Diary of a Healer of Konoha

Chapter 155 The White Snake Will Die

Chapter 155 The White Snake Will Die
Takagi Shangren was very flustered when he was called by Rope Tree. He saw Haruo standing on the street, looking at the convenience bag in his hand motionlessly.

"Are you okay? Haruo." Takagi Shangren checked Haruo's eyes as soon as he came over. "What happened to your eyes?"

"I'm fine, I've never been better than now." Haruhime blinked, and then showed the convenience bag in his hand to Takagi Shangren.

"Uncle, look, I brought the goldfish back to life."

"Save it?" Gao Mu Shangren didn't quite understand what Haruyu meant. "Did this goldfish die before?"

"Yes, dead, but I brought him back to life." Haruyu said enough words to drive other ninjas crazy, but Takagi Naohito stopped him from continuing.

"Stop talking, don't tell anyone about this, understand?"

"Why?" Haruki didn't quite understand. "So I can become a doctor?"

"That's different." Takagi Shangren didn't know what happened to Haruo, but he was certain that there might be ways to improve efficiency in this world, but there was absolutely no way to get something for nothing.

Takagi Shangren does not rule out that the goldfish is not dead, it is just in a state of suspended animation, but it cannot be ruled out that Haruo took something from himself or others to revive the goldfish.

"I need to check you first. If you really want to save someone or save a life, the first thing you have to do is not die yourself."

It's like the law of conservation of energy. Gao Mu Shangren doesn't quite understand that, but he knows that there is no way to get something for nothing.

"Until then, close your eyes."

"Oh." Qingsheng blinked again, and suddenly those strange gray and red eyes changed back.

"Don't talk about your eyes casually with others in the future, can you?"

"Well, okay." Haruyu was very happy that he had such a pair of eyes, but when Gao Mu Shangren said this, he was a little bit reluctant.

Obviously, he finally obtained the power to become a doctor. Why didn't the uncle let him use it? He only needs to absorb the energy that is free in the air and the earth, and he can save others. Isn't this a good thing to save people's lives?
However, what Qingsheng didn't know was that this was really not an easy-to-use power.


Miaomu Mountain.

The hometown of the psychic toad, this is one of the three holy places to learn the fairy model.

There are huge mushrooms, grasses and insects growing here, and it is the place where toads live. The toads in Mt. Miaomu are different from the toads in the outside world. There are huge toads, which are as big as ten thousand snakes, and there are petite toads, and there may be only one. The size of a basketball, but these toads can talk.

Among these toads, the longest-lived toad was sitting on the throne. Around this toad's neck was a string of beads with a lavender opal inlaid in the middle. The word "oil" was written on the opal. He even wore a doctor's hat on his head, and his old-fashioned appearance looked as if he might die at any time.

However, this toad has a background. When the Sage of the Six Paths was still young, it was this toad that taught the Sage of the Six Paths the celestial arts, but at that time he was still a young toad.

This toad is called the Great Toad Immortal, and he usually sleeps all the time, but today he suddenly woke up.

"It's not good! It's not good!" He yelled weakly twice, but it seemed that it was because of getting up and not being weak. Even so, the toad guard guarding outside the door heard his shout and walked away. came in.

"What's wrong? Immortal Toad."

"I had another dream just now." Immortal Toad said slowly, like a real old man. "I I. I. Huh."

"Fell asleep?"

"The Great Toad Immortal has fallen asleep again!"

The guards were all surprised that the big toad fairy could still fall asleep under such circumstances, but the big toad fairy woke up again.

"I, I saw a pair of red eyes. The person with red eyes held a red fruit in his palm. The earth split open, the river dried up, and the disaster that happened thousands of years ago is about to reappear." After a pause, the big toad The fairy continued.

"That's a power that even that woman can't match, the power of the Otsutsuki clan."

After speaking, Immortal Toad fell asleep again. This was beyond his control, but the little toads under him immediately recorded what he just said.

The predictions made by the Great Toad Immortal have always been accurate, just like hundreds of years ago he predicted that a young man would appear in Miaomu Mountain, and then Zilai would come hundreds of years later, and the Big Toad Immortal also taught Zilaiye Immortal mode, he also made a prophecy for the Tailed Beast.

The blue-eyed boy laughed and called out the names of the nine beasts. '

This is the prophecy he said. Although thousands of years have passed and it has not come true, everyone knows who the blue-eyed boy is.

"Also!" The Great Toad Immortal woke up suddenly again, and said something that startled the other toads. "The white snake will die."

As soon as these words came out, Toad was frightened a lot. Will the white snake die?There is only one white snake they know, and that is Immortal White Snake, an immortal who is comparable in age to Immortal Toad.

Now the Great Toad Immortal actually said that the White Snake would die. Doesn't that mean that their deadly enemy, the White Snake Immortal in Longdi Cave, would die?
Shall the toads throw a party to celebrate?

At this time, two little toads wearing cloaks hurried into the hall. After seeing the big toad fairy fell asleep again, they quickly asked the toad guards: "What did the big toad fairy say?"

Although the toad is small, its status seems to be very dignified.

"Elder Shenzuo, Elder Zhijian." The toad guards bowed their heads respectfully and said, "We have recorded what the Great Toad said, please take a look."

"The red-eyed man, the red fruit, and the power that even that woman can't match?"

Although the prophecies of the Great Toad Immortal have always been so mysterious, but this time even Hama Fukasaku and Hama Shima couldn't understand the prophecy.

They are not people who have experienced a long time ago. Naturally, they don't know the red fruit and that woman, but red eyes, there are too many red eyes in the ninja world, and Kuroyuki's eyes are also red.

As for the second prophecy.

"White snake. Will it die?"

This sentence made Fukasaku's eyes widen. He also thought of the White Snake Immortal, but the White Snake Immortal, like the Big Toad Immortal, is basically impossible to die. Still get killed.

kill?Who can kill the Great Toad Immortal and the White Snake Immortal?Don't underestimate the two of them, Fukasaku can be regarded as a master of using the energy of fairy arts, but compared to the big toad fairy, he is a brat.

"Combining the two prophecies, it could be that the red-eyed man killed the white snake."

(End of this chapter)

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