Chapter 116

Introduced by Ye Qingyu, Bai Ziyu learned that this Cao Hanhan was the "only daughter" of a bachelor Cao Yu, who was 15 years old this year.And Cao Yu worked in Hongwenguan, a bachelor of Hongwenguan, and a fifth-rank official position.

The so-called Hongwen Museum is officially signed and has more than [-] volumes of books.Set up a bachelor, take charge of correcting pictures and books, and teach students; when there is a system evolution in the dynasty and the importance of etiquette, you can consult with them.Set up the school bookkeeper, in charge of the school to manage the classics, and publish the correct and wrong.There is one embassy owner, who is responsible for the affairs of the consulate general.There are dozens of students, all selected from the royal family and the children of high-ranking Beijing officials, and the teachers are bachelors who have learned scriptures and calligraphy.

Cao Hanhan is Cao Yu's child when he was in his 40s, and he is an old daughter.

It was rumored that Cao Hanhan was actually not a girl, but a boy. Cao Yu, who was old enough to have children, raised Cao Hanhan as a girl in order to have a girl who could inherit the blood of the Cao family.

And it is rumored that because Cao Hanhan was born to an elderly woman, he was born with a problem with his head.

Bai Ziyu was not interested in whether Cao Hanhan was a boy dressed as a girl or a born fool. He only thought about how to beat the culprit Cao Hanhan.

Seeing Bai Ziyu's pensive face, Ye Qingyu said, "Mr. Yun, is the head of the prison under orders from Cao Hanhan?"

Bai Ziyu didn't intend to hide anything from the others, nodded and said, "Yes, the head of the prison just said the name himself, I don't think she can still deceive people in this state!"

Witnessing the whole process of Bai Ziyu beating the head of the prison with a whip, Ye Qingyu naturally thought that Bai Ziyu would go to Cao Hanhan to avenge Xigong's family.

Ye Qingyu, who is more familiar with the situation of the Cao family, thought for a while and said, "Mr. Yun, this Cao Hanhan is really hateful, but she is the only daughter of Cao Xueshi after all. Among Cao Xueshi's disciples, there are several daughters of high-ranking officials, and her connections are extraordinary. , and Cao Hanhan is still the niece of the prime minister, you must not be impulsive, or this will bring unnecessary troubles to the Yun family and the Bai family."

Hearing Ye Qingyu's persuasion, Bai Ziyu's brows frowned even higher, thinking to himself: "It seems that the way for people from the Peng family to sue Cao Hanhan is not feasible. After all, Cao Hanhan's family background is not simple. He should also have fame, and he is considered a half-official. Since ancient times when people sued the officials, it is rare for the people to win, and at present, the Peng family only has witnesses and lacks key evidence. If Cao Hanhan is sued, then she can definitely come. Don't admit it, but sue the Peng family for falsely accusing her!"

When Bai Ziyu was debating whether to use official channels to avenge Cao Hanhan on behalf of the Peng family, one of the Yun family guards who sent Xigong to be treated quickly ran towards Bai Ziyu and the others.

After a while, the guard panted slightly, clasped his fists and said, "Master, that Xi Gong is about to die. Several doctors in the city are helpless to his injury. Sir, do you want to see him?"

"What!? He's dying?" Bai Ziyu said unwillingly.

Peng Yu, who had been hiding behind his brother and was choking, poked his head out suddenly, ran towards the guard with tears streaming down his face, stretched out his hand and shook the guard's body, and said in a hoarse voice: "Big sister, you said my father is dying soon? Is my father really dead? Where is he? I want to see my father? Woohoo, I want to see my father, big sister, please, please take me to see my father!"

Bai Ziyu touched Peng Yu's little head, and said with firm eyes: "Don't cry, don't worry, as long as your father is still alive, I will definitely save him no matter the cost!"

Facing the guard's gaze, Bai Ziyu said, "Hurry up, take us to Xigong's place."

"Here!" The guards led the way, leading Bai Ziyu and his party to rush to where Xigong was.


Inside Dali Temple, a group of people were running in one direction.

There are still some people in this group wearing prison clothes. If Wu Yuying and Ye Qingyu were not present in the crowd, the people around Dali Temple would have thought that these people were fugitives, and then surrounded them The way of this group of people.

Stopping in front of a house, Bai Ziyu pulled Peng Yu into the room with the open door.

In the room, several middle-aged women surrounded Xigong on the bed, shaking their heads and sighing, failing to notice the person who broke into the room immediately.

It was the sharp-eyed guard in the room who saw Bai Ziyu and the others clearly at a glance, and quickly stepped forward and clasped his fists and said, "I've seen my uncle."

Bai Ziyu nodded hurriedly and broke into the circle surrounded by middle-aged women.

"Get out of the way, let us go in!"

The middle-aged women with their backs to Bai Ziyu and the others subconsciously stepped aside, causing Bai Ziyu and Peng Yu to get closer to Xi Gong who was lying on the bed.

Xigong's face was full of scars, and he had already lost his original appearance.

When Bai Ziyu saw Xigong's face again, he couldn't match the cowardly middle-aged uncle's face in his memory.

After all, he is Xigong's son. No matter what Xigong has become, Peng Yu recognized his own father at a glance when he was young.

"Father..." Little Peng Yu thought his father was dead, his eyes immediately slipped from their sockets, and he was about to fall on Xigong's body in the next moment.

Just when Peng Yu was about to jump into Xigong's arms, an experienced middle-aged female doctor quickly took Peng Yu's hand and said, "Son, your father is not dead yet, he is seriously injured now, can you You can't jump on him."

At this time, the clothes on Xigong's upper body have been taken off, revealing a body full of wounds.

These wounds were densely attached to Xi Gong's body like centipedes, very disgusting and hideous.

Bai Ziyu could faintly smell the stench of rotting corpses in his breath.

Looking at Xigong's festering white wounds, Bai Ziyu's throat was filled with nausea that he couldn't vomit out.

The anger in his heart soared, Bai Ziyu tried his best to suppress it, and said, "What's wrong with him? Is there no way you can save him?"

The oldest middle-aged woman among this group of doctors said: "Mr. Yun, to be honest, this patient's injuries are too serious, and there is absolutely nothing we can do to save him!"

Looking straight at the middle-aged woman, Bai Ziyu said with a serious face: "His wound is indeed a bit serious, but as long as it heals, won't it be saved? Could it be that you can't even heal the trauma?"

"This..." The middle-aged woman was speechless, and turned to look at her doctor.

All the doctors still shook their heads and sighed unanimously, no one dared to say that they could heal Xigong's trauma.

Glancing at a few guards not far away and Ye Qingyu who walked in the door, the middle-aged woman had a flash of inspiration and explained: "Mr. Yun, I don't know if you know what happened when our Yun family army fought in the Great Zhou Dynasty. most soldiers died?"

Hearing this, Bai Ziyu suddenly remembered something, and said: "Soldiers don't die the most when they are fighting, but they die the most when the wounded are being treated after the war. The reason for this is because When the two armies are at war, the strength of both the enemy and the enemy is about the same. It is basically difficult for soldiers to kill the enemy with one blow, but to seriously injure the enemy. On the contrary, our soldiers will also be seriously injured by the enemy, so we will clean up at the end On the battlefield, the number of wounded is often several times or even ten times higher than the number of deaths. However, due to the current level of medical treatment, the wounded can only watch their wounds become infected, and finally die from pain or end themselves. As for the survivors, That's a very small part,..."

Bai Ziyu said with certainty, "I see, you don't know what an infection is, let alone bacteria or viruses, so you don't know how to deal with these infected wounds!"

Ignoring the bewildered crowd, Bai Ziyu looked at Xigong on the bed and said firmly, "Don't worry, I will definitely not let you die."

(End of this chapter)

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