since she was a child, she subconsciously wants to hide herself, so that her relatives will pay less attention to her.

Only the master will never forget her at any time, she likes the feeling of being noticed and cared for inadvertently.

Susu patted Lin Lang's hand distressedly, "Little girl, you scared my friends. Besides, I'm fine, master. As I said earlier, I don't even notice when I'm poisoned by incense. I just think it's me. I lost control of my emotions for a while. Although I inhaled part of the poisonous incense without realizing it at first, but later I just pretended to be angry, and the poisonous incense did not disperse, so I got a headache, which was only temporary."

"The most important thing is that all things generate and restrain each other. There may be diseases that cannot be cured, but there is never a poison that cannot be undone. I will deal with this myself. The time to need you is coming."

At noon, whether it was Yue Baiyou, who was inquiring about the news, or the servant girl who was sweeping the yard, they all noticed that the five little maids in front of Susu all looked happy.

Fendai went to the kitchen to get her master's lunch, but she was bouncing around, and her mother told her that she was not steady or anything.

Normally, Fen Dai would not be scolded honestly, she would have slipped away long ago.

Today, this one just pretended not to hear, pulled her sister Hongdou and whispered to her ear, and chattered about taking a vacation to go shopping, what to buy for mother, what to buy for father, what to buy for sister...

Lin Sheng's family had just trained their daughter, but now they looked proud, which only made the other women on the stove envious.

"What kind of fortune did the girl make? Tell us."

Fen Dai has always been quick-talking, and she is quick-witted and aggressive outside, but she likes to be flattered.

Hearing this, she proudly raised her head, "Even if I make a fortune, it is also rewarded by the master. The master is generous, and only rewards us when he sees us doing well. The master also sees the good work of the mothers."

After speaking, he seemed to want to show off, and pouted at the small courtyard where Yue Baiyou lived.

"I have to thank that one too! Today, the master who was angry with her got so angry that we almost got killed. Fortunately, we still have some face in front of the master. The master's anger subsided and he only said that we I was wronged, well, the master appreciates it."

Everyone saw that Fen Dai stretched out her left hand, and on her snow-white wrist was wearing a yellow double dragon play bead and shrimp beard bracelet.

It's just gold, it's all right, the craftsmanship is not high-end goods, and there is actually a lotus seed-meter-sized south bead embedded in it, which is really envious of others.

I saw Fen Dai flicking the beads, but they were still able to move, "This is a craft in the south, and the Dajin Building in the capital can't even weave it. A bracelet only uses three renminbi of gold, and the gold threads drawn out look like hair." The silk is so thin. That's all, this bead is a decent southern bead, such a big bead, it takes only one out of ten thousand pearls."

Fen Dai looked at the envious eyes of everyone, and when she turned the corner of her eyes, she saw a corner of her skirt protruding from the kitchen door, and sarcastically said with a half-smile: "Master has a lot of good things, and he is willing to give up even gold and silver to the person he likes; If it’s annoying, I’d rather throw it away than give it away. Go to the master to ask for something, and see if she deserves it.”

Not to mention how envious the servants in the mansion are, but Yue Baiyou was so angry when he heard what Xiang'er came back to repeat, that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven!

She didn't know that Fendai was spreading hatred here, and the other four little maids and Susu were not idle either.

Shui Mo went to find her father, Zhao Yousheng, and it was time to deliver something to Uncle Hong.

Lin Lang went to find her younger brother Chang Sheng, and she knew some orphans who had no father or mother before, and wondered if they wanted to earn some money to spend.

Qiqiao went to her mother's Wei Rong's house, did she embroider the skirt she made for Mrs. Qin?The master asked this one to be sent away!
While Linglong and Susu looked at the gift list together, they have been in Hami for a long time, and there are many gifts from others, who gave the pot of fuchsia...

(End of this chapter)

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