Chapter 5
Shen Xiyao didn't think about it for a long time, but he looked at the queen mother beside her, who didn't change her face, and smiled softly: "Yes, Prime Minister Ling's talents and learning were unmatched by anyone in the world at that time. "

Hearing the word "Ling Xiang", Shen Xiyao suddenly felt a burst of unknown fire, and was about to stand up when he heard the Queen Mother say: "Madam Ling, why didn't you bring your daughter here today?"

Shen Xiyao then sat back peacefully.The face is peaceful, but the heart is turbulent.

"The Empress Dowager Xie is worried. It just happened that the day before yesterday, the little girl went to the south of the Yangtze River to visit her third brother. You know, the beautiful scenery of Hanyao full of lakes will never be seen again. It just so happens that her third brother is at this time of the year. I'm in the south of the Yangtze River, so I want to pick her up to have a look. Although I don't want to say that it's inconvenient for a girl to go out, my master agrees. He loves his daughter the most, more than his three sons." Mrs. Ling Xiang He said with a smile, his face was full of kindness at this time.

The Empress Dowager looked at Shen Xiyao unintentionally and said: "It's a long way to go to the south of the Yangtze River. It's really a coincidence. When I come back, I will bring you to meet me. I am in this Palace of Compassion and Ning, every day They are all aunts, and they really want to chat with young women, so they want to be younger." The queen mother laughed, and there was also laughter below.

"The queen mother is still afraid of getting old. You look young."


Shen Xiyao secretly yawned, Zhang Dehai at the side secretly smiled, in fact, in terms of the past, Shen Xiyao would never have attended such gatherings, and the empress dowager's call was just to make a show in front of the officials and relatives.I'm afraid that if it wasn't for that young lady, the emperor would never have come, nor would he have sat obediently by the empress dowager's side for such a long time.However, what Zhang Dehai didn't understand was that since the young lady was not here, she knew where she was going, and she stayed here for a long time. The emperor seemed bored, so why didn't he find an excuse to leave?
Just as he was curious, he saw Shen Xiyao smilingly flapping the golden folding fan in his hand, flying swallows, twigs, drizzle, wet clothes, mud, and gold, and almost abruptly said to Master Wu's daughter who was standing next to his mother: "I just came in." At that time, I heard you reciting a poem, what is it?"

The woman's face was slightly blush, she stood up and saluted lightly, and replied a little shyly: "The whole poem is: 'The grass on the Suxi Pavilion is long, who leans on the east wind and twelve rails. Swallows don't return. Hua Han.'" Although the voice was respectful, a pair of bright eyes glanced at Shen Xiyao quickly, with a hint of a glance.

Shen Xiyao didn't seem to see him, he just looked down at the folding fan in his hand and murmured in a low voice: "Swallows don't come back, it's late in spring, and the misty rain and apricot blossoms are cold." He nodded again: "Good poetry, good poetry." His eyes were bright: "But What did you do?" There was a modest smile on his face.That folding fan was painted on a whim when I was free the day before yesterday, and Zhang Dehai later ordered someone to make a folding fan. I like it very much, but I have always regretted that there is no suitable poem to match it. At this time, I found this sentence. There is no place to look for iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get them."

"Your Majesty misunderstood, this sentence was not made by a commoner girl." Wu's woman lowered her head, her voice was a little low: "Ministry women do not have such high talents. The author of this poem is someone else."

Shen Xiyao let out an "oh", curiosity arose in his heart, this sentence is so wonderful, in terms of his talent, it may be beyond the reach of ordinary people.He has always loved talented women, Liu Jieyu in the harem is an example.Feng Shuyi is also very talented, but not as clever as Liu's.Meng Zhaoyi lost a few points in comparison, also because she was born in a martial arts family.In terms of temperament, it is more complementary to those few.He didn't care about anything else.And the person who made this poem should be above Liu Jieyu.

"Who did it?" Shen Xiyao just asked casually, but he didn't know why, as if he already had the answer.

"This sentence is made by Ling Xuewei, a friend of the girl's boudoir, the daughter of the Ling family." Wu's voice had already dropped.

Shen Xiyao's eyes fell on Mrs. Ling who was at the bottom. Mrs. Ling had a modest smile on her face, and said in a flat voice, "It's what my little girl did. It's not worth mentioning."

Shen Xiyao nodded, no more words, but he was happy in his heart.

In fact, I have already learned her talent, haven't I?
Thinking of that night, the figure as white as jade in the cassock bamboo forest, and the soft and gentle voice like gurgling water, slightly indifferent and noble, have been deeply burned in my heart.

Ling Xuewei.

In the evening, Shen Xiyao sat in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, watching a cluster of green smoke slowly spit out from the mouth of the red gold eight-treasure beast, and the whole hall was filled with the fragrance of Yuzhu.Since he came back from Qinglong Temple that day, he has been burning this incense in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.The Empress Dowager once came to ask, after all, I have been using this ambergris since I came to the throne when I was young, this jade bamboo incense is also rare, and only a few donate it every year, so few people in the whole palace use it, at this time he suddenly ordered The National People's Congress took a lot of trouble to find out and replace it, which was very abrupt.However, smelling this fragrance, he can always think that he has returned to that night, under the clear and sparse moonlight of the Buddhist temple, in the dense forest of bamboo shadows, that unforgettable white figure is like a fairy. Charm
When Zhang Dehai came in with the Pu'er, he saw Shen Xiyao lying on top of the dragon case with a dazed expression on his face. He was startled. Ever since he served Shen Xiyao, he had never seen anything on the young emperor's face. It is a calm and steady expression.But now like this, it's like a young man who has his own heart, no longer the supreme emperor, but an ordinary son.

Zhang Dehai also felt relieved.He knew Shen Xiyao's hard work. As an emperor, he had to make those gestures, and he had to forget his own preferences. Everything was only for the country, but not for himself.Although the world is his, but it seems that he has never been really happy.But now, that lady knocked the emperor's heart open, but Zhang Dehai shook his head lightly, even if he knocked open, it was destined to be separated...
Just as she was thinking about it, she saw Shen Xiyao sat up straight, dipped the ink brush in his hand again, and began to write on a memorial.Zhang Dehai quickly withdrew his thoughts, and walked in with a calm expression.

"Your Majesty, you want Pu'er." After finishing speaking, he put the fine tea bowl made of river and mountain celadon in Shen Xiyao's hand. Shen Xiyao just nodded slightly, and said "uh", but his hand didn't stop, he was still writing something.Zhang Dehai glanced at it, and was taken aback for a moment, the handwriting on the memorial was clearly written by Ling Xiang.But as an eunuch, he knew he couldn't look at it, so he quietly stepped aside, looked at the green smoke coming out of the beast's mouth, and smiled slightly.

About half an hour later, Shen Xiyao stretched out his arms, rubbed his eyebrows and stood up.Zhang Dehai smiled and stepped forward: "Master, are you done?" Shen Xiyao nodded, Zhang Dehai waved his hand, and a beautiful and lovely maid brought up a large red lacquer plate, covered with a layer of bright red silk with the pattern of lotus flowers, birds and harui Silk, with the wind blowing gently, the silk rippled slightly, and then there were neat and narrow protrusions revealed.

Zhang Dehai took the wooden tray skillfully, handed it to Shen Xiyao respectfully, and said softly: "Your Majesty..."

Shen Xiyao only glanced at it, but didn't open it. His eyes moved to a half-open window on the wall. The moon had just risen. Outside the window, a tree of acacias was in full bloom. Yingxiu.He smiled lightly: "Go to Ruxu."

Zhang Dehai bowed knowingly, and withdrew.

In Hengzhi Hall, Liu Jieyu was sitting on a soft bed, caressing with her hands intentionally or unintentionally, a string of purple tassels on the white jade pendant in the skirt. Confucian skirts of beauties match.The close maid Pei'er stood aside, seeing the obvious displeasure on the face of the master in front of her, she knew it in her heart.However, after so many days, the emperor did not discredit the other empresses in the entire harem. Feng Shuyi and Meng Zhaoyi, who entered the palace the first time, only saw the emperor from a distance in the imperial garden two days ago, but they didn't even say a word.It's just that my master still felt unhappy for several days because of this unhappiness.

Pei'er pursed her lips and took a step forward: "Your Majesty, this servant sees that your dinner is not delicious tonight, so I specially prepared your favorite pine-studded goose oil roll, would you like to bring it?"

But Liu Jieyu didn't even look back, she looked at the jade pendant on her skirt and said quietly: "Tell me, what's wrong with the emperor?"

Pei'er sighed lightly: "Mother, to say something disrespectful, although the emperor did not come here, Feng Shuyi and Meng Zhaoyi also did not go there. What are you afraid of? Although they saw the emperor that day, It is said that after a long distance, the emperor was on the bridge, turned around and left without even getting off the bridge. Why are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Liu Jieyu didn't speak for a long while, but stood up. She had a slender figure, her hair was partly tied and partly tied behind her head, and she was only wearing a string of amethyst rhombic flower hairpins at an angle, which was her usual alone attire. "But no matter how you say it, they have seen the emperor." She walked a few steps in the room, the candlelight stretched her figure, and turned slightly: "But I haven't seen him for a long time. Woolen cloth."

Pei'er hurriedly stepped forward: "Your Majesty, don't be sad, the emperor must have important state affairs, otherwise why would there be a reason for not entering the harem. The empress dowager will not allow it either."

Hearing this, Liu Jieyu didn't show any relief on her face, instead she felt resentful: "Empress Dowager..." She paused for a long while and said, "You have heard that during the day today, the thing?"

(End of this chapter)

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