Chapter 850
From the beginning of the three-part world to the Western Jin Dynasty of the Three Kingdoms, power has been divided into three classes, while the world has been divided into four class forces. Whether it is Cao Wei or the Western Jin Dynasty, they are all emperors. Rising, but finally abandoned by Cao Pi, the poor family has been excluded from the political power.

The poor family here is actually not talking about the poor peasants who are poor, but the small landlords who have some assets and can afford to read, including the Guanzhong family who is now by Wang Hou's side.

The Western Han Dynasty can be regarded as the continuation of the Qin Empire. After Liu Bang entered Guanzhong, he made three chapters with the old Qin people in Guanzhong, and won the strong support of the Qin people. A large number of Guanzhong people poured into the Han army and became the main force to destroy Chu. Still a smash hit.

However, in the Eastern Han Dynasty, as Liu Xiu, who was supported by the Kanto gentry, came to the throne, the Kanto gentry who had the upper hand in numbers began to suppress Kansai frantically. At one time, the Luoyang court even wanted to give up Liangzhou to the Qiang people. Duan Jiong, a famous general, has been suppressed several times, and was given to commit suicide in the end. There is a contradiction between east and west, and the sharp contradiction between the Guandong family and the poor family who have been ministers for many generations can be seen.

This kind of contradiction has continued throughout the Wuhuluanhua. With the invasion of the Hu people, the poor families of the common people would rather take refuge in these Hu people than follow the gentry lords who occupy the ruling class, such as the famous former Qin Prime Minister Wang Meng, and later Song Wudi. Liu Yu once destroyed the Later Qin Dynasty and recaptured Guanzhong, but he could not rule. This is also related to this kind of contradiction. The military giants in Guanzhong finally mixed with the Xianbei people, forming the Guanlong military aristocratic class that flourished in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. The end of the rule of the gentry in the Sui Dynasty and Chen ended the grievances.

But now, this kind of grievance has been liquidated more than 400 years in advance, and that is today's dispute between East and West.

What Cao Pi wooed, and those who are now united with Sima Yi, are mostly the Kanto gentry who have occupied a particularly powerful position for four generations and three generations, and who have already occupied a particularly powerful position, while the Han clan who could not seek official positions and social status in Yecheng ran north in a hurry Run to the west, here in Wang Hou, don't care about your family affairs, first join the army, second run a business, and third go to college to study, those who study well can become masters and gain status and respect in society.

Wang Hou is not fair here, but compared to Kanto, at least as long as the outstanding talents work hard, they will definitely gain something!
The dispute between Wang Hou and Sima Yi is also the ultimate battle between the two classes. Since Wang Hou issued this solicitation order, the Kansai wealthy family, who is like a mirror in their hearts, can't wait for all the males to join the battle. Actively gathered in the army.

After waiting in Chang'an for another two days, when Wang Hou's core unit, the Liaodong First Corps and the Second Corps, arrived, the number of poor knights and poor merchants who joined the army with food and weapons even exceeded Wang Hou's expectations. Together, I am afraid that there are no less than 25.

If there are tens of thousands of people, there will be no boundaries, and a quarter of a million will completely become a sea of ​​corps!

It is estimated that this is also the most peak moment that a man can reach in his life. On the banks of the Weihe River and the Baqiao Bridge, the height of five or six meters stands in the wilderness, and there are black troops in all directions, with swords, guns, swords and halberds. The dense forest is like a mountain, whether they know it or not, but everyone's pupils are full of fanaticism and admiration, watching Wang Hou's body on this small mound of soil.

Leading Cao Zhang, the future emperor of the Han clan, to stand on the mound, Wang Hou has no doubt that as long as he gives an order, these 25 people will go through fire and water for him, and charge forward. No matter what, never back down!
And Wang Hou himself is going to do exactly this!
As a politician, Houhei Xue Wang Hou has practiced quite well. There is a Western proverb that a politician is a combination of a bitch, a liar, and a bastard. With the support of a large circle of copper horns, Wang Hou roared without blushing.

"Soldiers! Citizens of the Great Wei Empire, listen to me!"

He was extraordinarily excited, his movements were exaggerated, and he even looked like a head of state. He clenched his fists tightly in front of his chest, pointed his right hand to the east, and Wang Hou cried out in grief.

"His Majesty is dead!"

"Your Majesty died on the battlefield of defeating Wu. He is worthy of the glory of our Great Wei Emperor. However, His Majesty's body is not cold yet, but he has a small vain attempt to conceal the cause of His Majesty's death like Zhao Gao, the eunuch at the end of Qin Dynasty, and Hu Hai, the conspiracyr. A virtuous monarch like Ziying, the third son, His Royal Highness King Yong, will take the throne!"

"Before the death of the first emperor, he made a will to his brother and brother, that the throne should belong to His Majesty King Yong. I, the king of Guanzhong Tuqiu, will never allow such unrighteous things to happen. For the sake of the common people in the world, I ask all the elders in Kansai to follow me. Conquer the traitors!"

In the open field, Wang Hou's roar was heard under these big copper-skinned loudspeakers, and even spread hundreds of meters away, even the crowd at the end of the team could hear clearly.

However, Wang Hou's emotional performance seemed to be in vain. After the sound rippling for a few seconds, the echo like a flood echoed from all directions again, shaking people's hearts on this small dotted stage.

"Let's go!"


"Follow Daxingtai!"

There are even dozens of thick bearded men near Chang'an who look more like bandits than businessmen, roaring at the top of their lungs.

"Daxingtai, whoever you fucking say to beat, the younger one will hit, whoever you fucking say is the emperor, whoever is the emperor, send troops!"

"Send troops, send troops!"

The shocking, deafening sound shook the earth as if it was about to split open. Even Cao Zhang, who was supposed to be the protagonist, was full of enthusiasm. This is also Wang Hou's charisma as a leader. As a supporting role, Cao Zhang is willing to follow him!

The vast roar lasted for a long time, and even in the end, only the deafening general cannon was overwhelmed by the roar. A total of twenty cannons roared together, and the roaring fire suppressed the excited old Han soldiers with flushed faces roar.

Standing on the Dianjiangtai, he was also excited to the point where he couldn't control himself, his voice was trembling, and Wang Hou once again roared out what he thought was the most auspicious oath to go to war through the big copper speaker.

"Jing Nan Tian Tian, ​​send troops!!!"

This should be the most powerful force in the classical era!The improvement of the industrial level has greatly increased the armor rate of the army. Taking over the grassland has also directly expanded the stock of horses and vehicles in Wang Hou's territory. There are more than [-] heavy cavalry in the lead, wearing black armor and even wrapping their faces in black. The iron cavalry under the iron mask seemed to be killed from hell, full of murderous looks, and ran westward with extra momentum.

The horse's hoofs trampled on the ground.

"What a beautiful view!"

Riding closely behind the cavalry regiment, looking at the army that he couldn't see, Wang Hou boldly wanted to imitate the heroic poems of Han Gaozu, but he didn't hold back for a long time. What kind of ink came out, I could only shake my head dryly.

However, Zhuge Xin, the staff officer of Chang'an Academy behind him, immediately started writing in his small notebook.

In the fourth year of Huangchu, Gui Chou, the king of Liao conquered rebels, and the overlord governor boasted an army of 80: the scenery is beautiful with black scales and iron hooves, and the martyrs have boundless long lances!Let me bend my bow and shoot treacherous traitors, and give back to the world good rivers and mountains!
Not only was he writing furiously, but even the twenty or so Chinese army staff officers around him were wringing out their milk to write vigorously, so many years later, Wang Hou scratched his head in astonishment when he read a pile of memoirs.

Did I waste so many words back then?
(End of this chapter)

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