Diary of a Healer of Konoha

Chapter 105 A trip to Fuzi Village.

Chapter 105 A trip to Fuzi Village.

December 1, 1.

Today is the fifth day of Orochimaru's outing mission. If I want to ask why I wrote this down, I have no choice. Who told Tsunade to call me to help in Nadeshiko Village?

Konoha's strongest medical ninja needs my help, should I help by name, can I be proud? (a smiley face is drawn here)
However, considering the condition that even Tsunade can't solve, it's better for me to be mentally prepared. (A serious face is drawn here)

According to the information sent by Communication Eagle, it is currently known that the white blood cell count is higher than normal, fever, anemia, epistaxis, bone and joint pain, and enlargement of the liver, spleen and lymph nodes. It is basically certain that it is the two - ALL and CLL, the Chinese name is acute lymphoblastic leukemia and chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

The patient was around 40 years old. Unlike chronic myelogenous leukemia, she was suffering from this disease, which commonly occurs in children. It can only be said that she was unlucky.

This is a disease that the older you get, the lower the survival rate.


"I'll send you here, and then it's up to you."

Under the mountain where Fuzi Village is located, there is a small village with a small population of only a few dozen people. The Second Hokage sent Takagi Shangren here.

"It's really troublesome for you, the second generation."

"No, it's just on the way, they will pick you up here." Qianshou Feijian waved his hand carelessly and said, "But be careful, the location of Fuzi Village is close to the border of the Kingdom of Fire, so there will inevitably be some rogues Stay with the waves."

"Understood, then goodbye."

After bidding farewell at the entrance of the village and Senshouban, Takagi Shangren walked into the small village, and as soon as he walked in, he saw Jiraiya and Orochimaru, who were chatting with their backs against the wall.

"Hey, Takagi, this way." Jiraiya spotted Takagi Shangren for the first time, waved at him and said, "We are here."

"I saw it."

Gao Mu Shangren walked slowly in front of the two, looked around and said, "Isn't Tsunade here?"

"Tsunade is in Nadeshiko Village, and those women won't let us enter the village." Jilai also pointed to the two mountain peaks, one large and one small, outside the village, and said angrily, "We've been in this village for several years. God."

"But Jiraiya, didn't you sneak in three times?"

As soon as Orochimaru finished speaking, Jiraiya covered his mouth with his hands, and Jiraiya's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he explained nervously: "I was just worried about what happened to Tsunade, so I sneaked into the village to observe, Don't talk nonsense!"

"Really? Then why do you go to the bathhouse to observe every time?"

"Hey! Don't expose me!!!"

Jilai also really wanted to sew Dashewan's mouth shut, otherwise his reputation would be lost, eh. It seems that he doesn't have a good reputation in the village.

"Okay, Tsunade asked me to help, take me there quickly."

"I'm going to put the luggage in the hotel." Orochimaru took the suitcase from Takagi Shangren, and then walked towards the hotel. "Jiraiya, you should take Takagi-kun to Nadeshiko Village first, he should be able to enter."

"You can definitely go in, otherwise how can you treat the patient."

No matter how prejudiced the village is against men, male doctors can always enter. Takagi Shangren still doesn't believe that male doctors will not let them in.

"Stop, this is Nadeshiko Village, men are not allowed to enter."

However, when they arrived at the entrance of the village, two female ninjas from Nadeko Village stopped Takagi Shangren and Jiraiya with disgusted looks on their faces.

"I'm Takagi Naohito, the doctor who Tsunade-sama requested from Konoha Village, please let me in."

"Do you have permission to enter the village?"

"No." Takagi Shangren did not receive any permission letter. "But you can ask the senior management of the village."

"Then I'm sorry, please stay at the entrance of the village first, and we will inquire."

"You are here, Takagi!!!" Before the two female ninjas at the entrance of the village could ask, Tsunade rushed out from the main road at the entrance of the village with an angry face, and dust rose behind him.

"It's been a day, I've been waiting for you all day, bastard!!!"

The guard at the entrance of the village was stunned. He didn't expect that this unremarkable young man really had something to do with Tsunade. If he said that, he was really a foreign aid invited by Tsunade.

"Why are you still stopping him? There is something wrong with his eyes!"

Tsunade yelled at the two of them, and the two female ninjas immediately moved out of the way to let Takagi Naohito pass, and even Jiraiya got in.

"Get out!" However, when Tsunade saw Jiraiya coming in, he pointed at him and shouted, "Irrelevant people go outside and stay here."

In this way, Jilai was driven out again, while Tsunade and Takagi Shangren continued to go deep into the village. Fushiko Village was built on two peaks, the lower one was where ordinary villagers lived, and the higher one was where ordinary villagers lived. It is the place where the high-level people of the village live, and the two peaks are connected by a wooden suspension bridge of amazing length.

"How is the patient?"

"Steady for now, but not optimistic, here's the checklist."

Tsunade handed the medical record sheet to Takagi Naojin, and Takagi Takahito quickly scanned the above content, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Tsk, it really is leukemia."

Leukemia, to put it simply, is a disease in which the hematopoietic organ in the human body—the bone marrow grows cancer, inhibits normal hematopoietic function, causes white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets to decrease, and there are immature or abnormal white blood cells in the blood.

Because the hematopoietic function is inhibited, and the number of platelets is lower than the basic value, it is difficult to stop bleeding after injury, and areas with more capillary divisions are also prone to bleeding, such as the nasal cavity and oral cavity.

This is only a preliminary manifestation of the disease, because the cancer cells are located in the bone marrow, so it is difficult to eradicate, and as the cancer cells spread further, the functions of other organs in the body will also be affected.

Think about it, where the bones of the human body are located, they are organs that are everywhere in the body like blood vessels.

After arriving at the destination, the highest building in Nadeko Village, Tsunade took a box of medicine from the counter and threw it to Takagi Shangren.

"At present, the disease is controlled with drugs, but there is no way to cure it."

"Medicine?" Takagi Shangren looked at the medicine, opened the lid and smelled it, the smell was a bit familiar.

"Is it Tsunade you researched?"

"No, it was developed by the doctors in Nadeko Village, but this drug can only suppress the disease. In addition, I have helped the patient perform a pulp replacement operation, but the effect is also not good."

"Pulp replacement surgery?" Takagi Shangren was speechless. "What's the use of the pulp replacement surgery in five days?"

Even in Takagi Naohito's time, it took seven days to prepare for a leukaemia marrow replacement operation. Earlier, the preparation period for a marrow replacement surgery was counted in months.

Do you dare to replace the bone marrow without cleaning up the cancer cells in the bone marrow?It's a ghost if it's useful after changing it!
"Let me see the patient's condition first."

(End of this chapter)

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