Diary of a Healer of Konoha

Chapter 219 All Weapons Unfolded!

Chapter 219 All Weapons Unfolded!

Gao Mu Shangren waited while cutting the wall, and soon, the airship began to tilt significantly.

"Young girl, stand still!"

He shouted with concern: "The airship is about to fall!"

He can already imagine what will happen next, because he has experienced too many spaceship crashes.

The Si cup exuding fairy chakra on his body held Tian Congyun in his hand, stepped on the balloon and went straight up, and at the same time let out a long breath on the balloon, and the gas inside began to spurt out wildly.

The huge airship began to lean sideways, and soon hit a tall building. Unfortunately, the building was completely unable to block the huge hull of the airship, and could only be broken by the middle.

The airship was quickly forced to land, and almost at the same time as the airship had just landed, Takagi Shangren finally cut through the wall that closed him.

He kicked the wall away, and before she could come over, he held her in his arms and quickly crawled towards the inside of the airship.


And the girl Sheqi was held in Gao Mu Shangren's arms, her face was a little rosy, but Gao Mu Shangren didn't care.

At the moment when the airship fell, he felt a huge chakra coming from inside the airship, very huge, more than tailed beasts.

This kind of energy reaction similar to the overload of the energy furnace made Gao Mu Shangren a little uneasy, and he had to take the snake girl to seal this huge chakra.

When he arrived, he was stunned.

That independent room is full of devices similar to wiring, all of which are connected to An Lushan, who is like an intelligent processor terminal, controlling everything on the airship.

No wonder Takagi Shangrenjue realized that he and the airship are one, this is more than one, this guy is an accessory of the airship! ! !

After An Lushan saw Takagi Shangren, he seemed to be expecting it, and he said calmly: "I didn't expect to be discovered by you, but I also remembered who you are, Dr. Takagi."

"Oh, you know me?"

"Of course!"

An Lushan said with a smirk: "The genius doctor in Muye Village, the legendary figure in the ninja world, I didn't think it was you at first, but I remembered it later. I didn't expect to see such a big man like you with my own eyes."

Gao Mu Shangren's eyes looked inside this room, yes, there is huge chakra energy here, but not here.

This is just a transit point.

"You're stalling for time."

Gao Mu Shangren was looking for the source of Chakra while talking. Soon, he tilted his head and looked to the left. After passing through countless walls, there was the location of the landing pad that the airship flew out of before.

"Do you think I might let your plan go ahead?"


An Lushan laughed presumptuously and said, "It's too late, my plan has already succeeded!"

Suddenly, the airship began to shake again. The three people outside the airship looked at the falling airship. Before they could relax, the airship made a roaring sound and slowly rose again.

Below the airship, eight disc-shaped injectors are spraying energy towards the ground to drive the airship to fly.

This method is exactly the same as the way ordinary puppets fly.

Takagi Shangren could sense the huge chakra energy in the airship. This guy actually thought of using a jet engine as a way to move a large flying fortress? !

Nima, you are talented!

The speed of the jet engine in the atmosphere is countless times faster than that of the balloon. It may only take ten minutes to get to Konoha Village from here.


An Lushan laughed wildly, his jaw almost fell off.

"Doctor Takagi, you didn't expect that!"

Gao Mu Shangren really wanted to tell him that this technique was used up, but he didn't have time to chat with him. To be honest, he didn't dare to act rashly now.

He can also forcibly unplug those lines, but a large number of chakras will explode instantly if they cannot find a vent, and the destructive power produced is even more terrifying. Both Takagi Shangren and Sheqi Zhinv will die here.

After thinking about it, Takagi Shangren said to Sheqi Zhinv in front of An Lushan: "Go underground, there must be something underground that provides energy supply, use your sealing ninjutsu to seal it as much as possible."

"I know, I'll go right now."

Sheqi Zhinv just wanted to leave, but Gao Mu Shangren took her hand. When she turned her head, Gao Mu Shangren said worriedly: "Don't force it too much."

"I see."

Even if it was for Gao Mu Shangren, even if it was for herself, she would not let herself die easily.

"Hmph! Do you think she can stop this?"

An Lushan shouted: "In just ten minutes, I can reach Muye Village and destroy it!"

"You can't do it."

After Gao Mu Shangren bid farewell to Sheqi Zhinv, he turned to face An Lushan calmly and said, "Why do you want to ask? Because I am here!"

He walked up to An Lushan who couldn't move. Although he couldn't kill An Lushan, he had other ways to stop it.

A chakra spider appeared in his hand, and it climbed onto An Lushan's head, biting An Lushan's head hard.

Gao Mu Shangren did something that he would never do before. He invaded An Lushan's central nervous system, not preventing it, but intruding.


An Lushan suddenly found that his hands began to be raised disobediently, and he seemed to understand what Gao Mu Shangren was doing.

"Are you controlling my body?!"

"Not really, if I could control your body, you wouldn't even be able to speak now."

Gao Mu Shangren's forehead was dripping with sweat, and his brain was running rapidly to disrupt An Lushan's control of the body, airship and puppets, but he could not completely occupy An Lushan's nerve center.

The brain is the most complex part of the human body. How can Shangren Takagi control two brains with a brain that has not been developed to 100%?Can only affect the nervous system like a virus.

"Doctor Takagi, well-deserved reputation."

An Lushan was also struggling with Takagi Shangren for control, which resulted in the chaotic trajectory of the airship, just like a pirate ship in an amusement park, moving forward and retreating for a while.

"But, I won't admit defeat! Do you know how much effort I have put in for today's step?!"

An Lushan recalled how he used to desperately study the puppet blueprints and practice puppet techniques. At that time, he was nothing but an unknown little ninja.

But by a coincidence, he knew the location of the land of dragon veins, and the endless chakras tempted him, and finally he decided.

He wants to be the king of this world!Let no one look down on him!

"I won't lose! I absolutely can't lose this time!"

Probably because of his anger, An Lushan opened all the cannons on both sides of the airship and began to continue the energy.

He yelled at Gao Mu Shangren who was only half a meter away: "I want to see how many weapons you can control me!"

(End of this chapter)

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