Follow General Cao to mix the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 865 Infantry and Artillery Collaboration

Chapter 865 Infantry and Artillery Collaboration
The more later generations, military development has emphasized the importance of parts. First of all, the popularity of military academies has made company and platoon-level officers no longer just the commander's mouthpiece. Special forces operations have become the mainstream, just like the famous failure cases in the United States. Black Hawk Down!

Therefore, Wang Hou followed the example of Guangkai Military Academy, and actively cultivated middle and lower-level officers, so that the 50-person team leader must have the experience and ability to deal with small-scale wars independently. The gentry grandfather commander is much more flexible.

After all, my grandfather is Situ and Sikong, even though I am my grandfather's No. 90 No. [-] grandson, I would not condescend to command two or three hundred poor men. The farmer watching everyone work.

It cannot be said that farmers do not have jade in the rough. Wei Yan and Deng Ai in history were all from poor farmers, and Wang Ping in the late Shu Han Dynasty, but in the entire Three Kingdoms, there are only two or three famous generals with such backgrounds.

These Eastern soldiers who pushed the cannon carts were also directly promoted from pushing farmyard manure. Facing the crossbowmen squads who often "gun battle" with the barbarians in the primeval forests of Liaodong all the year round, the results can be imagined
Shot in the head by an arrow, the stubby farmer fell onto the heavy Dongguo cannon cart before he could groan, and his classmates pushing manure to irrigate the ground were scared and turned around and ran away. The lack of cavalry in the front line was a disadvantage It was revealed that the Liaodong crossbowmen who rushed to attack almost killed the Eastern Army gunners pushing the cannons. The same large number of Eastern Army archers ran out from the second row in a panic, and it was too late to take aim. He directly pulled the bow to the full string and pointed forward, but at this time, the Liaodong crossbowman had already turned around and slipped away.

It was a shame for the infantry to have scars on their backs, but the crossbowmen didn't say that. The crackling feathers hit their backs like hailstones, making a crackling sound, but there were not many crossbowmen who were unlucky.

It is also the bionics learned by using rope life in the primitive forests of Liaodong. When fighting with the local aborigines and the ancestors of the Jurchens, it is difficult for you to know where the old hunter cats in the deep mountains and old forests are. The chances of being shot in the back are too great So crossbowmen had to carry a round shield like a turtle shell on their backs, and with helmets on their backs, their legs were tense, and they looked thrilling in the rain of arrows, but their lethality was not very high.

Here Wang Hou's sophistication is revealed. The Quwo army on the opposite side did not have cavalry in the front army, but he did have them. Equipped with a ring-sword and a light archer with a bow and arrow in his hand, it was enough. With the sound of hula, the front army shield suddenly opened, and big Xiliang horses galloped out.

If there is a Virgo with obsessive-compulsive disorder here, it will be quite comfortable, because the cavalry and crossbowmen in sight are like two wooden combs of the same size passing by, sticking out their tongues as they run. Bad things rushed back into the army formation nervously, while the cavalry galloped out, their eyes glowed, as if Yasuo saw the stone man with five residual blood, shouting Suo Liyekai pained rushed out.

Learn from the barbarians to control the barbarians!Learning from the Byzantine heavy cavalry's gun attack, it is now almost popular among the Kansai cavalry. Holding a shield in his left hand and holding a three-meter-long cavalry gun under his crotch, he flicked his big tongue, and five hundred iron cans fiercely met him. The crackling bow and arrow huskies rushed out. In just over 100 meters, the cavalry arrived within a few seconds of charging. As the lance kept being thrown backwards, a human body flew out like a doll.

The screams, the sound of throwing down the bow and arrow and turning around and running, I won't mention these, just say that the commander Wang Hou is wretched, and the cavalry under his command are also wretched enough, like a hot knife, just cut into butter, Before cutting to the end, it took a thick layer, retreated and ran away, and fled back again, only defeating the archer.

The Eastern Wei infantry in the back row even set up their spears nervously, and even fled back in panic and ran into the spear array, killing their own archers. However, these guys stopped abruptly more than 200 meters in front of them, pulled the reins of the horses, a horse drifted gracefully, and then trotted back to the front, watching the cannons being knocked down by the crowd, being trampled to death by the cavalry The archers from the Eastern Wei family, the angry Xin Ze, Chen Ang and other young generals from the Eastern Wei family kept yelling.

"Kansai's shrinking turtle!"

"All of them are Ivan cowards!"

However, this group of young young generals who are still young and full of animal blood have also revealed the arrogance of young people to the fullest. On the one hand, Wang Hougang, who took advantage of the big advantage, put down the binoculars with a smirk, and on the other end, the crackling business In the middle of the day, the sound of an explosion like the sky falling and the earth cracking has already been transmitted.

Anyway, according to the harassment of the thieves in Kansai, if we want to push these cannons in front of the thieves, I don’t know how many more people will die, how many times they will be harassed, and how much time will be wasted, so it’s better to let them go now!Amidst the roar, iron balls slammed into the crowd one after another, just like the city of Quwo, even heavy infantry wearing steel armor and holding iron shields couldn't compete with this thing with their flesh and blood!Amidst the rumbling sound, the heavy infantry of the Liaodong First Corps once again flew out like a bowling ball.

This is also the most primitive infantry coordination!Thirty or so cannons that could be used broke Wang Hou's former army like knocking out a front tooth. Immediately afterwards, Xin Ping's nephew Xin Ze, Chen Qun's distant descendant Chen Ang, and dozens of descendants of the aristocratic family raised their hands. With a sword in hand, he charged forward with his trilogy in his ass.

The posture of tens of thousands of people charging forward together is just like the younger brothers in Hong Kong and Taiwan movies of later generations chopping each other with knives. The densely packed spears are shaking, and the eyes are full of big mouths and big yellow teeth. The crowd on the side is screaming and coming to fuck you.

However, compared with these imposing guys, the Western Wei army is even more old. In the sound of clattering, the Chinese army that had just been shelled away quickly closed up, and the wounded soldiers were dragged behind, even at a distance of more than 100 meters. With only a few seconds of running time, these experienced front-line heavy infantry still had time to grunt and push forward a step before colliding with the swarming Eastern Wei army.

The brave are not allowed to advance, and the cowardly are not allowed to retreat. What we are talking about is right in front of us. Amidst the banging of weapons, countless spears are mixed together like branches. The heavy axes and spears are even entangled with the old-fashioned divination Clinging to each other, there is no way to let go.

There are also irritable Liaodong heavy infantrymen who simply let go of their axes and guns, and pulled out their ring-headed knives. Like a spinning top, they slashed and slashed into the enemy's formation. Those who can stand in the first row also have brave men, howling In the middle of the call, a guy like Li Kui, who was tall and thick, with a big beard and a fierce face, was holding a Liaodong heavy infantryman by the collar, and the heavy ax shone on his old face wrapped in an iron helmet, and slammed it hard Going down, he cut the heavy infantry soldier's face with blood.

This kind of fierce battle between the army and the army, the experienced and well-equipped Liaodong Army still took advantage of it. Even the two reserve corps formed temporarily did not lose the wind, but!In war, it is necessary to use the smallest casualties to bring the biggest blow to the enemy, and consume troops face to face. How is Wang Hou's style?

The Chinese army fought fiercely together. After that, the left and right armies of the Western Wei army also blew loud battle horns and marched forward. Especially the heavy cavalry of the left army, after starting from the position of formation, went around the battlefield first. After drawing a circle, the hooves of the horses that covered the sky went straight to the Kanto infantry who dared to challenge him on the plain and trampled hard.

Facing them was a row of more than three meters long, with blades nearly half a meter long. They gathered the most powerful pikemen in the Qufu garrison. They charged without following the charge at all, and kept adjusting their array. Strictly protecting the right side of the army.

(End of this chapter)

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