The big man in the feminist world should marry

Chapter 101 Could it be the house servant?

Chapter 101 Could it be the house servant?
All the faults are caused by the assassins.

If it wasn't for the assassin, his lord wouldn't have been so wronged, and he wouldn't have been insulted either.

It was really hard to swallow the depression in his heart, Yun Wuyou asked in a deep voice: "Mr. Lang, do you still recognize the face of that assassin? If Mr. Lang recognizes him, then I will ask someone to paint according to Mr. Lang's dictation for my wife. In order to find out the assassin! Let her know the price of daring to oppose my Yun family!"

On the surface, there are four major forces in the Great Zhou Dynasty, namely the most powerful emperor faction, the Zhennan royal family that covers almost the entire south, the Yun family army that guards the northwest, and the He family, the descendant family that dominates the civil service system.

Among them, the Yun Family Army has the strongest military strength, and Yun Wuyou is fully qualified to make people take revenge on assassins who engage in assassination.

Bai Ziyu knew that his wife was not joking, but really wanted to fulfill the vow she made at the beginning and kill Nalan Zhiqing's clan.

Thinking of Nalan Zhiqing's rescue, Bai Ziyu's mood became extremely complicated, and he couldn't bear to let Yun Wuyou send someone to kill Nalan Zhiqing's family.And Nalan Zhiqing was not from the Great Zhou Dynasty, but a member of a down-and-out nobleman from the Great Jin Dynasty.If Yun Wuyou sent someone to the Great Jin Dynasty to assassinate Nalan Zhiqing's clan, the risk would be great and the success rate would be low.

Thinking that the worst outcome might be that the Yun Family Army would be wiped out by the two emperors, Da Jin and Da Zhou, who were about to marry, Bai Ziyu didn't plan to recruit Nalan Zhiqing.

"Well, I still remember that the villain who kidnapped my husband is a member of the Bailian Sect, who seems to be called Cheng Xi,...But lady, you don't need someone to paint, I can draw myself, and the portraits are too It will be absolutely realistic." The White Lotus Sect has long been an enemy of the court, and Bai Ziyu put the pot on the White Lotus Sect without any psychological burden.And after the flood, the White Lotus Sect also slandered Yun Wuyou as the number one evil person, fooling the ignorant people, making the ignorant people mistakenly think that this natural disaster is God's punishment for Yun Wuyou who killed too much, and to eliminate future disasters , Only by sacrificing Yun Wuyou can he be forgiven by God.

"The White Lotus Sect, it's the White Lotus Sect again, they really deserve to be killed!" Yun Wuyou had a very bad impression of the White Lotus Sect, believed Bai Ziyu's words, and didn't feel that Bai Ziyu had any reason to protect his enemies.

Captured the phrase "I can draw by myself" that Bai Ziyu just mentioned in his mind, Yun Wuyou's face that was originally full of anger changed into doubt in an instant.

"Lang Jun, are you good at drawing?" The first time Yun Wuyou and Bai Ziyu met was the night when Bai Ziyu escaped from marriage. They didn't get along for a long time, and they didn't know each other very well. It's a little strange.

"Well, my husband really knows how to draw, and he's really good at it, and..." Having experienced Nanyan Peak, Bai Ziyu has already realized that his skills are very unique in this world, so he plans to make up a Tell a story to explain why you have become so powerful.

"It turns out that my lord can draw, but what else do you want to say to my wife, lord?" Yun Wuyou thought that Bai Ziyu's painting method was like that of ink painting, and was a little curious about Bai Ziyu's painting skills. , Is it really good enough to draw as realistic as he said?

On the way back to the capital, Bai Ziyu already had a preliminary plan for his future life.And he thought that as a modern man who traveled from a patriarchal society, his words and deeds would be very different from men in this world, so he felt that he should explain these unreasonable things a little bit.

Bai Ziyu knew that the ancient people would basically attribute the phenomena that he could not explain to ghosts, so he planned to cast a layer of mystery on his tortuous experience.

No longer hungering about Yun Wuyou's appetite, Bai Ziyu said: "Lady, you may not believe it, but in fact, my husband also encountered a very strange thing in this experience, you don't know, my husband is falling When I entered the river, the reason why I was able to survive the catastrophe was actually blessed by my ancestors!"

"Lang Jun, have you been blessed by our ancestors? Could it be... the ancestors of our Yun family showed their spirits?" Yun Wuyou didn't believe in ghosts, so he had some doubts about Bai Ziyu's words.

Bai Ziyu, the ancestor of the Yun family, doesn't know anyone, so it's not easy to lie.However, he has seen portraits of the ancestors of the Bai family, which are similar to most of the portraits of the old men in history class, and they look very good.

Shaking his head, Bai Ziyu said: "No, it's the ancestor of our Bai family. When did she save me and take Mr. Lang to another world to experience life for a while. It's completely different from here. It's a Patriarchal society, but the status of men and women in their place tends to be basically equal. Also, their place is like a place where gods live. There are many strange things, such as iron that can run on the road without a horse. Make carts, and big iron frames that can fly in the sky, and so on."

The more Yun Wuyou listened, the more he frowned.

Isn't it a waste of time and effort for no reason to make a carriage made of iron?And be able to move without using a horse?
Iron can fly?


Could it be that this gentleman knocked his brain out?

Feeling tense, Yun Wuyou rubbed Bai Ziyu's head on his body, and said distressedly: "Lang Jun, you, did you hit your head? Does it still hurt?"

Sure enough, he was regarded as a fool.

But if you think about it carefully, the high technology on earth is really impossible for people in this world.

Grabbing Yun Wuyou's hand, Bai Ziyu said with a serious face, "Lady, what my husband said is true, if you don't believe me, my husband can prove it to you."

Yun Wuyou looked at Bai Ziyu's serious and handsome face, but still didn't believe it: "If it's as Lang Jun said, then as a wife, I would like to ask, how long has Lang Jun lived there?"

Without the slightest hesitation, Bai Ziyu said firmly, "24 years."

"24...years? Sir, you said you lived there for 24 years? Are you talking nonsense?" Yun Wuyou thought he had heard wrong.

"No, lady, I have indeed lived there for 24 years! I am not talking nonsense, what I say is true!" Bai Ziyu's mind was playing back all the important fragments of his previous life, and he felt as if I really went to that place called Earth to experience life in a different world.

"Then, if it's as Mr. Lang said, then haven't grown old yet?" Yun Wuyou's world view was seriously provoked, and she resisted Bai Ziyu's seriousness in her heart, and it was hard to accept Bai Ziyu's ridiculous statement.

"I can't figure this out for my husband, but I have a more reasonable explanation, that is, my ancestors just let my consciousness, that is, my soul, go to live in the world over there, but the time in the world over there is not equal to that of this side. The time of the world may be one year equals to one minute, or maybe even less. Also, don’t worry, lady, since my husband has confessed to you, he will explain everything to you with facts... In fact, for My husband didn't know how to draw at the beginning. In which world does this painting method that my husband knows is different from this world? It has a name called sketching. You may not understand what my husband said. But just wait, let me prepare some tools for my husband, and then I will show you!" Bai Ziyu got up from the chair after finishing the call.

He knew that there must be someone guarding the door, so he shouted: "People outside come in, I have something to tell you to do!"

Bai Ziyu's dowry servant, Xiao He, and Yun Wuyou's big servant, Yun Xin, both stood outside the door, waiting for their master's orders.

At this moment, the two of them heard Bai Ziyu's call, and hurriedly opened the door and entered.

Walking quickly to stop not far from Bai Ziyu, the two male servants saluted: "My servant pays homage to my aunt (young master), I wish my aunt (young master) a safe return home!"

Glancing at the teary Xiao He, Bai Ziyu's heart bristled, coughed and said, "Well, excuse me, Xiao He, who is this next to you?"

Yun Xin is very handsome, but he is still not as handsome as Bai Ziyu.

For such a beautiful male servant who appeared in the mansion, Bai Ziyu was a hundred times more concerned!

Bai Ziyu was afraid that this male servant was Yun Wuyou's attendant, so he almost stopped breathing when he asked the question.

"Back to my aunt, this servant is the young lady's servant, and his name is Yun Xin." Yun Xin saluted Bai Ziyu cautiously.

Huh... Fortunately, it's just a servant, otherwise I...

Secretly heaving a sigh of relief, Bai Ziyu ordered: "Xiao He, go and get some charcoal, it needs to be sharpened, and there is still paper left, Yun Xin go get it, hurry up!"

"Here!" Xiao He and Yun Xin responded.

Watching the two male servants leave, Bai Ziyu suddenly remembered something, and thought to himself: "I have a big fork, isn't this servant to be used as a servant? And look at him and Xiao Standing together, this boy He obviously has a very high status, he can't be a variant of the Tongfang servant girl, is he!?"


Dividing line


Thank you for "I have a big problem in my life" (Is it you? "d(д)"?), "Exploding Pepper" (emm, you shouldn't have joined the group, right?), "Let You Show" (good in the group Diving, don't urge to change), "Not real" (take it seriously), "Book Wen" (let's not say more), "Book Friends 14***43" (Qu ↑ Guibo の Shadow Dragon? Is that you?) Reward, thank you for your support. (ω) Several friends came to the starting point to support me, really tearful, I was so moved that I wanted to add more, but... But I seem to be a little stuck!I... This is embarrassing, as expected, I still can't mutate from a beast to a beast! (ω) I'll try to stay up late to code it out, you guys can watch it in the morning, you'd better go to bed first!It’s not good to stay up late, (ω) let me stay up all night alone!

Cough cough, I want to increase the requirement for two updates. I haven’t accumulated [-] rewards that day, so I still have one update (in order to keep the plot from collapsing). Everyone who has accepted the reward, (ω) is a bit time-consuming, I might as well code a few more words, don’t you think so?

(End of this chapter)

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