Chapter 16
Since he left the city and entered Beimang Mountain, the sky was already dark. He was looking for a sickle moon to identify the way, but after entering the mountain, with the wind, thick clouds blocked the stars and moon in the sky.It was the first time for him to enter the mountain alone, and it was night. Although there were not many trails on the mountain, there were always fork roads after a few miles, and it was difficult to distinguish.Only at this time did Shen Xiyao gradually realize that he had made a mistake by going out of the palace alone and blindly out of impulse.But in the bottom of his heart, he still has no complaints or regrets, which made his horseshoes always head towards Dongdu.

It was so easy to see the simple inn in the mountains, a faded red lantern swaying in the wind, but Shen Xiyao was overjoyed.He was already lost, and after turning around for more than half an hour, he saw a little light in the dark night, and rushed here, not for accommodation, but only to point out the direction for someone.The innkeeper tried to persuade him to stay, after all, it was very dangerous to walk at night, and there was faint rain in the sky, if there was a mudslide, no one could save him.But Shen Xiyao's will was hard to break, and he insisted on moving forward.He missed Ling Xuewei in his heart, and at the same time, he had to return to the capital in the next day, so that he would not be noticed. Tonight, he must cross Beimang Mountain.Seeing that he could not stay, the innkeeper had no choice but to set up a torch, prepare dry food and whistle, and then pointed out the direction carefully. Before leaving, he told Shen Xiyao that if he encountered danger, he would blow the whistle and he would make a deal with the people in the inn. Will try to help.

Shen Xiyao pursed his lips. He was well aware of the danger of walking in the middle of the night, but he still quickly packed those items, thanked the shopkeeper, and galloped away.

Along the way, the wind became more and more rapid, gradually mixed with dead branches and leaves.Shen Xiyao's long cloak was lifted behind him by the wind, like a big banner.From time to time, he has to close his eyes to avoid the hard objects facing him, so he almost relies on the horse's own spirit to drive.

The path on the ground became narrower and narrower, and Shen Xiyao gradually became restless.Cai Cai seemed to have chosen the wrong path, and was about to turn around, when suddenly a grain of sand was blown into his eye, and he instinctively rubbed it with his hands, leaving only one hand to hold the chewing head.But I couldn't rub it out, my eyes hurt unbearably, and there was a burning sensation, tears kept streaming down, and my vision was blurred.

The eyes seemed to open up, but Shen Xiyao didn't care about it, he lowered his head halfway, the grain of sand in the bumps finally flowed out with tears.Shen Xiyao felt a state of sudden enlightenment, just now he seemed to be carrying a big burden in his heart, but now he didn't see the general lightness in vain.

Only then did he notice it, but it was too late.The horse raised its front hooves high and neighed.Shen Xiyao rushed forward due to inertia.He was startled, and he had already identified that he had entered a dead end.In front of him is a mountain forest, magnificent and full of despair.

Ling Xuewei was sitting in front of the window of the inn. Although the street was not crowded with people, it was still lively.Pei'er followed the doctor to buy medicinal materials, and before leaving, he told her to buy some daily necessities and come back. The town is not big, so it won't take too long.

Ling Xuewei just looked outside like this, and there were mountains and mountains not far away.Ling Xuewei was fascinated by it. The foot of the mountain was golden, and it gradually turned green as it went up, while the top of the mountain was pure white, interspersed with thin and winding roads.It seems to be the most ingenious dyed cloth, exquisite and atmospheric.The twilight covered the mountains with a gentle color again, and the orange-red light of the setting sun crossed the snow on the top of the mountain and fell into her clear eyes, turning into infinite warmth.She gently caressed a crimson jade pendant on her hand, and the word "Biyi" revealed a clean luster. "Yuyou Luoyang Road, what year will this be?" She recited this poem in a low voice, and the smile on her face faded away, replaced by a woman's gentle lovesickness.

The moisture in the air gradually became heavier, but the wind stopped.The horse suffered pain and lost the rein and didn't know where it went. Shen Xiyao realized the abyss ahead, and rolled sideways and fell to the ground in desperation. Although he didn't fall into the abyss due to inertia, he rolled a few times due to force , didn't stop until it hit a bush.He kept his eyes closed all the time, only hearing the wind whistling past his ears, he finally stopped, and felt dizzy for a while, slowly opened his eyes, and seemed to see the lingering Venus.Shen Xiyao smiled helplessly, her heart still beating "chug".He slowed down for a while, trying to support his body to stand up, but felt a sharp pain in his feet, he couldn't help grinning, and touched his hand, it seemed a little swollen.Although Shen Xiyao was a member of the royal family and was six years old, he was not a pampered person. When he was young, he had experienced training in the military camp with the fourth prince Yu Wang Shen Xihe, and he also rode and shot a lot on weekdays. Such injuries are not something to worry about.It's just that he was worried in his heart, it seemed that his foot was sprained, it would be inconvenient to walk, and the horse didn't know where it went.He knew in his heart that although the underage horse was frightened and disappeared, it was a hard-earned horse after all, it knew its origin and its owner, and it would definitely come back soon.Thinking of this, Shen Xiyao also let go of most of his heart.As a result, he felt pain in his feet and arms, and it turned out that his arms were also scratched, with traces of blood oozing out.Shen Xiyao sighed, tore off a piece of black robe, fixed his ankles according to what he learned in the army, and then wrapped the rest around his arms, looking a bit embarrassed.He sighed in his heart, now that he went out privately, he might not be able to hide it from the Queen Mother.

But Shen Xiyao didn't care, the night was dark, without stars and moon, but fortunately the wind stopped, so he didn't feel cold.He looked around, and he fell into a bush. There was a lot of dead grass under his body, which was not very soft, but it didn't prevent him from taking a short rest.It would be a lie to not be tired after running at high speed for several hours, and he was injured again.He took off the cloak to cover his body, and slowly closed his eyes.

Not long after, Shen Xiyao was awakened by a burst of heat and low voices. Not far from the bushes, several big men gathered around a fire. The flames were flickering on their faces. Black commoner, his face is definitely not kind.The wind carried a little spark to the place where Shen Xiyao was lying, knowing that these people would not be kind, otherwise they wouldn't be here in the middle of the night.Shen Xiyao held her breath, tried her best to hide herself, but listened carefully to their conversation.

The group of people didn't know that there was a pair of eyes in the bushes behind them, and they complained while warming up the fire, as if it was raining heavily in front of the mountain, and they couldn't dodge in time, they were completely watered.There was no rain on the side of the mountain, so we had to warm up to the fire, eat some dry food, and set off on our way.

"This rain is coming so fast, it's really disappointing." One person complained.

"If it wasn't for the urging by some adult, who would come to Beimang Mountain in the middle of the night?" Another person echoed.

"He paid a lot of money, we worked so hard, it's not as good as this time." Someone jokingly said.

"That's right, so much money is for the life of a young lady, so Mrs. Wu is really willing." A person said: "It's really different for officials. It's really generous."

"That's not true, but I heard that Master Wu's daughter is the emperor's new favorite. She is very beautiful. There is a long line of fawning ones. Can you worry about not having enough money?" A person said angrily: "It's all about searching. The people came."

"Boss, tell me, what kind of grievances does Mr. Wu have with that young lady, and he wants to silence it?" Another person asked.

The man called "Boss" had a long and narrow scar on his face, which was extremely frightening under the light of the fire. "Take other people's money and eliminate disasters for others. Don't worry about him. Mr. Wu has paid a lot of money. After finishing this job, brothers can also have a good rest." The voice of the young man was hoarse, but there were a few Very domineering.He didn't stop his subordinates from continuing their discussions. After all, there were barren mountains and wild mountains, and the surroundings were eerie. Occasionally, there was a strange bird chirping "beep", and if he didn't speak, he would feel more fear.

"Looking at the portrait, this young lady should be young." One of them took out a piece of plain silk, and after a closer look, "tsk tsk" marveled: "What a beauty. Then Mr. Wu managed to do it well. It can't be hidden away. Concubine." After speaking, he let out a burst of laughter.

"I don't think so." The other person snatched the portrait: "It looks like she is a lady of every family. Isn't it a pity for such a woman to be Mrs. Wu's concubine? Why not follow our boss. "

"What nonsense!" The leading man said with a serious face, "Don't talk nonsense." After that, he looked at the portrait carefully, frowning: "I think this portrait is inevitably exaggerated, and you haven't seen many women? I don't think the number one girl in the Yihong Pavilion is as good as the one in this portrait."

"Even if there is only one-tenth of it, that's a one-in-a-million beauty." The person who spoke first laughed: "Let's silence it, I guess there must be some kind of expert around this young lady."

"No." The leading man lowered his voice: "Master Wu said that this woman is alone outside, with only a maid by her side. Let us do it naturally, and don't leak any clues that she was killed." He said He looked around at his subordinates solemnly: "You must always remember that no matter when the matter is done, don't let the news out."

"Don't worry, boss." A man said with a smile: "Shall we continue our journey or take a rest? I think the brothers are all tired."

The leading man looked around and said, "There is no moon or stars. It may be dangerous to go on the road. Let's rest here." He said and lay down: "There is no one in this mountain, everyone should rest. We should go on the road at dawn. .”

(End of this chapter)

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