Chapter 290 [The corpse has changed 3]

But Shixuan said so, but obediently took out the red string and put it on Baili Rongzhen's pulse.He knew that Uncle Ten Huang had a cleanliness obsession, but he didn't expect it to be this far.

He just couldn't figure out how such an uncle of the ten emperors could still find a woman, and she was still a beautiful girl.

How did Anthology know that women who want to marry ten emperor uncles can go from here to their place.

At the moment when Baili Rongzhen's pulse was caught, Anthology seemed to be a different person, serious, eyes like an abyss, and the whole person was sacred and inviolable.

Following the movements of the poetry anthology, Uncle Shi Huang's heart rose to his throat. If there was anyone whose medical skills were better than the anthology of poetry, Uncle Shi Huang would never believe it.Uncle Shihuang noticed that Baili Rongzhen's pulse condition was abnormal, and his first reaction was to come to Yaowang Valley, which shows that Uncle Shihuang has trust in poetry anthology.

There are not many people who can be trusted by Ten Emperor Uncles, and Anthology of Poems is indeed one of them.

It was just a process of feeling the pulse, but the anthology took a full hour. Uncle Shi Huang knew that for ordinary diseases, even difficult ones, the anthology took only more than half an hour to feel the pulse, but this time It didn't finish for an hour.

I saw that Anthology's complexion became more and more serious, and his eyes became deeper and deeper.

Anthology of poems to feel the pulse is not like the general doctor's pulse, but his family's, using the hands as the medium, through the reflection of the eyes.

Seeing the anthology's eyes getting deeper and deeper, and Uncle Ten Huang's face becoming more and more ugly, this hour is a torment for Uncle Ten Huang, every moment is a kind of torture to the soul.

Finally, Anthology took back the red rope, and those eyes have returned to normal, extremely clear.

"How?" Uncle Ten Huang asked the poetry anthology, but he found that it was so difficult for him to say these two words.The heart even mentioned the eyes of the throat.

"Is it really ancient corpse poison?",
"Can there be a solution?...",
"There is no time...",
"Could it be that we can only watch her transform into a mindless zombie?" Uncle Ten Huang slapped the ground fiercely, and only the picture of Uncle Ten Huang directly destroyed the medicine field of the poetry anthology. The sand even flew up into the sky, forming a tornado with swift force, blowing towards the outside of Yaowang Valley, where everything was looted.

Although Shixuan felt sorry for her medicine field, she didn't say anything.

After a while, Uncle Ten Emperor's eyes were bloodshot, and he floated into the distance, his voice was extremely hoarse: "How many days are left for the poisonous attack?",
"It's only three days...",
"Okay, I'll bring her here in three days."Then Uncle Ten Huang hugged Baili Rongzhen and left without looking back.

Three days, but only three days, Baili Rongzhen's corpse poison will take hold. By then, she will be a zombie with no emotions and no thinking, and she will be the blood repair zombie she hates the most.Can only live by sucking blood.

How could this be, how could this be.

Anthology glanced at the back of Uncle Shi Huang leaving, hesitant to speak,

The man who looked like a god in his mind, why is his back so mottled at the moment, but he figured it out when he saw the anthology of poems. A man like Di Shiyin would not be approached easily, and he would never take his own body lightly. Hand over your heart.

Judging by his reaction to the little girl, he must have taken care of him. After thousands of years, shouldn't his iceberg heart also melt?
(End of this chapter)

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