Chapter 914

With so much strength, it must be a big fish.

Mo Jiu began to pull the fishing rod with all her strength, but because her body had no internal strength, she couldn't exert too much strength.

She was gradually pulled away by the fishing rod, and one foot was pulled into the water.

The water in the creek is crystal clear, but the fishing rod has bent a huge arc.

This situation is obviously weird, the big fish that can pull Mo Jiu into the creek is not weak.Although he was incapable, his strength was not weak, and she didn't believe that there could be such a big fish in such a shallow stream that could pull her into the water.

And the strange thing is that she can't see its shape.It is clearly the stream water that has been seen by the mouth, but it is completely impossible to see what is the bait.

Mo Jiu also lived in this place for a while, and she knows the fish in this creek very well, but she has never encountered such a strange thing before.

Could it be that there are fierce beasts in the creek?Ke Lecheng said that there is an enchantment on the mountain where Mo Jiu lives, and generally no ferocious beasts can break in.

But there were no exceptions. The first time I saw Coke, a ferocious beast flew in from the loophole in the barrier above.

Thinking of this, Mo Jiu didn't want to fight, he threw away the fishing rod, turned around and ran away.

If she really ran into a fierce beast, she could only run back to the cabin for help now.

Mo Jiu was already running fast enough, but she didn't take many steps. She only ran a distance of [-] meters, and she also found a cloud of shadows blocking the sun.

broken!I'm really afraid of something.With such a huge black shadow, you don't even need to look up to know that it must be a colossal monster.

Sure enough, there was a gust of wind blowing from the top of his head, and when Mo Jiu looked up, he saw a huge bloody mouth.

Good guy, this big mouth is probably capable of swallowing a whole person, not even the bones.

It seems that at the critical moment, you still have to rely on yourself.

Mo Jiu still misses her own space very much. It is very convenient to fetch things when she has space, as long as she moves her mind, she can take out what she wants anytime, anywhere.

However, this cloud bag is an external possession after all, and it is still very inconvenient compared with his own space.

To get something, she needs to open the bag first, and then find the tools she needs to use from the bag.

This step is usually insignificant, but it is extremely cumbersome at critical moments like fighting, especially when lives are in danger.

First of all, Mo Jiu had to escape from the mouth of this fierce beast, and then find an appropriate time to take out the desired tool from the cloud bag.

Mo Jiu caught a glimpse of a big rock from the corner of his eye, and quickly rolled to the side, dodging the bloody mouth and directly covering it from the top of his head.

As soon as Mo Jiu rolled on the ground, he rolled to the side of the boulder, hid his figure behind the boulder, and began to rummage in the cloud bag for tools at hand.

The ferocious beast flew into the air, its blue eyes as big as copper mausoleums rolled, and saw the big stone beside it.

The murderer's blood spat out, and opened again, a hurricane with a strong smell of blood blew towards the deep boulder where Mo Jiu hid.

Mo Jiu heard a strong smell of blood, and knew that the beast was going to make an attack this time. He rolled on the ground and left the big rock where he hid just now.

A hurricane smashed the hard boulder into powder in an instant.

Mo Jiu had lingering fears, but fortunately she reacted quickly enough, otherwise she would have been turned into dust along with the boulder just now.

After Mo Jiu rolled to one side, he aimed at the beast's eyes and fired two shots.

(End of this chapter)

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