Diary of a Healer of Konoha

Chapter 258 Doctors are forbidden to make trouble in the hospital!

Chapter 258 Doctors are forbidden to make trouble in the hospital!
In the end, Sand Ninja Village chose an alliance treaty with Konoha Village.

This also means that since the first ninja war, the cold war between Konoha Village and Sand Ninja Village is over.

As an alliance, Sand Ninja Village and Konoha Village will also send a small number of ninjas to assist the mission when the other party needs it. Well, of course they will not send the strongest ninjas.

After all, it is human nature to keep secrets.

"Ah, not long after I became Hokage, I accomplished a major event."

Uchiha Fugaku was lying on the chair, although there were still a lot of documents in front of him, but he still wanted to rest when he was tired.

"Although the alliance treaty between Muye Village and Sand Ninja Village will not significantly improve the relationship between the two villages in a short period of time, the relationship between the two villages will be much better after a long time, and I must seize the opportunity , help the village make more allies."

Regarding the alliance of the two villages, it is obviously not something that can be done on a whim. Takagi Naohito is just an introduction, and the decision is still made by the top leaders of the two villages and the two countries.

In other words, Takagi Shangren has been able to convince the high-level.

"Okay, let's continue working after the rest is over."

Uchiha Fugaku sighed, and continued to process those documents that could not be processed.

However, he hadn't approved a few documents yet, and suddenly a document came into his vision.

"This is."

He looked at the document and frowned.

This is a document submitted by the Chunin, explaining the impact and harm of Takagi Shangren's brain transplant surgery.

There are criticisms from the two aspects of morality and practical impact, and even put forward the opinion of listing this technology as a forbidden technique.

But Uchiha Fugaku disagreed. The other party said that if it was listed as a forbidden technique, he would list it as a forbidden technique?Then it's too cheap for me as Hokage.

It's just that there are some things that the other party said have some truth.

For example, the moral and ethical relationship after using another person's body, Mai Tedai used Mai Tekai's body, so are the two of them brothers or father and son?

Uchiha Fugaku looked at this document, although the question raised was not a problem, but he always felt weird.

"It seems to be a bit of a sneaky change of concept, and it seems to make a lot of sense."

In the world view of ninjas, there are always such embarrassing questions, such as whether to kill or not to kill extremely young ninjas.

Some people advocate killing, because they feel that the enemies are dangerous; some people think that they should not be killed, because they are still children.

"Well, this kind of question can't just look at this person's one-sided words."

Uchiha Fugaku thought for a while, and it is better to hold a meeting on this matter. Hokage has the right to decide, but it cannot be agreed or vetoed by one vote.

"Suddenly felt that there was a reason for the third generation to suppress our Uchiha clan. Even people like Dr. Takagi would be suspected, and our clan would probably be gossiped about."

Uchiha Fugaku sighed. It is true that only when he is in his position can he know the difficulty of being Hokage. In the past, the Uchiha clan was not satisfied and felt that the village was prejudiced against them. Now it seems that it is already a job to be able to give a Konoha Police Department job. Trust in the Uchiha clan.

"I don't know if there will be someone who deliberately makes things difficult for Dr. Takagi's position."

The answer is of course.

No matter you are Naruto, ninja, doctor, businessman or any other profession, there will always be someone who deliberately makes things difficult for you.


"What do you mean?!"

When Gao Mu Shangren got off work, he passed by the obstetrics and gynecology department. A big man was grabbing the collar of a young doctor and shouting with his teeth and claws: "Why is my child not a premature baby?"

The young doctor obviously didn't experience this situation, and he was a little flustered, but he still insisted on being responsible to the patient's family and said: "Your child is healthy and born at full term, and it's not what you and your wife are worried about." It's a premature baby."

"Impossible, I only came home seven months ago!!!"

The man seemed to understand something from the beginning, and he seemed crazy.

Gao Mu Shangren and other observers also understood the reason of the matter. The child's production date was wrong, and the child's father came home seven months ago.
【Love is a ray of light, you panic when it's green. 】

The ghost knows how this sentence popped into Takagi Naojin's mind, but that's how it is.

"You may need to ask your wife about it."

"What a joke!"

The man raised his fist, and Takagi Shangren couldn't let it go. He appeared between the two in an instant, and held the other's raised arm.

"Stop it!"

Takagi Shangren grabbed the man's hand with one hand. Although the other party looked stronger than Takagi Shangren, Takagi Shangren's hand was like a pliers, preventing him from moving.

"The hospital is not a place to fight. You can choose not to accept or even review our answer, but please don't do anything."


The man tried several times, but he still couldn't get rid of Gao Mu Shangren's grasp, but once a person becomes impulsive, some behaviors are beyond his mind.

"You bastard!"

After he let go of the young doctor, he punched Gao Mu Shangren with his other hand. Gao Mu Shangren didn't even look at it, but calmly caught the opponent's arm with a chakra arm.

"I'll remind you again."

Gao Mu Shangren said in a warning tone: "The hospital is not a place for you to vent your anger. Our doctors can't do anything to you because of work, but it doesn't mean that what you did is correct."

Probably because of the experience brought by many missions, Takagi Naohito had a murderous look in his eyes.

The man flinched after all.

"You let go."

Gao Mu Shangren let go of his hand without saying a word, and the man took two steps back with a look of unwillingness on his face.

Takagi Naohito asked the young doctor, "Which delivery room is his baby in?"

The young doctor pointed to the ward next to him, and Gao Mu Shangren immediately went in to check it, and came out again in less than a minute.

He said to the man before him without showing any expression: "The child was born at full term, and I don't think I need to say more about the others."

The anger on the man's face disappeared, and turned into endless sadness. He knelt on the ground, covered his face and cried loudly.

At this time, a very simple question arises.

If you were an obstetrician and you found out that a woman told her husband that the child was born prematurely when the child was born at term, what would you say?

To be honest and tell him that the child was born at term, or to avoid complaints and to follow the mother's statement?
Takagi Shangren figured this out a long time ago.

Let others say what others say. You have to tell others the truth. If a man and a woman have a premarital examination and one of them has AIDS, does the doctor still have to hide the truth?

That is irresponsible to others, because your profession is a doctor, not a fraudster.

(End of this chapter)

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