My wife is cute

Chapter 166 Surprised to win the competition [1]

Chapter 166 Surprised to win the competition [1]


Rao is an iron-blooded man, when he tastes the taste of Bu Jingran's skeleton and ghost whip, he can only scream in pain, let alone Gu Wuren.

Gu Wuyuan didn't know how the girl on the opposite side of the brow made a move, and he was hit by the arrogance of that whip.

"Wow! The Goddess hit Gu Wuyuan!"

"Aha, I just said that the goddess is the most powerful!"

In fact, the people in the audience didn't see clearly how Bu made the move, as if they just saw a black cloth wrapped around Gu Wuyu's body, and then heard Gu Wuyu's screams.

Bu was startled and looked at Gu Wuyuan who had not fallen down after being whipped by her: "It's not bad, I still have some strength."

The meaning of these words is clearly satirizing Gu Wuyuan as a reckless man.

"Demon girl, today I will take your life!" Gu Wuyuan Junyi's face was even more ferocious and distorted due to the double attack of pain and anger.

"Okay, it's a good thing if you can get rid of me as a goblin today. If you can't get rid of me, you and the people in this world will be in trouble." The white gauze shook, and the steps were as clear and hazy as a dream.

The light words hit Gu Wuyuan's eardrums like thunder, and he shouted without taking a breath: "It's a disaster for women like you to stay in this world. I, Gu Wuyuan, will destroy you on behalf of the men in the world!"

Bu was startled when he heard this familiar sentence, and several crows flew past his forehead. Can people of this era stop being so stubborn.

It is not good to steal the vocabulary of their modern people.

"Hmph, then I will destroy you on behalf of all mankind." Fighting her is still far away.

The conversation between the two of them spread everywhere.

Ziyunxie, Chu Jianhuan and the others burst out laughing when they heard this, their little woman could be any more funny.

A casual sentence eased the situation on and off the court. In fact, only the two people on the stage understood the tension between them at this moment.

Gu Wuyuan made the first move. The first miss just now must have been because this woman cast a spell on him. Otherwise, how could he be hit by a woman when he was ranked twenty in the Canaan Academy master list? big teeth.

Bu Jingran looked at this unyielding Gu Wuyuan, and mourned him silently in his heart. He originally wanted him to retreat, but now this man said he wanted to kill her?
She will not give good fruit to anyone who wants her life, and besides, on this martial arts arena, she can fight openly, as long as this man is not killed, then she can do whatever she wants.

The corners of his lips curled up cruelly, welcoming Gu Wuyuan's so-called move to destroy the world.

The sharp sword pierced the sky, Bu Jingran just blinked his eyes, turned around, raised his plain hand, and flicked his fingers.

A burst of energy shot out instantly.

A yang finger!

The unique skill in the ancient martial arts in the previous life does not use any weapons, but only hurts people with qi, and truly kills invisible.


Gu Wuyuan yelled again indecently, and felt as if his wrist was pierced by something, numbness, pain, mixed feelings, and the sharp sword in his hand fell to the ground so abruptly .

He raised his head to look at the woman who smoked a gun, but before he had time to ask her what was going on.A few more bursts of strength passed through his ankles, but in a short while, the four of Gu Wuyuan were suddenly crippled by Bu Jing.

Gu Wuyuan was so painful that he couldn't make a sound, and finally the woman opposite stopped, and she squinted at her with all her spare time, but her cold lips curved like a crescent moon.

(End of this chapter)

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