Diary of a Healer of Konoha

Chapter 235 Show mercy! ! !

Chapter 235 Show mercy! ! !

Parasites, the parasites mentioned here are not external parasites, but internal parasites.

They are worms, but most of the internal parasites are protozoa, nematodes, trematodes, and tapeworms. The more common one is a thread-like worm. In fact, if you zoom in carefully, you can still see the difference.

There are generally parasites in the human body, but it’s just a matter of whether the situation is serious or not. In Muye Village, there are many parasitic diseases because of the habit of eating sashimi. In addition, there are parasites in the river water. He just drank the eggs.

There are more in animals, especially wild animals, the more unclean the animals are, the more they are, even clean animals will have them.

Gao Mu Shangren fixed the dead little mouse. At this time, the mouse's fingers and claws were still moving slightly, but the mouse was already dead.

"It's time to start."

Xiao Nan had just cut open the mouse's stomach for a while, when her keen eyesight found a long white strip-shaped creature that was still wriggling in the mouse's chest cavity.

"This is."

Xiao Nan's expression was distorted in an instant, and she had the urge to vomit.

"Relax, these are parasites."

In fact, the reason why Xiaonan wears rubber gloves is to prevent the invasion of parasites, and the same is true for wearing masks. No matter how powerful the parasites are, they must be touched before they can be parasitized.

They also cannot use spores to reproduce like fungal organisms.

Takagi Shangren took out a small tweezers to pinch the parasite out and put it on a petri dish. The white parasite was still wriggling and looked extremely disgusting.

"Whether animals or humans have these things, don't be afraid. In fact, this is the same reason as there are aphids on trees."

"Then do I have it in me?"

"should have."

Takagi Shangren remembered that the children had been checked after entering the village and had been given insect repellent medicine. Although the medicine could remove some parasites, they could not completely remove them.

In fact, the human body itself has begun to adapt to the life of parasites in the body, and the immune system will also attack small parasites. Don't underestimate the human immune system.

"Sounds disgusting."

"Haha, how can it be called a parasite if it's not disgusting."

If Gao Mu Shangren took a microscope and asked Xiao Nan to take a closer look at the appearance of the parasite, she would probably be frightened by the sharp mouthparts of the parasite, and that would be really disgusting.

"Is there a way to cure it?"

"No, parasites can't be regarded as diseases. They only cause diseases when there are too many parasites for some reason. Just think about so many insects eating and drinking in the human body, and laying hundreds of thousands of eggs every day."


Xiao Nan is a little disgusted, these things are a bit difficult for girls to accept.

Takagi Shangren asked tentatively: "How, can you hold back?"

"It takes a little getting used to."

Xiao Nan looked at the mouse's chest again, and the situation that was acceptable at first became unbearable because of the parasite.

This is also the reason why there are more male doctors than female doctors. Women are naturally more cautious, but men are more psychologically receptive. In addition, operations sometimes take a long time, and female doctors cannot keep up physically.

"Don't force yourself~~"

Xiao Nan is only six years old, and Gao Mu Shangren, who is six years old, is still flooding the ant nest with urine, so he naturally knows how much impact this scene has on children.

"If you don't get used to it, you can also practice this next time."

"It's okay, Dr. Takagi."

Xiaonan endured the nausea and continued to dissect. She took scissors and cut out various organs and put them in a petri dish. Finally, she pulled out the mouse's long and thin intestines.

"Good job, Xiao Nan."

"Did Takagi see the same scene in the ward?"

"Basically, it is inevitable to see organs in some operations." Gao Mushangren said with a smile: "But even if you see it, you have to continue the operation, so you have to hone a strong mind and practice a lot. Sometimes even dead bodies are used, otherwise, vital organs will be accidentally cut.”

"Suddenly I feel that being a doctor is a very dangerous job."

At this time, Yahiko secretly glanced towards this side.

When he saw the mouse whose stomach had been cut open on the table, his stomach acid surged up, and he quickly covered his mouth and ran outside the house to vomit.

"Yahiko, why not!!!"

A few more children were a little sick because they saw the dead mouse on the table, and Yahiko ran to the lawn outside and vomited.


Nagato was also a little sick from seeing that scene, but he didn't vomit.

"Oh My God."

Although Takagi Shangren planned to let the children see the bloody scene in advance, he didn't expect the children's reaction to be so strong, half of them vomited.

"Looks like I won't be making meaty dishes for lunch today, let's eat something light."


After the dissection, Takagi Shangren threw the mouse's body into the fire and burned it.

This is the safest way, no matter what germs and parasite eggs, a fire will definitely burn them clean.

The gloves used by Xiaonan and Takagi Shangren have also been sterilized, and they can be recycled next time, but the expressions of the children have changed a little.

"what happened?"

While eating lunch, Takagi Shangren asked the children with a smile: "Is this not enough? If you want to become ninjas in the future, you will have to experience more cruel scenes than this."

"of course."

Sheqi Zhinv came to sing the white face at this time.

"You don't have to be a ninja in the future, you can also be a chef or a doctor."


The children seemed to see hope again after hearing Sheqi Zhinv's words, they all nodded and said: "It's good to be a chef, you can cook delicious dishes."

"But chefs also need to slaughter ingredients."

Gao Mu Shangren continued with a smirk: "Think about it, live rabbits, fish, and chickens are placed on the chopping board. You need to pick up the kitchen knife, put the knife away, let them bleed, pull out the hair and scales, and then dig out the belly Inedible viscera and intestines are produced, and the meat is finally chopped into pieces.”


A child with a slightly lower mental capacity is now covering his ears and screaming in pain. Why did Takagi Shangren break his young fantasy so cruelly.

The chef in his impression should be a neat person in a white coat, why did he suddenly become so bloody! ! !

"Okay, okay, let's eat."

Konan saw that the expressions of Yahiko and Nagato had also changed, and then said: "Actually, it's not as scary as Dr. Takagi said. It's easy to accept after crossing the hurdle in my heart."



Konan's smile melted away the grudges in Yahiko and Nagato's hearts, but they didn't know until they took up weapons in person.

Xiao Nan is just talking nonsense, that hurdle is the most difficult to cross! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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