The returning national male god

Chapter 296 Is the Familiar Smell of Being Slapped in the Face

Chapter 296 Is the Familiar Smell of Being Slapped in the Face
As soon as the camera turned, it was morning in a flash. The woman took off the doctor's white coat, and she looked even thinner.

She walked into the elevator and clicked the number for the negative first floor, but the elevator suddenly stopped halfway through and the lights went out.

The woman who had always been calm and calm suddenly lost her mind at this moment, screamed and curled up in a corner, as if her whole body was trembling because of thinking about something.

She buried her head deeply in her knees, trying to escape from all this, but fell into a deeper panic.

After a while, someone heard her making a small voice, calling out with a hint of tears: "Ling Cheng, Ling Cheng..."

Until here, the whole movie officially kicked off. A bright red letter smeared in the dark, like blood spreading, and then formed the shape of the word "Love". The woman hugged tightly in the corner I was the scene that was used for the promotional poster of the movie "Love".

When the screen was turned on again, the fans finally saw the face they had missed for a long time. It was different from the previous ones, which were either cold or evil. Over time, one thing has not changed, that is, he is still the same handsome!
The role played by Jun Jiu in the play is Ling Cheng, a college student who takes his girlfriend and father to travel during the summer vacation, along with several classmates and other tour groups.

In the first ten minutes or so, the audience had just clarified the relationship between the characters of this tour group, when an accident happened. There was a sudden vibration under their feet, followed by a violent roar. The time from the warning to the occurrence was too late for them to react. Immediately afterwards, when everyone looked up, they saw huge stones rolling down from the mountain!

People fled in all directions, some of them were unlucky and died on the spot, some were hit by smaller stones so that their heads and hands were bleeding, in the end it was Ling Cheng who found a hole first, even though he knew how to hide in Going there will still be very dangerous, but compared to the outside, such a hole that can be avoided is much safer now!

Ling Cheng was the first to hide in the cave, followed by Chen Li and his father, and more and more people followed him and hid in the cave, hugging each other to give courage, facing the imminent death at any time.

Fortunately, 10 minutes later, the desperate and frightening rumbling sound finally gradually disappeared. With the last loud bang, the surroundings regained calm, as if nothing had happened, and everyone's hearts were hanging. Then gradually fall back to the original place.

The people hiding in the cave let out a deep breath, thanking themselves for the rest of their lives, but there were also some timid girls who couldn't help crying because of their fear. After all, in their team, several people were unfortunately smashed Among them, life and death are still uncertain.

"Okay, fortunately everything is over, let's go out quickly."

The person closest to the entrance of the cave touched his face, his face and body were covered with sweat because of fright and fleeing, he turned around and wanted to go out from the entrance of the cave, but found that there was no exit?The exit has long been blocked by falling boulders and mud!

Realizing this, everyone fell silent. Before they could taste the joy of the rest of their lives, they fell into even greater difficulties.

What follows is a long game of human nature.

As the main character, Ling Cheng has the most food, so he is naturally the target of everyone's covetousness, but because he knows the most people among them, several of them formed a group to resist the rest of the tour group.

After the crisis is resolved, it is the choice between friends and relatives, and it is also the darkest moment of human nature.

Every second that followed, the fans felt like they were sitting on a needle blanket. They had forgotten that the person they hated so much was their idol, and they just wished that the person in front of them would commit suicide immediately in front of them. That's good!

I have never seen such a difficult movie. In the end, only Ling Cheng and Chen Li survived.

The fans have completely left the fandom and become a member of the ordinary audience. They have given up hope for this inhuman Ling Cheng, but when they think of Chen Li who was still alive at the beginning, they feel a headache again.

About, Chen Li will also have a blackening in the end?Push the show to a climax?

"Ling Cheng, no one is robbing you now, you should eat something quickly, otherwise you won't be able to hold on."

As a bystander, Chen Li has been watching all this calmly from the sidelines. She has watched Ling Cheng change from that sunny and cheerful boy to what he is now in the past ten days - an incomparably cold and hateful boy. His eyes were fixed on everyone.

But she never cared about these, because compared to other people, Ling Cheng is the most important person to her, and what others don't know is that Ling Cheng has been secretly giving her some food, which made her It lasted until now.

In terms of human nature, she is actually not a good person. She selfishly wants to live with Chen Li. This viciousness is reflected in the fact that she watched Ling Cheng's father die in front of her with a sad face. But in his heart he had the same joy as Ling Cheng.

Ling Cheng nodded, took out a piece of bread from his bag and handed it to her, "You eat first, I can last a little longer."

Chen Li did not doubt that there was him, she was really too hungry, she ate it after a few mouthfuls.

"Ling Cheng, how long do you think we will be trapped here? Do we still have a chance to get out?"

"Yes, we will definitely go out."

Because Ling Cheng was standing behind Chen Li, Chen Li couldn't see Ling Cheng's actions, but the audience could see them very clearly.

After Ling Cheng handed Chen Li the last piece of bread, he threw the bag in his arms out.

But didn't he just say, eat later?Now what does that mean? !

The familiar feeling surged up again, and the audience, who were fans, began to take out the napkins in their bags blankly, ready to be slapped in the face at any time.

At this moment, as if telepathically, Chen Li also turned around suddenly, saw this scene, and then changed his expression after seeing this scene, staring at Ling Cheng with wide eyes, "Ling Cheng, what are you doing?" Woolen cloth?"

Ling Cheng gave her a comforting smile, but his body couldn't resist anymore, and he slowly fell into the muddy water. Chen Li immediately hugged him, squatted down and took him into his arms.

"I calculated it. It will take up to ten days from when we are discovered to when we are rescued. Now it is the ninth day. You only need to persevere for one more day, and you will definitely be able to get out." He said, with a flash in his dead eyes There was a gleam of light, and he said with a little pride: "Don't forget, I majored in civil engineering!"

(End of this chapter)

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